Regular PM Meeting: 6:30pm Wednesday, 11/4/2020
Meeting Called By: Lion Jeff
Type of Meeting: Business
Secretary: Lion Scott

Present: Jeff, Lesley, Carl, Joan, Al, Ratner, Scott, Jen, Dagi, Claire, Norm, Vijay, John Smith

Call to Order – 18:35

Virtual Flag Salute
Lions Support SCC Election 2020 – Recap, and GRATITUDE!

Al: 2 days, we did 4 deliveries. Wasn’t too crazy.
Steve: He and Ellen were there until 19:00, in case they needed them. Not much action.
Joan: Was told by the site leader that he “hopes they are bored”, which means they were properly resourced and it was uneventful.
Dagi: Her location was closed b/c of a virus scare. Did a pickup on Saturday. Ran into a traffic jam but it was ok. Sunday was very nice. Maybe 100 votes on Sunday and 150 on Saturday.

The Green House at Via West Campus, Open House!

Joan: It is a never-ending job. We have some things growing / producing (cucumbers). Green house is proving good to start plants and then move them to the garden. Pests can be an issue and the watering system takes tinkering [sic]. We have parts and pieces to improve the watering in the green house.

The event is outside and people space out and wear masks. Great Covid-era activity. Sign up for this Saturday or next Saturday at 11:30 – 1:30.

The board members have done a tour. Hoping for Summer opening but they need +/- 3 months to hire and train people. Likely will open in The Fall.

Two goals: Farm to table is the primary goal. Campers learn about ecology and where food comes from and do activities (harvest, etc.). Teaching opportunity is the other opportunity.
Joan has a list of one-off projects (mostly construction type projects). She’d love assistance with those. Joan will circulate that list. (she goes almost every day)

Thanksgiving Food Drive 2020 – COVID Style

Claire: We had an ad hoc meeting to discuss running the food drive on Monday night, what would we be collecting / distributing, etc. They came up with the framework of trying to serve the ‘normal’ families. We can’t really collect in the normal fashion due to Covid, but considering community based donations where we reach out to our own networks (Nextdoor, churches, etc.) to collect and drop them off at your home. We might also ask members to approach grocery stores and ask them for donations.

The regular boxes we do would just be too much, so we are going to cut out many items (i.e.: perishables, rice, etc.). We could also ask for cash (to then go to inexpensive grocery stores and purchase items). Sponsoring a family may be another interesting approach.

Claire will send out a plan / approach to the club in the next day or so. They are in the process of setting up Venmo for donations.

Good of the Pride, Any Lion

Leslye: I submitted a draft of our newsletter to Jeff. (screen shot below) Looks great! Quarterly is probably the cadence we’re looking at.

John Smith recommended we enter it in the district bulletin competition.

Jeff to write a “president’s post”. Al to figure out what volume we’re on.

Steve: Ellen and Steve went today to Via Camp West. He will use Wingets for mounting things on the walls. The board members walked through and liked what he was doing.

Al: Did some research on our finances. We generate about $1300 / yr through happy dollars, etc., which equates to about 30 dollars / member. Just based on that discussion Ratner sent a $30 check. If willing, send money to Al / 501c7 to help fund the tailtwister fund, etc.

Adjourn: 19:30

— Dates to Remember —

August 8th DG Rick Silveria Visitation AM meeting
– August 10th Cabinet Meeting Morgan Hill
Thanksgiving Food Drive, 21-23 November 2020 (Modified due to COVID)
Charity Crab Feed 2021 (might be modified due to COVID) Ride 4 Diabetes, next ride will be in 2021
All events on hold due to COVID & Related Public Health Orders

Regular Board Meeting: 6:30pm, 20 OCTOBER 2020
Meeting Called By: Lion Jeff Type of Meeting: Business Secretary: Lion Jill
Board Members in Attendance: Jeff, Eli, Jill, Leslye, Al, Jen, Vijay, Claire. DA Lions in Attendance: Steve
Call to Order – Lion Jeff at 6:33
1) September Minutes Approval: Lion Jeff moves to approve, Leslye seconds, approved unanimously.
2) Camp Via Train Project: Lion Steve is setting up a train at the camp across one room, and is working on mounting the board, which runs around the wall, to keep it up high from the kids. Steve has spent money on the project and is asking for a plan for funding this project from the board. There was $500 for maintenance in the budget already, so he gave Al the receipt for that. According to Steve, the man in charge of the facilities said it was fine to do the train. Do we want to ask Via to help supplement the cost? Al feels like we should do it alone, with a label for Cupertino De Anza Lions running on the train. We know we aren’t taking in the funds from the food drive so being cognizant of where we spend our money is a concern. The $500.00 dollars for maintenance could stay allocated to Steve, but then solicit funds from the club. Vijay mentioned he can pledge $500.00 and then see what other club members want to donate and there was some mention of others donating at an am meeting.
Al makes a motion to support up to 3,000 to place the model train in the separate activity building to be covered by the current year’s C-7 budget. Lion Eli seconds that motion. How much do we have left in the discretionary budget to possibly use?
Lion Eli makes an amended motion to pay for the train project that the funds should not exceed 1,900.00. Club members to be solicited for the funds first, and then determined by a collection of different resources within the club by the board. Lion Al seconds the motion. 6 vote aye, 1 vote nay, and 1 abstention. Motion passes.
3) 2020 Election Volunteering: mostly solid, but there is a team that has not been confirmed.
4) Food Drive 2020: Our support for those families has been long standing, and we should try to do something to support them in some way. We could create a committee, a suggestion is to donate to a food bank. If it’s non-perishables that can sit for a day then it might work for some drop offs. We also need to be aware of older members who should not be out in the community exposed to the virus when collecting, boxing, and dropping. For the schools, some families pick up school supplies so they could possibly pick up boxes of food the same way. Don Lang said that we could collect food and the Oddfellows could distribute it, but that wouldn’t be the same people that we usually donate to. It could be more of a drop off/drive through donation system as well. Leslye would be willing to allow us to use her garage as a holding place. Younger Lions could be more involved in the pieces that require more contact.
5) Perpetual Fund Investment Strategy: Lion Eli points out that we don’t have a clear philosophy about how to invest the funds, most likely conservatively. What level of investment are we comfortable with or not? Maybe there should be a committee to discuss this. Usually these funds are allocated in a safe fund and develops a moderate interest level, as does Shwaab for us now. Jeff and Al will talk to the Schwaab person and come back with information to the next meeting.
Meeting Adjourned at 7:58.

Cupertino DeAnza Lions Charities, Inc.
Lions Club of DeAnza Corporation Regular ZOOM AM Meeting 10/15/2020
Lion Ray Lancon presiding.
Lion Al Knox Secretary pro-tem Call to order at 10:03 AM precisely. Flag Salute by all Lions
Invocation by Lion Phil
Tail Twister Lion Herb
Lions Present: Lions Ray, Al, Phil, Bill, Don, Steve, Herb, Dagi, Eli, Leslye, Joan and John.
Tail Twister: Lion TT Herb his normal competence.
Guests/Visitors: None.
Motions made, seconded and Resolutions passed or defeated: None.
Lion Ray dispensed with the reading of the previous meeting since they were published.
A discussion was held regarding the Lion Volunteers for the
Registrar of Voters. Further information will be forthcoming on the
th 17 .
A discussion was held regarding the Via Campus West projects. A presentation (ppt) is available on the website under “What We Do” referencing the Green House and Garden. Additional work is needed. Please contact Lion Joan or Lion Dagi if your available to assist. Lion Steve indicated the installation of the Train is in progress.
A discussion was had regarding the Annual Food Drive; time is running short. Suggestions were made; however, the markets are not yet ready to allow our normal solicitation. Lion Ray will follow up.
A White Paper is forthcoming from the Treasurer’s Officer regarding recent changes to DeAnza Lions Perpetual Endowment Fund.

A reminder that the next Board of Directors Zoom Meeting is scheduled for 6:30 PM on Tuesday 10/20/2020.
Meeting adjourned at 11:00 AM. Additions, deletions and/or corrections to these minutes may be submitted to Lion Secretary pro- tem Al at or (408) 379-3199.
Respectfully submitted by: Lion Al
Secretary pro-tem



Lions Present at Zoom Video Conference: Lion’s Ray, Ron, Al, Steve, Eli, Mort, Kent, Joan, Phil, Don, Dagi, and Herb.

Dates to Remember –

– PM Zoom Meeting November 4, 2020 6:30 PM
– Thanksgiving Food Drive ?
– Annual Golf Tournament June 26, 2021
– Ride4Diabetes will be scheduled in 2021

Board Meeting Review –

Discussed the Train set for Camp Via West and approved a $1,900 budget for the project. Lion Steve said he will need some help from some of the younger and stronger club members to do some lifting.
Discussed the Camp Via West Garden project and said how well is was going.
Talked about the possibility of working with the Odd Fellows on the Food Drive. Also discussed the option of members putting a message on your local “Next Door” app asking for donations and put a box in front of your home for people to drop off non-perishable food items. Lion Prez Jeff will contact last years recipients to see if they would accept food donations this year.
The Perpetual fund was discussed about an investment strategy and setting up a committee to investigate. Lion Al will contact Charles Schawb to see what they would recommend, we would like to get at least a 4% return. If you have any ideas send them to Lion Prez Jeff or Lion Al or Lion Kent.
Lion Al said we received a Thank You letter from West Valley Community Services for our donation to their program.

Camp Via West – Lion Joan talked about getting compost tomorrow, Friday October 24 at 8 AM at the Cupertino City compost site. Lion Joan said we have approximately 80% of the planting done at this time. There is an effort going on to regulate the watering system in the green house and the outdoor garden. Lion Al asked Lion Joan if she could provide him with receipts from Cupertino Community services for the value of the produce we are giving them. Lion Joan and Lion Al will discuss this. Lion Joan talked about having a picnic for all club members in the Camp Via West amphitheater in November so club members could see the results of our hard work. Lion Kent said the Garden and Train set projects at Camp Via West would be a great article for the Cupertino Courier if we could provide them with photos and info.

Registrar of Voters – Lion Al said we have everything covered that we were asked for by the ROV. Lion Al said he would send out the info he has on the sites we are to cover. If anyone has any questions they can contact Angelina at the ROV at 408-282-3006.

Good of the Order –

Lion Dagi said she received an email from a mother who had been on our website asking if we might be able to help getting her son glasses as his broke and would not be able to get another pair for 6 months. Lion Ray said he contacted an individual at the Lions eyeglass center and he said they would be able to get the individual pair of glasses. Great work from Lion Dagi and Lion Ray in helping this individual. Lion Ray said that we are still collecting used glasses so keep up the good work. Lion Eli talked about the prisoners that work on and classify the returned glasses and that this is a skilled position that when the prisoners finish their sentence they usually have a job offer for their technical skills.

Lion Steve said he is able to get a 10% discount on the train supplies we need for the project.

Opportunity Drawing – None

Respectfully submitted by:
Lion Ron Ahearn

Cupertino DeAnza Lions Charities, Inc. Lions Club of DeAnza Corporation AM ZOOM Meeting Minutes 10/8/2020
Lions Present at Zoom Video Conference: Lion’s Ray, Ron, Al, Steve, Eli, Mort, Kent, Joan, Leslye, Phil, Don, Dagi, and Charlie.

Dates to Remember — PM Zoom Meeting November 4, 2020 6:30 PM

– Thanksgiving Food Drive ?
– Annual Golf Tournament June 26, 2021
– Ride4Diabetes will be scheduled in 2021

Camp Via West – Lion Joan talked about getting compost tomorrow Friday October 9 at 9 AM at the Cupertino City compost site. Lion Dagi said that she received some 1 gallon plastic pots from Lion Jim Gould. Lion Steve said he had some 6” plastic pots and Lion Don said he had some 3 & 5 gal pots if we wanted them.

Registrar of Voters – Lion Al said we have everything covered that we were asked for by the ROV. Lion Al said he would send out the training schedule to the individuals who volunteered so they can pick what training session they would like to attend via ZOOM.

Project Linus – Lion Leslye said Project Linus was a great success and is completed. Lion Leslye said that the Project Linus area coordinator said she might be able purchase more material for us if we wanted to make more blankets. She has to get approval from her Board first. There is a real need due to the fires in Northern California.

PM Meeting Review –
• 2020 Election Volunteering – We have submitted our volunteer slots as per the deadline. There were some unfilled positions, as Team 3 is open on the 2nd and 3rd, and Team 2 is open on the 31st and 1st in the afternoon. We do have 20 lines filled, which is about 8-10 people that are volunteering. Eli suggestedthat we put the magnetic signs on our cars, if possible, as we volunteer. *Note: We should find more of those signs for any of our activities. Jeff will explore.
• Perpetual Fund Update – The transaction is complete and the account is func-
tioning. We are ready to receive stock or cash or check at this point. Thank you, Al. Eli suggests there is a presentation to the club about this possibility of a stock donation, in lieu of cash or check. We also need to decide, as a board, how we manage this investment. It is brought up that we had discussed this as just being a way for people to donate stock. We need to go back and look at the minutes of our past discussions about the topic. It is not sitting in an inter- est free account.
• Lion Al made a motion that we turn the stock investment from Lion Steve into cash, pending approval by the board of the auxiliary fees. Seconded by Leslye. Discussion about putting our perpetual fund monies that are stocks into a var- ied type of account where it could earn interest or grow faster. This motion is around one stock that was gifted and is now motioned to sell. Motion passes unanimously.
• Lion Al sent a report to the City of Cupertino about Ride for Diabetes, asking them to continue to grant to the current fiscal year. Right now, Lion Sudha and Lion Al are authorized on the account. We still might have to return the $10,000.00 dollars if we don’t have a ride by next June.
• The new bylaws require an audit of the treasurer’s office at the end of the fiscal year. Lion Al will prepare a document on the steps that need to be taken by a 3- person committee to audit this fiscal year. The committee members do not have to be board members.
• Leo Advisors and Training: Jeff’s understanding is that Thelma was going to touch base with Liang, Sudha, and Kent about it. Jeff will follow up.
• Lion Al taking over the entering of our reporting the events and donations to LCI from Jill.
Good of the Order –
A discussion about a Cupertino DeAnza Lions monthly news letter. Lion Leslye and Lion Al will follow up on this idea.

Lion Kent said he had not been contacted yet about Leo’s Advisor training as of yet.

Lion Charlie said he would donate to installing the train set at Camp Via West and asked others to also donate so the funds would not come out of our budget.

Lion Eli talked about Bob (Gus) Gustafson who was a big supporter and a friend of many Lions. Bob passed away this past week and Lion Eli thought it would be a tribute to him if we provided a foursome for his family in the upcoming golf tournament.

Opportunity Drawing – None
Respectfully submitted by: Lion Ron Ahearn

Cupertino DeAnza Lions Charities, Inc. Lions Club of DeAnza Corporation AM ZOOM Meeting Minutes 10/1/2020
Lions Present at Zoom Video Conference: Lion’s Ron, Al, Steve, Eli, Mort, Kent, Joan, Leslye, Phil, Don, Dagi, and Charlie.
Dates to Remember –
– PM Zoom Meeting October 7, 2020 @ 6:30 PM Canine Companions will be participating
– Annual Golf Tournament June 26, 2021
– Ride4Diabetes will be scheduled in 2021
Camp Via West – Lion Joan said that Rick moved the trucks/vans so that we could unload the compost when we need to. Lion Joan said that the City of Cu- pertino compost site would close at the end of October so we need to get the compost before then. Lion Joan said she ordered a new four foot tube bender for the hoops which we need another thirty hoops for the garden. We also need to start the fall/winter planting of vegetables in the green house. Lion Joan asked if anyone had plastic 1 Gal. Planting pots that we could use in the green house, we could use about seventy of them. Lion Dagi said we have harvested about fifty bags of greens so far and a few squash donated to West Valley Community Ser- vices. Lion Joan and Dagi asked for more naming ideas for our garden so we can make stickers for the bags of vegetables we donate so that the recipients know who is donating them, so send any ideas for the name of our garden to Lion Joan or Lion Dagi. There was a discussion about creating a flyer for our website and to hand out with our donations so that individuals know what our goals are and what organizations we support. Lion Al said he would help making a flyer along withLion Leslye, Lion Dagi and Lion Joan. Lion Joan and Lion Leslye talked about giving a 3-6 minute presentation to the PM club member so they can visu- ally see what we are doing in the garden area at Camp Via West. Lion Joan said she would talk to Lion Prez Jeff to see if he would put it on the agenda for the October 7th PM meeting. Lion Steve talked with Rick the Camp manager about installing a train set in one of the buildings for the children to have. Lion Steve said it would cost around $2,500 – $3,000 dollars to get the train set and install it. There was a discussion whether the money could be better used for other projects. There was a suggestion that we set up a Go Fund Me page for the train setup so we would not use any of our Charity funds for this project.

Registrar of Voters – Lion Al said we have everything covered that we were asked for by the ROV except the third team shift in the afternoon. Lion Al said he would send out the training schedule to the individuals who volunteered so they can pick what training session they would like to attend via ZOOM.
Project Linus – Lion Leslye said Project Linus was a great success. She said she has received 113 out of the 117 blankets that were made and is trying to fig- ure out where the other four are. Lion Leslye said the Lions made 57 blankets and Lion Claire’s girl scouts and school made the other 60. Thank everyone for all their effort in supporting this good cause. Lion Leslye said she sent out a sur- vey to participants for their feedback.
Good of the Order –
Lion Kent wanted to give a shout out to Lion Dagi for her help with the Monta Vista Leo’s.
Opportunity Drawing – None
Respectfully submitted by: Lion Ron Ahearn




Lions Present at Zoom Video Conference: Lion’s Ray, Ron, Al, Steve, Eli, Mort, John S., Joan, Leslye, Herb, Phil, Bill, and Dagi.

Dates to Remember –

– PM Zoom Meeting October 7, 2020 @ 6:30 PM
Canine Companions will be participating
– Annual Golf Tournament June 26, 2021
– Ride4Diabetes will be scheduled in 2021

Camp Via West – Lion Joan said the planting of fall vegetables has started. All of the hoops and bird netting has been put up. Lion Joan said she will talk to Rick to see if he can adjust the water flow for the ground planting area. Lion Joan said she wanted to thank PM Lions Danessa and Sashi for helping out. Lion Joan talked about getting more compost from the city of Cupertino. Lion Eli said he would be available so they set it up for October 9th at 10 AM. Lion Ray to contact Lion Jeff to see if we might be able to borrow his truck for the day. Joan and Dagi said we need to come up with a name for the garden so that when we donate the food the people know who is donating it. Lion Steve said he went to the camp to talk with Rick to see if we can set up a train set for the kids. Lion Steve and Bill said it is doable and they will discuss it further with Rick.

Registrar of Voters – Lion Al said he will send out an email to our Lion volunteers so they can see the updates. Lion Al said he talked with Angelina at the Registrar of Voters (ROV) and she said that she could use more volunteers. Lion Al will see if we can come up with a couple more volunteers.

Project Linus – Lion Leslye said Project Linus was a great success. She said it started on time and went for two hours. She said she had received thirty blankets already but needs the other eighty by September 30th. Project Linus created 117 blankets and the majority of them will go to the fire victims in northern California.

R4D – Lion Al said he has been working with the City of Cupertino concerning the $10,000 dollar grant they provided us for the bike ride that was cancelled due to the coronavirus. The City has rejected our responses so far and said if they allow us to keep the grant the ride would have to take place before June 30, 2021. Lion Al said he has been working with Lion Suda and Lion Sashi to provide the answers to the questions the city is asking.

Food Drive – Lion Ray said he would contact Lion Jeff and Lion Jennifer Erickson to see if they can contact the different organizations we provide the food to see if they will accept it and will they be able to distribute the food once they receive it. Lion Don said that at this time the Odd Fellows Hall is not available due to the Coronavirus county guidelines.

Good of the Order –

Lion Steve said he was supposed to take Maria to her eye appointment in San Francisco but she was ill and it had to be postponed.

Lion John Smith gave us an update on Carmel. She is doing fine but is battling with the pain results of the radiation. All of her treatments are completed for now and will be getting a PET scan in six weeks. Carmel had a second opinion from Stanford and they agreed with the treatment that Kaiser was doing. Once they move to the South Bay Carmel would be able to participate in a drug trial by Stanford for genetic drugs.

Lion Joan said that the City of Cupertino was going to move the homeless encampment on Wolfe Road.

Lion Dagi said she took down the notice of the Canine Companion golf tournament from our web site. Lion Dagi said she would.

Lion Al said he would check with Lion Carl to see when the Go Fund Me page will be closed so he can report the final numbers for the golf tournament donations.

Just a reminder that Canine Companions will be participating in the October 7th PM meeting. A handler will be talking about the program and will have a couple of dogs with her.

Lion Ray asked Lion Al to send our donation check to the AJ Robinson foundation.

Opportunity Drawing – None

Respectfully submitted by:
Lion Ron Ahearn

Regular PM Meeting: 6:30pm Wednesday, 7 OCTOBER 2020
Virtual Zoom Meeting Called By: Lion Jeff Type of Meeting: Business Secretary: Lion Jill
Lions in Attendance: Jill, Jeff, Leslye, Dagi, Steve, Alan, Ron, Carl, Jenni, Joan, Vijay, Jen, Ray
Guests: Thida Cornes, Chelsea Noone, Shari R., Jeannie Ahearn

Call to Order – at 6:33
Canine Companions for Independence Presentation (PUPPIES!) – Shari Rodenberger, est. 1976, oldest and largest service dog org in the country. All the training and follow up costs about $50,000 per dog. She is a puppy raiser as well. Thida Cornes has one of these dogs and explains the process of what happens after the puppy leaves the raisers and how they match people and dogs. For Thida, the dog has been life changing for her independence. The Lions Club support helps to keep the program going for new placements. For the retiring dogs, CC helps to make sure the dogs are placed in a home. Shari and Fin (the Sharks dog!). Fundraiser coming up “Dogfest Bay Area”-virtual. Shari will send the info to Leslye who will pass it on to the club.

The Green House at Via West Campus – Lion Dagi and Joan: The project began in July and then planting of many vegetables and herbs. Successful transplants of seeds and plants were transplanted, some were not successful. 250 servings of food is what this has roughly translated to so far, and it is tripling. More planting and harvesting through the winter, hopeful for the spring harvest. Joan suggests a sign up sheet for when people can volunteer to help once a month. The types of things, the “todos” are always changing, but Joan can add that to the sign up sheet, with someone knowledgeable attending as well. A truck is needed this month for moving compost this Friday, the 9th. Mostly the tasks are planting seeds, harvesting, and repeat. Lion Eli and Lion Jeff volunteered their trucks. 9:00 meeting at the compost place. Always needing more volunteers to work with the resources that they have. This is more of a program, than a project.

Project Linus, New Model, Same GOOD! Lion Leslye: We ended up with 117 blankets purchased and we have turned in 114. There were more than 20 signed in on Zoom, 14 of which were elementary school students. The process seemed to have worked.

Thanksgiving Food Drive 2020 – COVID Style: The time is getting close and we can’t do things the same way we usually do, but we should reach out to the groups we normally give to because certainly the need is there, more than ever. Jeff wants to set up another small meeting with the Food Drive Committee to brainstorm ideas about how to try to meet some of the need through a different model.

Good of the Pride, Any Lion:
Lion Leslye has volunteered to lead a monthly club newsletter. Where will we post it and who will it be sent to.
The Board minutes are sent out one week after the board meeting to the whole club. If you miss them, just let Jill know and she can send them to you.

Meeting Adjourned at 7:26.




Lions Present at Zoom Video Conference: Lion’s Ray, Ron, Steve, Eli, Mort, Al, Joan, Leslye, Herb, Phil, Kent, and Dagi.

Dates to Remember –

– Project Linus Zoom Blanketeering September 19th 10am-noon
– PM Zoom Meeting October 7, 2020 @ 6:30 PM
– Annual Golf Tournament June 26, 2021
– Ride4Diabetes will be scheduled in 2021

Board Meeting Review –

Lion Al said we currently have 38 shifts covered for the Registrar of Voters which would make approximately $3,600 for the club.
The Board voted on selling the HP stock donated by Lion Steve and Ellen Ratner to the Perpetual Fund. The stock will be sold tomorrow.
The Ride4Diabetes sent in a report to the City of Cupertino asking them coextend the $10,000 grant for the ride which had to be cancelled this year due to the coronavirus.
Lion Al said the by-laws of the club says that the Club Treasurer needs to be audited at least once a year. Lion Prez Jeff will appoint three members of the club to do the audit.
Leo’s Advisory training is coming up for Lion’s Kent, Liang, and Sudha. Lion Al reminded Lion Kent the Monta Vista Leo’s club still needs to repay the three hundred dollars that our club loaned them.
Lion Secretary Jill said that Lion Al will now submit the MMR Report (Monthly Membership Report) report to LCI.
Canine Companions will give a presentation at the next PM Zoom monthly meeting.

Camp Via West – Lion Joan said there would be a work day tomorrow Friday at the Green House and Garden at Camp Via West for those who would like to help out at 9:30 AM , Lion Joan will send out a notice. Lion Steve said he would be coming up to talk with Rick concerning the train setup at the camp. Lion Joan said she would like to set up a google doc so club members could see what needs to be done on certain days and would be able to sign up for that task.
Lion Joan said they harvested twenty bags of greens and donated them to West Valley Community services. There was a discussion about designing a small label that we could put on the bags so individuals would know that we donated them.

Golf Tournament – Lion Al said at this time we have received $8,143 dollars in golf donations.

Registrar of Voters – Lion Al has sent the current signup sheet into the SCROV so they know what spots are still open. Lion’s Ron, Leslye, and Joan will cover the afternoon slot for team two all four days.

Project Linus – Lion Leslye said Project Linus is in full go mode. Lion Leslye said that Lion Claire has so many volunteers that she needs to go and purchase another 30 pieces of fleece. Lion Leslye said the packets are ready for pickup after 10 AM on this Saturday the 12th of September. She would like to have the blankets completed and returned to her by the end of the week, September 25th.
Lion Leslye said she has fifteen Lions club members signed up and Lion Claire has thirty-eight girl scouts and twenty six elementary school individual volunteers.

Good of the Order –

Lion Ray said there is a Go Fund Me page set up for Lion Linda Sanders son who lost everything in one of the California wildfires. Lion Ray said Lion Linda was doing well after her surgery. Lion Claire and Lion Leslye set up a sign up sheet for helping out Lion Linda and family with meals while she is recovering.

Lion Steve said he had talked to Maria and she has another eye appointment on September 25th. Lion Steve and Ellen will take her to the appointment in San Francisco.

Lion Ray said that he will send an email to Lion John Smith to see if he is getting the club notifications.

Lion Joan said that the City of Cupertino was going to move the homeless encampment on Wolfe Road.

Lion Leslye asked Lion Dagi to take down the notice of the Canine Companion golf tournament from our web site. Lion Dagi said she would.

Lion Ray asked Lion Al to send our donation check to the AJ Robinson foundation.

Opportunity Drawing – None

Respectfully submitted by:
Lion Ron Ahearn

Regular Board Meeting: 6:30pm, 15 SEPTEMBER 2020
Meeting Called By: Lion Jeff Type of Meeting: Business Secretary: Lion Jill
Board Members in Attendance: Jill, Jeff, Al, Leslye, Eli, Jen,
Guests Call to Order – lion jeff at 6:34
1) August Minutes Approval: Jeff motions, Leslye seconds, unanimous approval.
2) Member Status: Charles Ice: We received a letter stating that someday he plans to return to Lions, but does not know when. He would accept the Privileged Status as we offered. Lion Al makes the motion that we bestow on Lion Charles for one year and pay his dues as a privileged member. Lion Eli seconds the motion. Motion by Lion Al Knox. Whereas: Lion Charles Ice has recently become inactive because of personal reasons. Whereas: Lion Charles Ice has provided the Cupertino DeAnza Lions Club with over fifteen years of valuable service. Whereas: The Board of Directors of the Cupertino DeAnza Lions Club wish to bestow unpaid Privileged Membership for one year beginning October 1, 2020 and terminating September 30, 2021. Resolved: The Board of Directors do hereby authorize the Treasurer to pay the LCI, MD4 and 4C6 dues of Lion Charles Ice for the aforementioned period. Unanimously approved.
3) District 4c-6 Highlights: we were early adopters for the Zoom format and continuing to make efforts to support our charities.
4) MJF 2020-21; Note from Lion Sue, District Coordinator We have several MJF, 12 to be exact, to give to members. They are encouraging us to move forward and name these in the near future. Our plan was to donate to Campaign 100 and have already achieved the level we were looking for, even though LCIF has extended this to 2022.
5) 2020 Election Volunteering: we have submitted our volunteer slots as per the deadline. There were some unfilled positions, as Team 3 is open on the 2nd and 3rd, and Team 2 is open on the 31st and 1st in the afternoon. We do have 20 lines filled, which is about 8-10 people that are volunteering. Eli suggests that we put the magnetic signs on our cars, if possible, as we volunteer. *Note: we should find more of those signs for any of our activities. Jeff will explore.
6) Perpetual Fund Update: the transaction is complete and the account is functioning. We are ready to receive stock or cash or check at this point. Thank you, Al. Eli suggests there is a presentation to the club about this possibility of a stock donation, in lieu of cash or check. We also need to decide, as a board, how we manage this investment. It is brought up that we had discussed this as just being a way for people to donate stock. We need to go back and look at the minutes of our past discussions about the topic. It is not sitting in an interest free account.
Al makes a motion that we turn the stock investment from Lion Steve into cash, pending approval by the board of the auxiliary fees. Seconded by Leslye. Discussion about putting our perpetual fund monies that are stocks into a varied type of account where it could earn interest or grow faster. This motion is around one stock that was gifted and is now motioned to sell. Motion passes unanimously.
7) Good of the Pride:
Al sent a report to the City of Cupertino about Ride for Diabetes, asking them to continue to grant to the current fiscal year. Right now, Lion Sudha and Lion Al are authorized on the account. We still might have to return the $10,000.00 dollars if we don’t have a ride by next June.
The new bylaws require an audit of the treasurer’s office at the end of the fiscal year. Lion Al will prepare a document on the steps that need to be taken by a 3-person committee to audit this fiscal year. The committee members do not have to be board members.
Leo Advisors and Training: Jeff’s understanding is that Thelma was going to touch base with Liang, Sudha, and Kent about it. Jeff will follow up.
October 7th PM Meeting: Canine Companions will be our guest speaker for a 15-20 minute presentation.
Lion Al taking over the entering of our reporting the events and donations to LCI from Jill.
Adjourned: 7:18.