PM Meeting Minutes: October 2020

Regular PM Meeting: 6:30pm Wednesday, 7 OCTOBER 2020
Virtual Zoom Meeting Called By: Lion Jeff Type of Meeting: Business Secretary: Lion Jill
Lions in Attendance: Jill, Jeff, Leslye, Dagi, Steve, Alan, Ron, Carl, Jenni, Joan, Vijay, Jen, Ray
Guests: Thida Cornes, Chelsea Noone, Shari R., Jeannie Ahearn

Call to Order – at 6:33
Canine Companions for Independence Presentation (PUPPIES!) – Shari Rodenberger, est. 1976, oldest and largest service dog org in the country. All the training and follow up costs about $50,000 per dog. She is a puppy raiser as well. Thida Cornes has one of these dogs and explains the process of what happens after the puppy leaves the raisers and how they match people and dogs. For Thida, the dog has been life changing for her independence. The Lions Club support helps to keep the program going for new placements. For the retiring dogs, CC helps to make sure the dogs are placed in a home. Shari and Fin (the Sharks dog!). Fundraiser coming up “Dogfest Bay Area”-virtual. Shari will send the info to Leslye who will pass it on to the club.

The Green House at Via West Campus – Lion Dagi and Joan: The project began in July and then planting of many vegetables and herbs. Successful transplants of seeds and plants were transplanted, some were not successful. 250 servings of food is what this has roughly translated to so far, and it is tripling. More planting and harvesting through the winter, hopeful for the spring harvest. Joan suggests a sign up sheet for when people can volunteer to help once a month. The types of things, the “todos” are always changing, but Joan can add that to the sign up sheet, with someone knowledgeable attending as well. A truck is needed this month for moving compost this Friday, the 9th. Mostly the tasks are planting seeds, harvesting, and repeat. Lion Eli and Lion Jeff volunteered their trucks. 9:00 meeting at the compost place. Always needing more volunteers to work with the resources that they have. This is more of a program, than a project.

Project Linus, New Model, Same GOOD! Lion Leslye: We ended up with 117 blankets purchased and we have turned in 114. There were more than 20 signed in on Zoom, 14 of which were elementary school students. The process seemed to have worked.

Thanksgiving Food Drive 2020 – COVID Style: The time is getting close and we can’t do things the same way we usually do, but we should reach out to the groups we normally give to because certainly the need is there, more than ever. Jeff wants to set up another small meeting with the Food Drive Committee to brainstorm ideas about how to try to meet some of the need through a different model.

Good of the Pride, Any Lion:
Lion Leslye has volunteered to lead a monthly club newsletter. Where will we post it and who will it be sent to.
The Board minutes are sent out one week after the board meeting to the whole club. If you miss them, just let Jill know and she can send them to you.

Meeting Adjourned at 7:26.