Omar’s Dream Run is in its 7th year, and like in the past few years, it was held at Hellyer Park in South San Jose. Our club provided extra tables and support for financial transactions. Lions Eli, Ron, Jeff and Mike looked after the hauling back and forth of tables and chairs, while Lion Al and Barb took care of the financial side. Lion Claire participated with her two girls, and all 3 got a medal! Way to go!

As usual the event was amazingly well organized with dozens of young students volunteering with the elaborate set up. Lion Al estimates that around $ 50k were donated to the cause – which will provide learning tools, like computers, to young hospitalized students who can follow their classes from their hospital beds.  As last year, Lion Claire’s friend Portia sent a little note and posted a few photos, too:

Hello! Here are some pictures of my niece and her classmate Coral, who Omar’s Dream sponsored after we connected them after the run last year! She is in remission 🎉❤️ and receiving maintenance chemo treatment. Her parents are both active military and they are being transferred to Columbus, OH soon, so we were so lucky to get to run with her this year!

More details to come





On Monday, August 19th, My New Red Shoes, a charity sponsored and supported by Lion Claire and the Club, had a major event at the School in Alum Rock Area. A few lions showed up for the first shift from 9:00 – 11:30, helping to set up an enormous amount of brand-new shoes, albeit not all red in all sizes, for boys and girls, men and women. Even before the official opening, visitors, mostly families with several children, were lining up, to have first pick. The shoes are donated by stores around the Bay Area – mostly single pairs not available in all different sizes. But that did not seem to bother the little ones — main thing was that the new shoes fit


The volunteers were assisting with measuring feet, and picking the appropriate size, trying to make sure that the person was comfortable with the new shoes after a few steps up and down the aisle. Everybody also got a colorful bag to take the gift home. There were many smiling faces – and we are just waiting for one of the official photographer’s pictures.

On Saturday, Aug 17th, the district had scheduled a service project to clean up the Lions San Martin building and park area.

The San Martin Lions provide our district with a place to hold cabinet meetings, social events plus many more events for free including parking the AJ Robinson truck and trailer.
Our own Lion RC Ray Lancon was there and took a couple of pictures.
Thanks to him and other Lions that made some time on the weekend!

On Saturday, June 22nd, 2019, approx 80 golfers turned up at Moffett Golf Course in Mountain View for our 32nd annual charity golf tournament. Club volunteers had been on site since 7:00am in the morning to set up everything, from registration to electronic display board, from silent auction table to breakfast station, and just about everything that makes our tournament such an attraction. Half a dozen youngsters from LEO clubs and other youth organisations showed up just in time when registration opened. They helped get golf bags onto the carts and assisted in many other ways. Shot gun start was at 10:00am on this beautiful sunny day. Everybody seemed to have a great time going around the 18 hole golf course, stopping at the beer station or at the club house for additional sustenance, and at the photo booth for a group picture.

Around 3:00pm the first teams came in, visibly tired but also in good spirits. Teams that handed in their score cards were entitled for a pitcher of beer per foursome. Food was served right then, with hamburgers and all trimmings plus baked beans. The MC’s performed the awards ceremony while golfers were eager to find out whether or not they had won one of the raffle prizes.

Final financial numbers for this fundraising event are still outstanding, but the feedback so far from lots of participants was very positive, and appreciative.

Earth and Arbor Day in Cupertino!
We had a booth on 4/13/19, from 11:00  – 3:00pm.  We had a few fellow lions who filled in 2 hour slots and helped set up and tear down
The event was held at Civic Center Plaza, 10350 Torre Ave. Cupertino; we were one of 77 booths with exhibitors and show rooms. Our displays and flyers attracted quite a few visitors, while kids were keen on planting a marigold seed in a paper cup filled with good soil.

Dear Fellow Lions and Friends

We spontaneously put on our 11th Blanketeering night on Thursday March 28th, 2019, at 6:30pm as always at the Odd Fellows Lodge # 70, at 20589 Homestead Road in Cupertino. Under the guidance of Lion Les and with the help of Lion Carl, fleece had been procured from Joann’s craft store. Fourteen adults and 7 kids worked for a good two hours to complete 55 blankets for the LINUS organization. Sharon Lee, our liaison to LINUS, did a small presentation to describe the purpose of the blankets; she also brought great scissors together with the other tools required for blanketeering. Lion Claire brought 4 brownies, including two of her kids, while Lion Prez Jeff was present with the 3 youngsters from his family. While the adults were mostly occupied with cutting the fringes, the little ones were busy tying the knots. In one of the breaks they were entertaining the adults and themselves with a few songs. Everybody seemed to have good fun making 55 blankets for a good cause.

We thank all lions and friends and family, as well as the kids, and of course Lion Don and the Odd Fellows for letting us use their hall which is just perfect for this event.






Cupertino, May4th, 2019 – Helen Hu, a Sophomore at Lynbrook High School, was awarded first place at the 2019 Lions Student Speaker Contest – District level on April 20th, 2019. Helen previously had won the Club level contest held by the DeAnza Lions Club, the Zone level contest as well as the region level contest.

Helen Hu was one of 4 high school students (winners of region level contests) participating in the Lions Club district level contest held at the American Legion Post on Walsh Avenue, Santa Clara.

The topic was “Freedom Of The Press – What Does It Mean?”

This is the 82nd year that the Lions Student Speaker Contest is being held.

As a winner, Helen will advance to the Area level competition, which will take place on May 11th,  2019 – Tierra Linda Middle
School 750 Dartmouth Ave., San Carlos, Ca 94070 @ 2PM

According to the rules from Lions International, the winner at each level can advance through Zone, Region, District, Area, and the Final Contests. The venue for this year’s final contest will be announced soon. The Grand Winner will be awarded a $10,000 scholarship although accumulated winnings at each level will amount to $20,000 in scholarships and some cash.

Lions Club International is the world’s largest service club organization with more than 1.4 million members in over 200 countries and geographic areas around the world. Since 1917, Lions clubs have aided the blind and visually impaired and made a strong commitment to community service and serving youth throughout the world.


“WHAT A GLORIOUS CELEBRATION LAST NIGHT!” – These are the words of our intrepid President, Lion Jeff, praising the 50th anniversary Charter Night of our club
“The history in the stories, 4 new members inducted by PDG Liz Crooke, the bigger picture of Lionism, and lovely fellowship — we had over 50 adults, and near 10 kids, a fantastic time together!”
Lion Prez Jeff led through the 3 hour event and introduced the speakers, mostly  ‘oldtimers’ like Lion Al, Lion Bill, Lion Phil, Lion Don and Lion Eli, while Lion John Smith, now president of the Montgomery Garden Lions Club up in Sonoma, reminisced eloquently about the more recent history of the club; he finished with a call for participation in a big ‘Eye Clinic’ event at the end of April.
Lion Prez Jeff also thanked the fellow club members that played a major role in the organization of the event, and especially the LEO who looked after the kids
More details and photos will be available in a few days.
“Here’s to many, MANY more years of service and fellowship as we go forward together as the Cupertino DeAnza Lions…!” – a final wish of our Prez Jeff.

Dear Lions All

Here is a link to our President’s thoughts of our Crab Feed event on February 9th, 2019!

Anatomy of a Lions Charity Crab Feed


On Dec 8th, Lion Ray and his wife Barbara once again opened their beautifully decorated home to welcome current and future lions with partners and kids, about 50 adults and 10 kids all told. Newcomers and potential members were brought in by Lion Liang, with our new Vice Mayor and Cupertino City council member, Mayor Darcy Paul, and Jon Willy (new city council) and several other Cupertino citizens offering to help with the next bike ride. Lion Muni took pictures of the new group, who all received membership forms.
The food was plentiful, with everything from meatballs to Mac & cheese to salads and a whole bunch of desserts. Lion Steve donated the wine while the club provided beer, water, soda and juice for the kids. Lion Carl brought a specialty cocktail of fruit with Bourbon Plus. It was a big hit.
Music sheets were passed out to all for the Christmas Carol Sing-Along with “The Blue Bells”, consisting of Lions Eli, Scott, Carl and Kent as well as little Eli and Lion Jenni.
A good time was had by all.
We thank the Lancons for organizing the party and for all contributions large and small, verbal and musical
Contributed by Lion Ray