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2019 Charter Night – 50th Anniversary of the DeAnza Lions!

“WHAT A GLORIOUS CELEBRATION LAST NIGHT!” – These are the words of our intrepid President, Lion Jeff, praising the 50th anniversary Charter Night of our club
“The history in the stories, 4 new members inducted by PDG Liz Crooke, the bigger picture of Lionism, and lovely fellowship — we had over 50 adults, and near 10 kids, a fantastic time together!”
Lion Prez Jeff led through the 3 hour event and introduced the speakers, mostly  ‘oldtimers’ like Lion Al, Lion Bill, Lion Phil, Lion Don and Lion Eli, while Lion John Smith, now president of the Montgomery Garden Lions Club up in Sonoma, reminisced eloquently about the more recent history of the club; he finished with a call for participation in a big ‘Eye Clinic’ event at the end of April.
Lion Prez Jeff also thanked the fellow club members that played a major role in the organization of the event, and especially the LEO who looked after the kids
More details and photos will be available in a few days.
“Here’s to many, MANY more years of service and fellowship as we go forward together as the Cupertino DeAnza Lions…!” – a final wish of our Prez Jeff.