Board Meeting Minutes, 6/21/2016

Type: Board Meeting

Meeting Date: June 21, 2016

Meeting Time: 7:33 pm

Location Knox Compound

Lions present: Lion Prez Jeff and Lions Steve, Bill, Vijay, Al, Amy, Ron, Charles, Carl, Eli, and Walt.

GOLF DEBRIEF – It looks like this was our most profitable tournament ever! Kudos to Lion Amy and all those who helped. Lion Amy expressed special thanks to Lion Jenny for her help with challenges of food and beer.

Lion Al reported our net profit as $18,569.71 less Lion Jenny’s expenses which appear to be about $100. The net is still $1,000 more then last year. The difference is attributed to an increase in sponsorship. There were fewer golfers then last year.

The course was in good condition. However there were some clichés. Moffett Field had allowed golfers onto the course earlier in the day. This resulted in several problems. The parking lot was full when our golfers started to arrive. Some carts were not available when golfers showed up. The shotgun start had to be revised because of golfers still on the course.

Other concerns…Returning golfers wanted to know why there was no pizza this year. A slow four some delayed players behind them; some of which were our tournament sponsors.

The Board set a tentative date of June 17, 2017 for next year’s tournament.

2. GOOGLE, OB SPORTS & THE GOLF COURSE AT MOFFETT FIELD – Lion Vijay reported he has been in contact with his friends at Google. This prompted Google to have Josh Blynn, Director of Health and Performance meet with OB Sports, the management people at the golf course. A couple of the board members reported that on the day of our tournament that Gary and some of his people at the course seemed to be more helpful as the day went on.

3.  FINANCIAL REVIEW – Lion Al reported the Foundation’s books were up to date through May 31st.  Not all budgeted distributions have been made. Money originally allocated for Wounded Warriors has been held over and will be reassigned to another veterans group next year. At the request of Lion Ray we did not distribute $1,500 to the Blind Center. We had budgeted $3,000 for LCIF but with a $5,000 credit we holding off sending any more.

Lion Vijay has the books on the Club’s financials. He has asked that Lion Al hold over and help him with the books for the first meeting or two.

4. BUDGET MEETING FOR 2016/2017 – The budget meeting will be combined with the board meeting for July. The date has been changed to 7/26/2016 at 6:30 pm. Note the change in time. Lion Al has offered to host the meeting at his home. All Lions are invited to attend.

5. Summer Installation/Tail Twister Party – Lions John and Leslie have volunteered to host the party at their home. It will be held in August. Date to be determined. We have a check for Ambikanagar Lions’ Dr. Byakod and will present it to him if he can come to the party or can attend one of our PM meetings.


CRAB FEED: The event has been tentatively set for January 28, 2017. Lion Charles noted we need to have the key positions filled by September. It was recommended that this budget item be more conservative because of many unanswered questions. We have still not heard from the Rotarians as to whether they will partner with us. If not who will fill the jobs they normally take care of? Lion Jim has been busy dealing with his job and his dad. Lion Steve has volunteered to call Rotarian Lester. Both Lion Steve and Lester have a common interest in collecting old vinyl records.

NEW MEMBERSHIP: The Board approved the membership application of Jennifer Smith effective July 1st. Jennifer is the daughter of Lion John Smith and sister of Lion Claire Kalia. Welcome Lion Jennifer Smith!

Meeting adjourned ~ 9:00 pm.

Lion Walt
