A.M. Meeting Minutes, 6/16/2016

Lions Present: Ray, Walt, Phil, Amy, Steve, Bill, Al, Dagi, Eli, Mort, Herb, Kent, John, Ron and Charlie.

Visitors: Steve Hoy

Dates to Remember

–      Tonight: June 16th, 5 pm, Golf Tournament Preparation Party, Ratner home, 2779 Glorietta Circle, Santa Clara

–      June 18th, De Anza Lions Golf Fundraiser, Golf Club at Moffett Field, 934 Macon Rd, Moffett Field.

–      June 21st, Board Meeting, Knox home, 217 N Milton Ave, Campbell.

–      July 23rd, 11 am, Back Pack for Kids Assembly Day, San Martin Lions Hall, 12415 Murphy Ave, San Martin.

Tail Twister We were all happy to see the return of our Tail Twister, Lion Herb. Lion Kent gave a Happy Dollar for his “37th” Wedding Anniversary. Happy Anniversary Lion Kent and Nancy!

Golf, Golf, Golf –

Tournament looks to be successful. We have 92 paid golfers.  With pledges the number increases to 111.

Work Party: 5 pm tonight at the Ratner home. You presence is requested. Lion Steve says there will be plenty of food and drink.

Donations: Lion Steve said we have $11,600 in donations but will likely be closer to $12,000 by the time of the golf tournament. He has pulled out six items to be saved for the crab feed next year.

Signup Sheet: Lion Amy passed around the sign-up sheet. Many tasked still available. Please visit http://bit.ly/1Y4u1NK and see if there is something you can help with.

Friday Storage Run: There will be a run to the storage locker to pickup supplies on Friday, 2:30 pm. Volunteers still needed.

Saturday Tournament: Volunteers needed beginning at 8:00 am. You can come in either through the front gate or Ellis street gate. You will need to show your drivers license and let them know you are there for the golf tournament. Since we only have two Leos committed to coming, Lions are needed for greeting and car-side service to bring in golf bags. Lions will also be needed to put the “goodie bags” and lunch bags in the golf carts.

Muffins and pizzas will be available (under cover) for the volunteers.

Golfers will have free access to the driving range beginning at 9 am.

This year Moffett will supply beer, cups, and ice. We will supply the jockey box. Lion Amy said an ice chest is needed for extra ice. There was a discussion on tipping. Lion Amy said she normally tips 20 – 25% but it will depend on quality of service. Lion Ray suggested we don’t burn any bridges, as we may want to return next year.

Scoring: Gary, from the golf shop will provide a computerized scoring form. Lion Dagi has volunteered to be in charge of entering scores.

Raffle will be during dinner. Thank You‘s will be just before the raffle.

The will be no placks at the golf tournament for the Bronze sponsors this year. They were not ordered in time. Lion Jeff will personally thank those Bronze sponsors who are not Lions.

Sunday: Volunteers are needed on Sunday for cleanup and return items to storage. Meet at Lion Steve’s home at 10 am.

Good of the Order

Lion Mort said we needed to thank Lion Amy all her efforts. Thanks Lion Amy!! In response, Lion Amy wished to thank all those who have or will be helping out in the tournament this year.

The Board Meeting will be next Tuesday, June 21st, at Lion Al’s home. Thanks Lion Al for again volunteering to host the meeting.

Opportunity Drawing – Congratulations to our winner, Lion Dagi.

Lion Walt
