Entries by lionsatdeanzaclub

A.M. Meeting Minutes, 6/16/2016

Lions Present: Ray, Walt, Phil, Amy, Steve, Bill, Al, Dagi, Eli, Mort, Herb, Kent, John, Ron and Charlie. Visitors: Steve Hoy Dates to Remember –      Tonight: June 16th, 5 pm, Golf Tournament Preparation Party, Ratner home, 2779 Glorietta Circle, Santa Clara –      June 18th, De Anza Lions Golf Fundraiser, Golf Club at Moffett Field, 934 […]

Lion Bill – At Ninety he is Going Strong at Via West

Super trooper Lion Bill Reed once again brought us together for a maintenance weekend at Via West Camp in Cupertino. On Friday, 5/27, he drummed up support from 7 fellow DeAnza Lions (Al, Ray, Ron, Don, Steve, Herb, and Mike) to help clean, wash down and prep benches and the BBQ area at the Camp. […]

Flag Days 2016

As in previous years, the DeAnza Flag Team under the leadership of Lion Mort had very successful presentations at 2 local schools during the past school year. It started with a Flag Presentation for three 3rd grade classes at Kathryn Hughes Elementary School in Santa Clara on Oct 15, 2015, with Lions Mort, Ann, and […]

A.M. Meeting Minutes, 06/09/2016

Lions Present: Ray, Walt, Phil, Steve, Don, Bill, Al, Jim, Eli, Kent, John, Leslie, Ron, and Charlie. Dates to Remember –       June 16th, 5 pm, Golf Tournament Preparation Party, Ratner home, 2779 Glorietta Circle, Santa Clara –       June 18th, De Anza Lions Golf Fundraiser, Golf Club at Moffett Field, 934 Macon Rd, Moffett Field –       […]

A.M. Meeting Minutes, 6/02/2016

Lions Present: Ray, Walt, Phil, Don, Steve, Bill, Al, Eli, Kent, John, Ron and Charlie. Dates to Remember –      June 3rd, 10:15 am, Hughes Elementary School, 3rd Grade Picnic, Fairway Glen Park, at the intersection of Calle De Primavera/Avenida De Angelina in Santa Clara –      June 7th, Election Couriers. Contact Monique Herrera, Monique.herrera@rov.sccgov.org –      June […]

We have another Key Award Winner!

Congratulations to Lion Charlie Waters! Membership Key Awards recognize individual Lions who invite new members. A Lion can earn their first membership key by inviting two new members and may earn up to seventeen keys. Each key is designed to reflect the number of new members a Lion has sponsored. The officers and directors of Lions […]

A.M. Meeting Minutes, 5/26/2016

Lions Present: Ray, Walt, Phil, Don, Steve, Bill, Al, Dagi, Mort, Eli, Herb, Kent, John, Ron and Charlie. Dates to Remember –      May 27th – 28th, Camp Via West Maintenance Party, 13851 Stevens Canyon Rd, Cupertino –      June 3rd, 10:15 am, Hughes Elementary School, 3rd Grade Picnic, Fairway Glen Park, at the intersection of Calle […]

A.M. Meeting Minutes, 5/19/2016

Lions Present: Ray, Walt, Phil, Don, Steve, Bill, Al, Eli, Herb, Kent, John, and Ron. Dates to Remember –      May 27th – 28th, Camp Via West Maintenance Party, 13851 Stevens Canyon Rd, Cupertino –      June 3rd, 10:15 am, Hughes Elementary School, 3rd Grade Picnic, Fairway Glen Park, at the intersection of Calle De Primavera/Avenida De […]

Board Meeting Minutes, 05/17/2016

Type: Board Meeting Meeting Date: May 17, 2016 Meeting Time: 7:33 pm Location: Knox Compound Lions present: We welcomed back Lion Prez Jeff. Also present were Lions Ray, Bill, Al, Amy, Charles, Vijay, and Walt. 1. FINANCIAL REVIEW/UPDATES – Financials are in good shape and on target. Lion Bernie no longer has signature authority. Lion […]

A.M. Meeting Minutes, 5/12/2016

Lions Present: Ray, Walt, Phil, Bill, Al, Dagi, Mort, Eli, Herb, Kent, John, Ron and Charlie. Dates to Remember –      May 11th – 14th, Lions District 4-C6 Convention, Woodlake Red Lion, 500 Leisure Ln, Sacramento. –      May 17th, 1:30 pm, Flag Day at Sutter School, 3200 Forbes Ave, Santa Clara –      May 17th, 7:30 pm, […]