AM Meeting Minutes for 5/25/2017
Lions Present: Lion’s Ray, Ron, Phil, John K., Don, Bill, Steve, Jim, Mort, Eli, Herb, John Noone, Kent, Walt, and Charlie.
Dates to remember –
- Via West work party May 26th 1:00 PM May 27-28th 9 AM
- June 2nd Flag / Hot dog day start 10:45 AM
- Packing Party Lion Steve’s home June 15th at 6:00 PM
- Golf Tournament June 17, 2017 at Moffett Field Golf Course
- LCIF/ADA Ride4Diabetes on August 26, 2017 De Anza College
Tail Twister – Tail Twister Lion Herb went around and collected Happy Dollars for the Warriors. We had two Lion Birthdays with Lion Phil rolling a 9 paying $7.20and Lion Eli rolling a 5 paying $4.00.
Via West – Lion Bill said we are all set for Friday May 26th at 1:00 PM to do repairs on the fire pit benches and prep for painting/staining on Saturday.
Crab Feed – Lion Ray said Saint Williams is not available for the Crab Feed any longer as they are transforming the auditorium into another venue so we need to start looking at another venue for the crab feed. We might look at St. Joseph’s in Cupertino for January 20th or 27th, 2018.
Golf – We had hoped for a demonstration of the TV but was not able to get it together. We will continue the TV option since the cost is minimal. Lion Steve Ratner and Lion Charlie Waters said they would provide the funds for the purchase of the LED sign and asked Lion Ron to order it. Lion John K. said he would contact Lehigh Cement for a sponsorship. Lion Eli said that the food menu was set. Lion Steve said he is working on getting golf balls for the goody bags. Currently we have $7,970 in donations. Lion Kent said we currently have six Leo’s signed up for the morning and afternoon shifts. There will be a packing party at Lion Steve and Ellen’s home on Thursday June 15th at 6:00 PM. The main thing now is we need “More Golfers” and Tee sign Sponsors so round up your groups and get them registered with Lion Jen Smith before the end of May as the price goes up to $130.
Ride4Diabetes – Lion Kent said he is putting a slide show together for a presentation to the Almaden Cycling club on June 7th which Lion John Noone and Lion Ray Lancon will present as Lion Kent will be out of town for the event. Lion Kent said we need someone to set up the Ride4Diabetes booth at the ADA TourdeCure event on Sunday June 11th. The YMCA has agreed to promote our ride at their 11 Bay Area locations and they can set up a tent at our ride to try and get new members.
Good of the Order –
Lion Ron read a Thank You letter from the YMCA Camp Sequoia Lake for our generous donation to their 2017 Annual Campaign which helps provide a safe environment and personal growth to children and families who attend their summer camp programs.
Lion Kent said he could set up a presentation for the Golf event when he returns on June 10th if people send him the information they want on the slide show.
Lion Jim Gould asked how much money we have spent on the Ride4Diabetes and if we have covered it yet, Lion Kent said at this point we have not covered the expense.
Opportunity Drawing – Congratulations to Lion John Noone who won the opportunity drawing.
Respectfully submitted by:
Lion Ron Ahearn