A.M. Zoom meeting minutes for 9/17/2020
Lions Present at Zoom Video Conference: Lion’s Ray, Ron, Steve, Eli, Mort, Al, Joan, Leslye, Herb, Phil, Kent, and Dagi.
Dates to Remember –
– Project Linus Zoom Blanketeering September 19th 10am-noon
– PM Zoom Meeting October 7, 2020 @ 6:30 PM
– Annual Golf Tournament June 26, 2021
– Ride4Diabetes will be scheduled in 2021
Board Meeting Review –
Lion Al said we currently have 38 shifts covered for the Registrar of Voters which would make approximately $3,600 for the club.
The Board voted on selling the HP stock donated by Lion Steve and Ellen Ratner to the Perpetual Fund. The stock will be sold tomorrow.
The Ride4Diabetes sent in a report to the City of Cupertino asking them coextend the $10,000 grant for the ride which had to be cancelled this year due to the coronavirus.
Lion Al said the by-laws of the club says that the Club Treasurer needs to be audited at least once a year. Lion Prez Jeff will appoint three members of the club to do the audit.
Leo’s Advisory training is coming up for Lion’s Kent, Liang, and Sudha. Lion Al reminded Lion Kent the Monta Vista Leo’s club still needs to repay the three hundred dollars that our club loaned them.
Lion Secretary Jill said that Lion Al will now submit the MMR Report (Monthly Membership Report) report to LCI.
Canine Companions will give a presentation at the next PM Zoom monthly meeting.
Camp Via West – Lion Joan said there would be a work day tomorrow Friday at the Green House and Garden at Camp Via West for those who would like to help out at 9:30 AM , Lion Joan will send out a notice. Lion Steve said he would be coming up to talk with Rick concerning the train setup at the camp. Lion Joan said she would like to set up a google doc so club members could see what needs to be done on certain days and would be able to sign up for that task.
Lion Joan said they harvested twenty bags of greens and donated them to West Valley Community services. There was a discussion about designing a small label that we could put on the bags so individuals would know that we donated them.
Golf Tournament – Lion Al said at this time we have received $8,143 dollars in golf donations.
Registrar of Voters – Lion Al has sent the current signup sheet into the SCROV so they know what spots are still open. Lion’s Ron, Leslye, and Joan will cover the afternoon slot for team two all four days.
Project Linus – Lion Leslye said Project Linus is in full go mode. Lion Leslye said that Lion Claire has so many volunteers that she needs to go and purchase another 30 pieces of fleece. Lion Leslye said the packets are ready for pickup after 10 AM on this Saturday the 12th of September. She would like to have the blankets completed and returned to her by the end of the week, September 25th.
Lion Leslye said she has fifteen Lions club members signed up and Lion Claire has thirty-eight girl scouts and twenty six elementary school individual volunteers.
Good of the Order –
Lion Ray said there is a Go Fund Me page set up for Lion Linda Sanders son who lost everything in one of the California wildfires. Lion Ray said Lion Linda was doing well after her surgery. Lion Claire and Lion Leslye set up a sign up sheet for helping out Lion Linda and family with meals while she is recovering.
Lion Steve said he had talked to Maria and she has another eye appointment on September 25th. Lion Steve and Ellen will take her to the appointment in San Francisco.
Lion Ray said that he will send an email to Lion John Smith to see if he is getting the club notifications.
Lion Joan said that the City of Cupertino was going to move the homeless encampment on Wolfe Road.
Lion Leslye asked Lion Dagi to take down the notice of the Canine Companion golf tournament from our web site. Lion Dagi said she would.
Lion Ray asked Lion Al to send our donation check to the AJ Robinson foundation.
Opportunity Drawing – None
Respectfully submitted by:
Lion Ron Ahearn