A.M. meeting minutes for 6/30/2022

Cupertino De Anza Lions Charities, Inc.
Lions Club of De Anza Corporation
AM in person & ZOOM
Meeting Minutes for June 30, 2022

Lions in person: Lion’s Ray, Ron, Al, Barbara, Don, Joan, Steve, Leslye, Trevor, Kent, Bill R., Herb and Charlie.

Zoom – None Technical Difficulties

Dates to Remember –
– July 17th De Anza Lions ITC Party
– October/November ROV ???
– February 4th Lions Charity Crab Feed

Tail Twister – Tail Twister Lion Herb collected donations from club members for a successful golf tournament and the upcoming Fourth of July.

Golf Tournament – Lion Al said we will net approximately six thousand dollars for the tournament. Final numbers will be out shortly. Lion Ray asked for any suggestions on how to make the golf tournament better, you can just send him an email. So far all responses have been positive.

Camp Via – Lion Joan said said the merger between Camp Via West and AbilityPath has been announced. We are excited to announce that effective July 1, 2022, Via Services officially becomes affiliated with AbilityPath, making the newly combined nonprofit one of the largest providers of services for individuals with developmental disabilities on the Peninsula, offering the most comprehensive portfolio of services throughout a person’s lifetime. Both organizations share a common mission and vision for the future: ensuring those we serve achieve their full potential and are included in all aspects of our community – from the classroom to the workplace. Lion Joan said the harvesting of vegetables has been increasing from winter into summer.

ITC Picnic – Lion Barbara talked about the upcoming ITC Picnic which will be held on July 17th starting at 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM at Cupertino Memorial Park, with lunch at noon. Lion Barbara said we currently have twenty eight people signed up for the event. Attached to the meeting minutes is the flyer for the party.

Good of the Order –

Lion Leslye said the Clubs newsletter was going well and will be sent out to the club shortly.
Lion Al read a letter the Lions received from Camp Via West. The letter is attached so all Lion members can read it.
Lion Al presented the 2022-2023 budget to the AM club on June 30th for vote and it was accepted. He will now present it to the P.M. club at their next meeting on July 6th, 2022 for final approval.
Lion’s Barbara, Al, and Steven with his wife Ellen are taking a trip to Watsonville today to deliver clothing and other items for the local farmworkers.
Lion Ron read an email he received from the “Fish Market” stating that it was closing the Santa Clara Fish Market for good but the “Fish Markets” in Palo Alto and San Mateo will continue operating.

Opportunity Drawing – Lion Don won again and he is taking over the perennial winner Eli. Congratulations Lion Don

Lion Ron Ahearn