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Installation-Tailtwister-Charter ‘Night’ event – Great Celebration Picnic

On Sunday, July 17th, 2022, the DeAnza Lions celebrated a 3-in-1 event, organized in big parts by Lions Barbara and Al Knox, the new First VP/Secretary, and the new (and former) Treasurer respectively. It all happened at the picnic area in Memorial Park in Cupertino, where around 50 – 60 Lions with family members had gathered under shady canopies, enjoying a beautiful summer day and the company of fellow Lions. Lion Jeff, our outgoing president, addressed the club members a last time in his official function, thanking all for the last 9 years (and vice versa) before a catered lunch was served by 3 former girl scouts. After lunch Former District Governor Liz Crooke thanked the outgoing board members for their service and inducted the new president and his new ‘cabinet’.

Awards were presented to quite a few lions – congratulations!

Lion John, our new president for the next two Lion years, gave an overview over his ambitious plans for the club, with visitations to other clubs and invitation to speakers at our meetings already in full swing. Lion Prez John remarked after the event:

“A big Lions Roar to Barb Knox and her team for all the hard work in organizing the picnic.  We have a new team installed, congratulations to those who received their well-deserved awards and we really impressed Installing Officer, Liz Crooke (which is not easy).  Great Job, Barb and Al”.