A.M. meeting minutes for 2/24/2022
Lions in person: Lion’s Ray, Ron, Don, Joan, Leslye, Steve, Bill R., Eli, Herb, Bill H., and Kent.
Zoom attendees : Lion John S. And Lion Charlie
Guest – Lion Trevor from the Redwood Shores Lion Club. Lion John Smith introduced Lion Trevor to the club and would hope that he might join our club.
Dates to Remember –
– February 26th Project Linus Zoom at 10AM
– Cupertino Earth Day April 23rd
– Annual Golf Tournament Monday June 20, 2022
Spring Valley Golf Course, Milpitas 12:30 PM
Tail Twister – Tail Twister Lion Herb collected donations from club members for Lion Leslye and Project Linus. Lion Steve also gave a happy dollar for his wife Ellen’s twin sister visit.
Board Meeting review – Lion Leslye said there were only three Board members in attendance so there was no quorum. Another Board meeting will be set up.
Student Speaker Contest – The student Speaker contest consisted of three high school students. A winner was picked and will go onto the Zone contest. It was brought up that the club needs to follow the rules set up for the student speaker contest as we only had one judge and we should have at least three. The zoom presentation went well but we need more participation as far as judges, timers, and tellers.
Golf Tournament – The flyer for the tournament has been completed and sent out to club members so we can start recruiting golfers. The club needs at least 48 golfers minimum to hold the tournament and we would like at least 72. Discussions were held concerning the different grouping of golfers, if you have any ideas please pass them forward to Lion Ray or Eli. Lion Steve said we have received a couple more donations for the Raffle/Auction. It was talked about giving out certificates instead of plaques too winners to help keep the cost down.
Project Linus – Project Linus will be held this Saturday February 26th via Zoom from 10:00 am til 11:30 am like we did last year which was very successful. Lion Leslye said it looks like we will make approximately 144 blankets for Project Linus. Lion Leslye said she would like to have all the blankets completed and turned into her by Wednesday March 2nd. Lion Leslye said this will be the clubs 12th year doing Project Linus.
Camp Via West Garden – Lion Joan said the we have captured four moles and one ground squirrel so far. The company we have hired to help us with the mole problem will come out tomorrow for their third visit. Lion Danessa is learning how to help with the capture of these little devils. Lion Joan said she harvested quite a bit yesterday and donated it to West Valley Community Services.
Good of the Order –
Lion John S. gave a report on the club officer nominating committee and that he was disappointed that we were not able to have get a lady 1st VP that would be our next President in 2 yrs. If you are interested is this position please contact Lion John Smith or Lion Barbara Knox. Lion John said that the job could be as small or as large as the President wants to take on.
Lion John reported on helping out at the Hunger at Home event and said they filled approximately 200 cars with food. He also mentioned that since the inception of the program they have served over 8.1 million meals. Lion John said he could see this as an event that we could support in the future both financially and with volunteers.
Lion John said that he and Lion Al will coordinate the Santa Clara Valley Registrar of Voters (ROV) efforts with club volunteers. During the last election the club made approximately six thousand dollars for the clubs charity. Lion John will send out information and a request for volunteers to the club for the elections in June and again in November.
Lion Ray reminded everyone that if you want to order Girl Scout cookies to please contact Lion Claire for her girl scout troop.
Lion Steve said he and Lion Prez Jeff are working on the wifi system at Tony and Albas to help improve the PM zoom meeting experience.
Opportunity Drawing – Congratulations to Lion Bill H. for his first win in the opportunity drawing.
Lion Ron Ahearn