A.M. meeting minutes for 2/3/2022

Lions in person: Lion’s Ray, Ron, Al, Don, Joan, Steve, Anne, John S., Bill R., Eli, Herb, Bill H., Kent, and Charlie.

Zoom attendees : Lion Dagi.

Dates to Remember –

– February 19th Hunger at Home Paypal Park 8 to
11:30 AM
– February 20th Student Speaker Contest
– February 26th Project Linus Zoom at 10AM
– Cupertino Earth Day April 23rd
– Annual Golf Tournament Monday June 20, 2022
Spring Valley Golf Course, Milpitas 12:30 PM

Tail Twister – Tail Twister Lion Herb collected donations from club members for the beautiful weather we are having but we need the rain.

P.M. meeting review –

Cupertino Earth Day – The city of Cupertino is having an earth day celebration on April 23rd from 11AM to 3 PM and asked if the club would like to participate. We are looking at having a small project for the kids to do concerning the well being of the planet.

Golf Tournament – Lion’s Ray said we signed a contract with Spring Valley Golf Course in Milpitas. The tournament will include a lunch and steak dinner. It was brought up that the auction items that we had for the Charity Crab feed will be used for the golf tournament which is worth approximately $2,300.
Project Linus – Project Linus will be held on February 26th via Zoom as we did last year which was very successful. Lion Leslye said Lion Claire has two schools who want to participate. The schools have a budget of $1,300 and the club has a budget of $600. Those who want to participate needs to contact Lion Leslye and she will set up a bag with their requested fleece and other items so they can swing by her home and pick them up from her front porch. Lion Leslye said she will need paper shopping bags to put the items in so if you have any to donate please let her know.
Student Speaker contest – Lion Sudha will send out information on the student speaker contest soon
Club Officers – Lion Prez Jeff appointed Lion’s Barbara, John S. and himself on the committee to look for new officers for the club. Currently we need a 1st & 2nd Vice President along with some committee members.

Good of the Order –

A discussion was also held concerning the attendance at the P.M. meeting which has been very low since the pandemic started. It was discussed about how we could get back to a normal PM meeting, like possibly alternating PM meeting sites between Holders Country Inn and Tony and Alba’s. We need to send out a survey on this matter. Members should make a commitment to attend at least one meeting per month.

Lion Kent talked about having a social director for the club to help set up events for club members to attend and get back to socializing with each other.
Discussions were held concerning the Camp Via West garden and the problem we are having with “Bernard” the mole and possibly ground squirrels. Lion Joan said she talked with someone concerning the problem and they are going to try and resolve it for us. It was also brought up that the heater in the green house is not working, so the plantings we have in there are not doing well because of the cold weather we are having.
Lion Ray said the contract for the golf tournament has been signed and we will be playing at Spring Valley Golf club in Milpitas. The flyer for the golf tournament is being worked on, so now we need to start getting golfers and sponsors.
Lion Bill Hershey said he would contact Lion Sudha concerning the R4D event to see if he could help. If we are going to have one we need to get on the Cupertino City calendar.

Opportunity Drawing – Congratulations to Lion Don who (again) won.

Lion Ron Ahearn