A.M. Meeting Minutes, 6/23/2016

Lions Present: Ray, Walt, Phil, Steve, Bill, Al, Eli, Herb, Kent, John, Ron and Charlie.

Dates to Remember

–      July 23rd, 11 am, Back Pack for Kids Assembly Day, San Martin Lions Hall, 12415 Murphy Ave, San Martin.

–      July 26, 6:30 pm, Board Meeting/Budget Meeting, Knox home, 217 N Milton Ave, Campbell.

–      August Date TBD, Summer Installation/Tail Twister Party, Lions John & Leslie Home, 7628 West Hill Lane, Cupertino.

Tail Twister The generosity of our members surprised everyone today. Many “Happy Dollars” were given in celebration of the success of our Golf Tournament. It was Lion Steve’s birthday and rather than roll the dice he made a donation. It was also Lion Bill’s 90th birthday. In his honor we all chipped in “Happy Dollars”. Happy Birthday Lions Bill and Steve!

Review of the Golf Tournament – Lion Al said we would net around $18,000, our most profitable golf tournament ever. Thank you to Lion Amy and all those who helped to make this happen.

OB MANAGEMENT: We discussed the increasing costs of doing business with the Moffett Field Golf Course since OB Sports took over management. Lion Vijay has taken up our concerns with Google and appears he may be able to get us some concessions. Kudos to Lion Vijay for taking up this task, being a Gold sponsor, and agreeing to take over treasurer position from Lion Al.

EVALUATION & FEEDBACK: Lion Carl has emailed all club members an evaluation form, http://goo.gl/forms/dnMO4K9RBlvMBKPd2 Please fill it out NOW and include comments you heard from those non members who were at the tournament.

SILENT ACTION:  Lion Steve reported there were two items that received no bids. 1) Two tickets value up to $170 for any performance of the 2016/2017 Silicon Valley Theater Works. Note: As of this afternoon they were sold. 2) Two tickets valued at $170 for Paso Robles Golf Course. It was suggested we offer them to one of the golfer who paid for a player who did not show up. The tickets would be offered in lieu of a refund.

VOLUNTEERS: There does not seem to be enough volunteers signing up or showing up for our major events…golf tournament, food drive, and crab feed. Need to remind everyone their assistance is needed at each of these events.

Review of Board Meeting

GOLF: Big success. More volunteers needed. Some glitches but we were able to work through them. Tentative date of next year’s tournament is June 17, 2017.

FINANCIAL REVIEW: Some distributions not made this year. They include 1) Wounded Warriors…money will be given to an other vet group next year. 2) $1,500 not distributed to Blind Center. 3) $3,000 we budged for LCIF is being withheld until we see if the $5,000 credit we have with LCIF still stands.

BUDGET MEETING: The 2016/2017 budget meeting will be held in conjunction with the Board Meeting at 6:30 pm on 7/26/2016. Kudos to Lion Al for volunteering to host it.

TAIL TWISTER PARTY: The party and Installation of Officers will be held in August. Date to be determined. Thanks to Lions John and Leslie Noone for volunteering to host it.

CRAB FEED: We have not heard back from the Sunnyvale Sunrise Rotary Club. Lion Steve has offered to contact Rotarian Lester Santos. Both Lion Steve and Lester have a common interest in collecting old vinyl records.

MEMBERSHIP: The Board approved the membership application of Jennifer Smith. Jennifer is the daughter of Lion John Smith and sister of Claire Kalia. Welcome Lion Jennifer! Lion Bernie Reeber has moved to Oregon and no longer a member of our club. Best wishes, Lion Bernie! That leaves the club with a net of 41 members. Time to look for some new members.

Opportunity Drawing

Congratulations to our winner, Lion Ron.

Lion Walt
