Revised AM Meeting Minutes for 1/25/2018

Lions Present: Lion’s Ray, Ron, Phil, Don, Bill, Steve, Al, Dagi, Jim, John,
Kent, Joan, Vijay, and Charlie.

Dates to Remember –

February 3, 2018 Annual Crab Feed @ St. Lawrence Church
February 8, 2018 Student Speaker Contest Odd-Fellows Hall
February 9-11, 2018 MD-4 Convention in San Diego
March 8, 2018 Zone Student Speakers contest.
June 16, 2018 Annual Golf Tournament at Moffett Field

Tail Twister – Tail Twister Pro-Temp Lion Jim received Happy Dollars from various Lions. Lion Ron gave a Happy dollar for the appearance of Lion Jim.

Crab Feed – Lion Al said we have 189 for the first seating and 97 for the second seating at this time. He said he thinks we have at least another 20 to come.
Lion Ray asked Lion Jim about bibs and Lion Jim said he would order them today. Lion Jim will let Lion Ray know when he can drop off the buckets for the marinara sauce and salad dressing. Lion Jim said him and Lion Carl discussed the amount of food we would need and the thought is we will need about 550 lbs of crab. Lion Jim said he got one keg of beer donated from the ‘Redi Room’ and we are paying cost for the extra keg, Paul & Eddies charged us $10 over cost.
Lion Jim said he talked with ‘Stuft Pizza” about getting pizza from them for the Leo’s and said it would cost about $150. Lion Kent said we currently have 20 – 30 Leo’s for each seating. Lion Jim contacted Farallon Fisheries and they said the price of crab will be about $9.50/lb. Lion Steve said we currently have $6,400 in donations. Lion Steve made prints of the silent auction and raffle items for both seating 1 and seating 2. Lion Ray and Ron got the jockey box and confirmed the CO2 tanks are full and Lion Ron will clean the jockey box. Lion Charlie said the 5 propane tanks are set and ready to go. Lion Vijay said Lion Amy will have one of the square charging station.

Student Speaker Contest – Lion Dagi said we currently we have two speakers with hopefully more to come. Volunteers are still needed. Contact Lion Dagi for further information. A reminder that the Student Speaker contest will be Thursday February 8, 2018 at the Odd Fellows Hall in Cupertino starting at 7 PM. Lion Dagi would like the volunteers to arrive at 6:30 PM. Lion Ray reminded Lion Dagi that the Zone Speech contest is March 8, 2018.

Charter Night – Lion Ray said Charter Night will be March 24, 2018 at the Blue Pheasant restaurant in Cupertino. He will send out a menu list for attendees to select from.

Good of the Order –

Lion Kent said he contacted the gentleman from the City of Cupertino about our video segment in the Cupertino State of the City video event at the city council meeting on January 31, 2018. Lion Kent said it would be televised on the community channel at noon. He also said that the Cupertino Host club will also be recognized. It was also brought up that a member or members of the club needs to a attend the Chamber of Commerce meetings since we are a member.

The membership database was brought up about needing to be updated and Lion John Noone and Lion Al said they would work on it and make sure all the info is correct.

Opportunity Drawing – Congratulations Lion John won the opportunity drawing.

Respectfully submitted by,
Lion Ron Ahearn