Regular AM Meeting Minutes, 7/15/2010
Cupertino DeAnza Lions Charities, Inc.
Lions Club of DeAnza Corporation
Regular Meeting 7/15/2010
Lions Present: Lion Prez Steve, Ron, Phil, Don, Yvonne, Dan, Ray G., Al, Dagi,
Jim, Eli, John S., Bill, Ray L., John N., Mike M., & Charlie.
Guests/Visitors: None
Tail Twister: Lion Tail Twister Jim started off by fining Lion Charlie for saying he
might not be able to pick his car up from Lion Jim because he was going to play
golf. He also fined Lion Ray L. for being the ex-president.
Dates to remember –
– Bingo Lion Jim G. and Lion Mike Martin July 19th
– District Governors Visit July 29th
– Scales of Justice Charter Night & Installation of Officers July 29th
– ACS Car Show July 31st
– Los Gatos Lions Visit August 5th
– American Diabetes Association Step Out Walk August 10th
– Board Meeting August 10th, Place TBA
– Scales of Justice Desserts & Dawgs 2010 August 15th
– Next Bingo August 16th Dagi & Leslye N.
– Lions Eye Foundation Anniversary Celebration September 11th
Guest: None
Board Mtg. Recap – Lion Al went over the final 2009-2010 budget. The Club
budget net profit was $1,052.02 positive. The Community budget net profit was
The 2010-2011 Proposed budget was approved as submitted. The
Administrative budget shows a net income of $43.00. The Community budget
shows a net income deficit of $1,097.00 so the club needs to work a little harder
to make up for the deficit.. A discussion followed with a motion to accept the
2010-2011 budgets as presented and was accepted.
Golf Update – Lion Eli stated we currently have $1,800 currently pledged. Lion
Eli stated that he had talked with Lion Kent and that they had between 3 and 5
possible new sponsors they are working on. Lion Kent is starting to make a big
push on major sponsors. Lion Ron talked with Lion Yvonne about either a tee
sponsor or major sponsor again this year and she said they would be a $500
sponsor. Thank you very much Lion Yvonne and Dan Fimby. Lion Ron has got
one new tee sponsor and is working on two more. Currently the tee sponsor
committee has eight tee sponsors. Lion Prez Steve said they had sent out 50%
of the donation requests with good responses. They will send out the other
donation requests shortly. Lion Eli stated that Paul and Eddie’s will have at least
one foursome and possibly two.
Lion Eli said he was going to take the DeAnza Lions Sponsor/Golfers information
packages to the Dayton Valley Lions golf tournament with him this week to see if
he can get some more players and/or sponsors.
It was also mentioned that on the KRTY community web page they had left the
“a” off of the “” URL so anyone tying to get to our webpage
using the web link provided would be able to get to our web site. Lion Eli sid he
would mention it to Lion Pat Coppe.
Community Outreach – Lion Charlie stated that him and Lion Herb were waiting
for school to start again so they can contact the Campbell Middle school
representative (Margo) to see what the status is of the five coupons that they
were provided and to get things started again.
Good of the Order – Lion Ray G. talked about the Cupertino War Memorial Golf
tournament on August 23, 2010, cost is $250 per person.
Lion Mike Martin mentioned that all of our Lion’s stored crab feed materials are
now out of Lion Jim Gould’s leased garage. Lion Jim G. did mention that he
does have five tables that need to go into storage. Lion Jim did say he might
need help at the end of July to move the rest of his left over stuff moved out.
Lion Yvonne talked bout the upcoming American Cancer Society car show
coming up on July 31st and would like to be on next weeks agenda to talk more
about the car show. She stated that ther would be approximately seventy-five
people the Lions would have to cook for.
Opportunity Drawing – Congratulations, Lion Yvonne won the money.
Respectfully submitted by:
Lion Secretary Ron