PM Minutes: March 2018




Cupertino De Anza Lions Club: PM Minutes

March 7, 2018 6:30 PM Meeting

Location: Tony & Alba’s Pizza

Dates to Remember….

March 8th Zone Student Speaker contest

March 24th Charter Night Dinner

June 16th Golf Tournament


Lions in Attendance:Jill, Carl, Steve, Linda, Al, Jim, Mary, Ron, Phil, Ray, Jen, Amy, Mort, Anne, Eli, Vijay, Mike R.


Esteemed Guests: Ellen, Barb, Eli, Angelie, Lion Melinda Blaza


∞    Call to Order: Carl Erickson in charge, pledge lead by the LIon Littles at 6:37.

∞    Tail Twister:   Happy Dollars all around!                                                                             

∞    Charter Night:     Charter Night sign up being passed around (sign up on the sheet or email Ray), choose Prime Rib, Chicken, Salmon, or Veggie dish.  $40 per person, children are free. Remember it’s a cash bar, and you will be billed later for the meal. The DG will be there with his wife and he is starting a new club in Monterey, who helps previously incarcerated individuals with their rehabilitation.                          

∞    Golf Tournament Kick-off: Lion Amy has some draft forms for the entry form and flyers.Cost is still $120.00 Jobs that need to be replaced are registration (collecting the forms/data entry, etc.). Someone who would like to shadow Amy   to be in charge next year. Al said that this is his last year doing his part, and we need someone to shadow Steve and Ellen because this is their last year getting donations. Start sending out save the dates since it’s Father’s Day weekend. GET golfers!  We can’t send the forms out until we get someone for registration. Amy will send out an additional email asking for those positions to be filled.

∞    Review Board Meeting:  Bike Ride discussion was tabled because no one was at the board meeting from the bike ride was there to answer our questions.  Since the board meeting, though, Lion Muni, Liang, John, and Kent. The name, budget, and date were discussed as what was voted on and we want to make sure that we stay within what the board voted for. At the last AM meeting, people who were signed up came to the meeting to present ideas.  We need to have a rep from the Ride to be at the board meeting.

∞    Good of the Order:   

  1. Introduce guest Lion Melinda Blaza who is running for Vice District Governor, she spoke at the morning club a year ago. From Milpitas Gateway ( a small club of 18).  She visits us every year and thanks us for all we do- she is proud that we include our children. She is also in charge of family and women development for the zone and she brings us up in that situation.  The problem she sees is membership, so the more members we bring in the more help there is for our communities. Melinda would also like to see more unity in the club through visits and working together.Melinda brought pens, too.        
  2. Amy distributed mail to whoever might help, as in Al.  This includes information about conventions and the Lions in Sight field trip.  We ourselves donate approx. 6,000 pairs just from our club. It’s a great trip to see how these glasses get distributed.
  3. Zone Speaker contest is tomorrow night.  We have three students competing in our zone.  We give monetary rewards to the winners of the contests at different levels.  Come to the Oddfellows Hall tomorrow night at 6 pm.
  4. The DAL will be honored on April 3rd at 6:45 at Cupertino City Hall at the City council meeting for our support of veterans.  Lion Eli and Ray will be representing us at that meeting. The more people that want to show up for that would be great.    


Meeting Adjourned at 7:08.