PM Meeting Minutes: Sept. 2020
Lions in Attendance: Jeff Ludlum, Claire Kalia, Al Knox, Leslye Noone, Jenni Erickson, Carl Erickson, Steve Ratner, Joan Chin, Ron Ahern, Ray Lancon
Call to Order at 6:36pm
Flag Salute – “Lions-to-Be”.
Welcome Guest(s) / Distinguished Lions, etc.
Tail Twister, Let’s Go ‘Round for Some Lion Love. Lions shared their virtual ‘happy dollars.’ General discussion about Via West, fleece blankets for Project Linus.
Charity Golf Donation Drive 2020 Recap. Lion Al reported that between July 8 and September 2 we have raised $8043. Lion Jeff asked if all expected donations have arrived and Lion Al said that they have.
Project Linus, New Model, Same GOOD! Lion Leslye reported that she and Lion Jenni bought the fleece and the next step is to put the kits together. She needs paper grocery bags if anyone can donate. Sharon, the Project Linus chair knows about the project and we may be used as a model for future events. Lion Leslye will send another blast to the Club before the event asking for numbers of fleece needed. On September 12 the kits will be available for pickup at Lion Leslye’s house. Lion Lesyle will have a demonstration table set up. People will have until September 30 to get the blankets to Leslye. Lion Claire shared that her Girl Scout troop and another Girl Scout troop are joining, and also her kids’ elementary school will be joining as well. Lion Ron said that we should share this with the District. Lion Jeff said that DG Linda asked him for content for a newsletter she is creating, and he submitted information about our work at Via West for the newsletter.
The Green House at Via West Campus – Lion Joan, or other Lion(s) Involved. Lion Joan shared that they are harvesting zucchini and the engagement with West Valley for donations is there, lots of plants are growing in the greenhouse. Today most of the garden space was covered with compost. Five Lions have been going regularly but Lion Joan would welcome more people – just say what day is good for you. They can keep busy for weeks to come – transplanting, building structures to support bird netting. Lion Jeff asked how many additional volunteers she needs and she said that five people on any given day is good, but more people would allow more rotation. Lion Joan said she is keeping a log so people can schedule themselves and go on their own schedule. Maybe eventually a schedule on Google docs. Lion Joan said they are learning that the greenhouse is the best place to start the plants growing.
Prep/Roundtable: Thanksgiving Food Drive 2020. Lion Jeff started the discussion regarding the food drive. Lion Steve said that his local Lucky said no for now because only one door is open, but to call back in a month. Lion Ray said that Don Lang said the Oddfellows hall is currently closed and they can’t use it. We would need to show the County how we are following protocol if we do it. Many of the older Lions may be reluctant to be out mingling with people. Also, can the organizations even take food donations? Lion Carl asked if we could switch the conversation to, what can we do now? Lion Jenni suggested asking the people we usually service and ask them what they need and then work backwards from there. Lion Claire said that she has been doing a drive in her community via Nextdoor and it is pretty easy – people just drop off donations to her porch – so we could do the same with a non-perishable food drive. Lion Joan suggested that we do a list and also ask for cash donations to cover perishable items. Lion Jeff said we should reach out now to the organizations to see what they need.
Good of the Pride, Any Lion.
Lion Leslye gave an update on Lion Linda who is having surgery today. Lion Claire and Lion Leslye put together a meal signup for when she goes back home.
Lion Ray asked for volunteers for the registrar of voters. You get paid for the time you are there and training is via Zoom. If we fill out the whole roster the Club could make $2400. Please participate!
Lion Steve made a pitch for the stock fund. Lion Al said we have a brokerage account with Charles Schwab and will send details. Lion Steve gave an update that his surgery was $125,000 and he would have been in trouble without long-term health insurance.
Meeting Adjourned: 7:42pm.