PM Meeting Minutes: July 2021

Cupertino De Anza Lions Club: July 7th PM meeting in PERSON Tony & Alba 6:30 PM

Dates to Remember:
August 21st Club Officers /Awards Potluck 3 to 7 PM
August 28th Club BBQ/Golf
ROV Volunteers Special Election

Lions In Attendance: Eli, Joan, Danessa, Kent, Ray, Ron, Al, Steve, Anne, Mort, Jill, Carl, Charles
Guests: Barb, Ellen, Nicholas

Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance at 6:41 by Lion Ray.

Tail Twister collection: Lion Carl collected happy dollar donations

Club Budget Review: budget has been proposed and there will be a motion at the board meeting on the 20th of July to adopt it. The budget will be sent out about a week before the board meeting for everyone’s review.

ROV Volunteers: 16 volunteers so far and we can use some more. The date is September 14th. The money goes into the admin account but it can be switched to the charity account if we need it. Friends are welcome to participate.

Install Cub Officers: if anyone has any ideas about a district speaker and there will be awards given as well. An RSVP will go out and it will be a potluck.

August 28th Club BBQ Vote Status: Lion Kent summarized the proposal so far. Reserved for that day at Blackberry Picnic Grounds. Room for 250 people. Is this something the club wants to do? The board made a motion to reserve the area at the May meeting, but no motion has been made to move forward with the actual event. Kent has a reason for holding it that involves how it could really help our membership. Lion Sudha has said that she will lead the committee. Kent has a proposal that he shared with the board in May with details of various scenarios and profits. Since the city is not paying for the event with the grant mentioned in the original proposal by Kent, we are not calling it a city BBQ, we are only inviting our past patrons from golf and crab feed mailing lists. The discussion includes how it would be a beneficial event to at least break even and it’s great publicity. Are there enough people to organize and run it? We don’t know what the jobs are yet. The one thing that is the same for us as a club is providing food, so that is something we have experience with. The board meeting isn’t until July 20th, so there would need to be a motion and an electronic vote. If the leadership of the BBQ can provide more concrete logistics and how much they are asking the board for to launch the event, a board member can make a motion. Lion Eli says that we need more PMers to make this event successful and we don’t have enough that are willing to dedicate the time. Next step: Lion Sudha forms a committee and they meet then bring a motion with more details to the board through email.

Good of the Order:
Lion Eli says that we have a separation and a communication problem even more after the pandemic between the AM and the PM members and the Board. We have to communicate more to pull off events so each “arm” knows what the other is doing. The installation dinner is a great event to get club members who don’t always attend to come and we can reconnect.
Congrats to Lion Steve, Joan, and Dagi at the garden for their directions. Lion Danessa made some wonderful signs, too.
Lion Charles is back!
Lion Joan gave an update on the garden. Lots of vegetables and a harvest in a few weeks. There is bird netting being installed now above the bed.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday help is needed to harvest in the morning. Contact Joan if you want to work. Dagi is going to be gone by the end of the month, so Joan needs help more than ever.
Lion Charles worked the Hunger for Home event and it was very efficient and very rewarding. If you see an email about it, join for a morning.

Adjourn Meeting: 7:38 Lion Ray