PM Meeting Minutes: July 2020

Regular PM Meeting: 6:30pm Wednesday, 8 JULY 2020
Meeting Called By: Lion Jeff Type of Meeting: Business Secretary: Lion Jill


Lions in Attendance: Jeff, Jill, Norm, Mort, Carl, Al, Ron, Claire, Ray, Joan, Jen, Jenni, Leslye, Bill, Steve, Kent.
Meeting starts at 6:36
Update Club By-Laws: our board members 2019-2020 are all signed on the bylaws and Al will submit to all the relevant agencies and committees.
Update 2020/21 Budget: proposed budget has been distributed to the board and after the board approves then it will go out to the club.
Work Party! Via West Campus – Costanoan Site – Lion Joan: Greenhouse project which is in good shape, but just abandoned, so it needs some clean up. This is the start of having a team of people to help with the ongoing gardening as they don’t have any campers to help. They’ve used it as a food-table and a learning program in the past, but in the present the food may be able to be donated. The time is 9:00 this Friday and Saturday. There are two gates and one will be closed on Saturday. The gates have to be opened and closed by those who drive through. Please RSVP to Joan if you are coming. Bring hats, water, and gloves.
Destination Home, Homelessness in our Community: Last month we had a speaker, Ray Bransom, around the issues of preventing homelessness. A new contact from the same organization is interested in giving us an additional presentation, through Ellen Ratner, about what we can do to help with the issue. City of Cupertino needs help in this area as they don’t have a designated committee to deal with this. If we believe in this cause, we could engage our Lions members who are also on the city council. We could try to include the Cupertino Rotary as well, because they have a stronger voice with the city. Vulnerable populations should not be involved in or exposed to those who are involved in the homeless encampments for COVID reasons. Jeff will invite this representative to our August PM meeting.
Lynbrook High School Leos Club: the Leo Club has been reinstated at Lynbrook HS, but we need an advisor for this club. Kent and Liang are in charge of the other two. The advisor helps with the charter and the students what Lionism means and Lions procedures. They have their officers set up already. The advisor is the contact when we recruit for volunteers from the Leos for our own club events. Kent will send Jeff the details and Jeff will send out an email to the club asking for the advisor, showing what is involved. We are in more of a time crunch to get all the paperwork before the school year starts.
2020/2021 Board: August 5th, PM Meeting, Board Installation by Lion Linda Pugliese, our new DG.
Charity Golf 2020 Update: In place of the tournament this year, Jenni and Carl are organizing three ways to get donations instead: a letter that will somehow be sent to our sponsors and players, an email, and a Go Fund Me page. Then, a follow up with those people to see if they received the letter with the email. Each member of our club can be in charge of contacting those who they usually invite to play. The follow up is the important part to get the donations. Steve will send Carl the names he has on his Golf email and then we can make sure that all of those people are contacted. The major sponsors should be contacted through personal calls. We could give them recognition on the website as well. We need addresses for all the players and we may not have that. $25 as a minimum request and $10,000 as a goal. Spreadsheet will be emailed showing our golf contacts, along with a draft of the letter for feedback. Go Fund Me can be pushed out on all social media platforms. Since the golfers did pay via Paypal last year, can we put a link to the Paypal in the email. Can we put a list of more specific charities that this donation will go to? There is a link to our website that shows this, but one example would be a good idea.
Good of the Pride, Any Lion
Dagi agreed to take Maria to the eye doctor on the 31st. Maria has agreed to do a video for the foundation’s new promotion at the hospital.
Kent is thanking the club, and the board, for agreeing to take on the 6th Bomb Group. They did not end up needing us, but they have published their site.
Meeting Adjourned: 8:00