November Board Meeting 2017


November 14, 2017 Board Meeting

Lions Present: Al, John, Amy, Charles, Carl, Vijay, Jeff

7:04 Start

  1. Fiscal- Vijay
    1. Completed Charity returns and submitted them to the IRS
    2. Too many accounts- currently have 5 all a the same bank
      1. Must maintain 2 accounts (charity & club)
      2. Vijay proposed having 3- charity, club and perpetual
    3. If you are a sponsor of a charity on our budget list, let Vijay know when he should send them the check.


  1. New Members
    1. Randall, Andrea & Shar already approved
    2. Joan, Liang, Muni have paid
      1. Motion made by Jeff to confirm, Vijay seconded the motion. Passed unanimously.
      2. John will find applications and get sponsors- let him know if you would like to be a sponsor
  • New membership packages are in route
  1. No word from Steven and no follow up on Rex


  1. Installation/fiesta Saturday at Lion Ray’s
    1. Amy will look at Maggiano’s and other options for about 50 people
    2. Available budget is $950 for food & beverages


  1. Good of the Order
    1. Melvin Jones Discussion
      1. Board established a committee to work on criteria
    2. December 2017 board meeting
    3. January PM meeting will be held Jan 10, 2018
    4. Going over the minutes & approval at the start of each meeting
      1. Goal is to make sure items do not get dropped off of the radar
    5. Food Drive is covered


  1. R4D Discussion
    1. Debriefing of comments that John put together
      1. John will send out comments to the club

Future of R4D Criteria

  1. Budget Concerns
    1. Approved by board & membership
  2. Branding Issues
    1. R4D vs DLC
  3. Calendar doesn’t compete with any other events
  4. Chair & Committees need to be established
    1. It will take a year from that point and then board will consider approving it then
  5. Project Plan Created
    1. Member tax on time does not conflict with golf
  6. John will update the Ride website to say something like “Check back for details about next year” keeping it open to go either way.

Meeting Adjourned at 9:15 pm