November 2018: PM Meeting Minutes
De Anza Lions PM Meeting Minutes: 7 November 2018
De Anza Lions in Attendance:
Jenni, Carl, Jenni, Jeff, LInda, Steve, Al, Ron, Ray, Phil, Scott, Anne, Mort, Eli, Joan
Lion Guests: Lion Prasad Shirahatti, the club secretary of the Ambikanagar Lions Club, his wife. His son (who lives in Santa Clara) is Harsha Shirahatti and Akansha his wife as well, who both live in Santa Clara.
Esteemed Guests: Eli, Levi, Lucia, Ana, Walt, Barb, Ellen
Eli leads the pledge at 6:50
Welcome to the guests as listed above!
Happy Dollars for Levi’s birthday and other birthdays, for the voting being over and the crew we had to help out, and for the Shirahatti family visiting us!
Voting Volunteers: working with the polls on voting day with 40 precincts, earning our club about 2K.
Food Drive: Claire’s recent message is that we still need volunteers for Sunnyvale and San Jose store. Jeff is circulating the sheet-this is an all hands event, so sign up, if you can! Ray is going to bring the sheet to the AM meeting tomorrow, too.
Crab Feed: Chair meeting a couple weeks ago went great, flyers out to the Fish Market. Look for sign up sheets in the next month, but sell tickets. LIon Al is running the sales and Lion Charles is running them at the door. Steve and his printer-thank you! But, Steve worked a deal to get the dishwasher we need at the church. Joan reminded us that an email for us to get raffle items should be coming out soon. Danessa has places to contact that will get raffle items. LInda volunteered her garage, but Steve and Ellen said that they would store the raffle stuff. Lion Al has a contact for the crab, so Carl will let him know. Band is going to be Rich, but with new people helping him out. Still Thrown Together Band-same name, new people. Ray and Bill Reed will get the liquor license.
Lion Secretary Prasad Shirahatti: from Ambikanagar. Jeff reviewed the history of how we linked up with this club in India, who we have collaborated with in the sponsoring of an eye camp for people who needed cataract surgery and couldn’t afford it. We have helped hundreds since then. He heard about us and wanted to visit. He extends an invite to everybody because we support their club in the school and the surgeries. Their club is growing, too. The children in their school get what they need every month. 62 patients were operated on this last eye camp. The school has 290 students up to 5th grade. They are building a new school to add to that. He thanks us for our support, he invites us to come! Jeff presents a friendship banner from us to them.
Good of the Order: Levi’s 6th Birthday and cupcakes. Meeting adjourned at 7:39.
Dates to remember: Nov.16-19 Food Drive, Nov. 20 Board Meeting (location TBD), Feb. 9 Crab Feed, May 5 R4D, Golf Tourney on June 22.