January Board Minutes
De Anza Lions Board Meeting MInutes: January 17, 2017
Fiscal Review: (See full reports in print)
Vijay presented a report on Food Drive Moneys: Expenses lower, exceeded donations from last year.
Vijay presented a report on Club and Charities money. Is Ali a member still? We need to find out and we will ask Don Lang of his standing. If he is still a member, we will need to get a dues check from him.
All expenses in report is up to date, even for the Holiday party.
Do we have a record of a J. Shaw (for the food drive) that donated with a match from Apple? Al will check on it and then John Noone will confirm that he did actually donate.
Wondering if the AmazonSmile contributions are going to the right place as it seems that many of us have it hooked up but there is only $18.00.
Storage went up a little from 155 to 175 per month.
We currently have $8,000.00 going into our major events.
Waiting for the website invoice for the Bike Ride.
Bills given and dues received.
Crab Feed Update: Al is still receiving ticket orders as of today. Vijay got the swipe machine for the Crab Feed. We can enter as “Bar” or “Silent Auction” or “Tickets”. Then the email will be sent to the buyer. Do we have wi-fi at the Crab Feed? Ray will check on it and get the password. Need the app called “PayPal Here” on the device. No Paypal for this event. We can take credit cards at the door and it’s best that people can get a reservation ahead of time with a group name, is best. Next year, we can get the Paypal working. Kent sent out some videos: CSF at Monta Vista wants to help along with the Leos there and the Leos from Cupertino. Sign ups are going well, according to Carl. What’s the plan for getting pizza for the Leos? Ray will check at the Thursday AM meeting. Jim mentioned that we may need a tent, just in case. Ray will price one out.
Potential motion to make a donation to Rotary based on the individuals that come to help, but this is tabled until after the crab feed.
Golf Tournament Update: Amy says there is nothing pressing at this time. We do have 283.00 for golf tourney deductions. Forms are done.
Board Only List Serve: Members can use the address to Board Only, so we need to advertise the address as addressing the board, and it’s a distinction. The list serve would have to be updated each year with new board members as the list serve for the club does as well. Lion John will agree to be the updater of both lists. Based on the future status of Yahoo, we may have to eventually switch to google anyway.
Perpetual Fund Bylaw: bylaw recited by Al. These were proposed bylaws by past (no longer) members. We have no signature validating this. We agreed on these bylaws at the last board meeting. It came up because we have so much more money, as Vijay proposes, that we could move some of the money into it. A proposal is that once a year we transfer the allowed percentage of money out of our charity and into the Perpetual Fund.
Bike Ride Update: budget update, permits for alcohol and 2 paid security officers, are required at De Anza. A little over on budget because of security officers payment. The ADA says that we shouldn’t worry about the costs, because the sponsors will defray the cost of the events. Then there are the rider sponsors that give matching pledges and donations to the cause. The orders of the shirts need to be in by the end of May to make it for the ride. Working on marketing, logo, Ride4Diabetes account. LCI California is part of the logo as a region identification is important. The advertising makes it clear that the legality of the Cupertino De Anza Lions is identified as the organization working this event. We will also have the A.J. Robinson van and our banner as well to show it. CalTrans is still unconfirmed. We need PM support with those who work at Corporations for marketing purposes. We need to have a flyer we can send out as soon as possible to corporations because they need the details before they will commit. Amy is concerned that the sponsorship isn’t going to come in or enough of it, when we are putting in $12,000.00. The items are over budget, but we expected to be flexible. We should be able to cover it with our estimated participation. The “event flyer” needs to be ready, sent by email blast, before Kent leaves on the 30th of January.
Overlap of Sponsors-are the sponsors for Golf and Bike Ride overlapping too much and will that cause them to drop out of one or the other. Kent feels this is a different group of sponsors for the Bike Ride, that have clubs already, and those are not the same ones as for golf.
Volunteerism Concern: Are we biting off more than we can chew with all the events when we don’t have enough people to volunteer? Maybe the solution is to get others to volunteer who may not be Lions.
Volunteers and Recruiting: keep a soft approach on those that volunteer and might be thinking of joining, lessen the direct pressure.
Tabling next year’s board discussion.