Lions Present at Zoom Video Conference: Lion’s Ray, Ron, Al, Steve, John S., Joan, Phil, Bill, Eli, Mort, Kent, Charlie, and Herb.

Dates to Remember –

– Charity Crab Feed 2021 to be On Line Donations
– Student Speaker Contest February 27 & March 6
– Annual Golf Tournament June 26, 2021 ?
– Ride4Diabetes will be scheduled in 2021 ?

Student Speaker Contest – Lion Ray, Lion Sudha and Lion Liang will have another zoom meeting this Saturday to firm up the preliminary speech contest to narrow the number of participants. Lion Ray said he has three judges set up and would like to get one more as an alternate just in case. Lion Ray said that Lion Jim Isaccson has created fillable forms for the tellers and timers to fill out. Lion Ray said if you are interested in being a timer or teller please let him know. The Club, Zone, and Region contest will be on Zoom. There may be an in-person event for the final competition, so we may have some students drop off who are not comfortable with that scenario.

Camp Via West Garden/Train – Lion Steve said the train setup is complete and ready to go. The area has been cleaned up and ready for the campers when they return.
Lion’s Joan and Dagi put out a request letter to several local business’s for donations and has received one request back from Summerwinds saying they would provide some support. Lion Joan said Lion Steve will help in setting up the sprinkler system in the lower garden beds now that they are ready for planting. Lion Ray and Lion Herb will go up this Saturday and cut tubing to make arches for bird netting in the new planting beds. Lion Joan said the garden is about two thirds done as far as planting goes. Lion Joan said Lion Dagi is doing an amazing job in the garden area and is up there working almost daily. Lion Joan said she liked Lion Kent’s idea about an article for the Cupertino Courier which might help bring in new members. Lion Joan said she would talk with Lion Danessa about writing the article since she is an excellent writer. Lion Kent said he talked with Camp Via West manager Rick about Leo’s helping out with some minor chores that they could do around the camp. Lion Kent then talked to the Monta Vista Leo’s club and they said they would be interested in doing it. Lion Joan said she would like to talk with the Leo’s group before they start working to tell them about the poison oak/ivy in the area so they would be knowledgeable when cleaning up certain areas.

Crab Feed –  Lion Dagi said the flyer and letter for the Crab Feed is now on our website. Lion Al said he provided Lion Carl with approximately 300 email addresses of past attendees to have a mass mailing going out to request donations since we are not able to have a Crab Feed this year because of Covid restrictions. Lion Al will make a minor change to the letter and send it to Lion’s Dagi, Carl, and Ray. 

Charter Night/Day – Lion Eli said that Lion Jill was going to send out a letter concerning the date of April 17th for the Charter day and Camp Via West. She will be asking if another date could chosen as that is spring break for schools and some members might not be able to attend. AM members said that was okay with them. Lion Ray said he would email Lion Jill and talk with her about other dates.

Good of the Order –

Update on Lions Health – Several of the Lion’s said they received their first vaccination with several others saying they have appointments scheduled next week. Lion Linda Sanders is under hospice care and taken care of by her son Adam. Lion John Smith’s wife Carmel had a PET scan and everything seems to be going in the right direction.

Lion Steve said he and Ellen took Maria up to San Francisco for her pre-op meeting with the Lion’s eye clinic on Tuesday. She is scheduled to have her operation this Wednesday. Lion John Smith asked Lion Steve if a member of the Eye clinic staff had contacted Maria to discuss with her exactly what the surgery would entail. Lion Steve said as far as he knows she had not been contacted. Lion John said he would follow up with the Eye Clinic to see if they had talked with Maria.

Lion Ron Ahearn

Lions Present at Zoom Video Conference: Lion’s Ron, Al, Steve, Joan, Dagi, Leslye, Don, Phil, Eli, Mort, Kent and Herb.

Dates to Remember –

– Charity Crab Feed 2021 to be On Line Donations
– Student Speaker Contest February 27 & March 6
– Annual Golf Tournament June 26, 2021 ?
– Ride4Diabetes will be scheduled in 2021 ?

Update on Lions Health – Several of the Lion’s said they received their first vaccination with several others saying they have appointments scheduled.

PM Meeting Review –

Student Speaker Contest – Lion Ray, Lion Sudha and Lion Liang have reached out to the student community with 50 registered students. The preliminary event will be on Feb. 27th, and will choose from that event 4-6 students. The Club contest is on March 6th. A discussion on how to run our club preliminary event because we will have so many students at possibly 5 minutes each. This would be a very long day of speeches, so maybe break them into smaller groups for judging that could be happening simultaneously, with a judge, a judging sheet with criteria and hopefully a timer for each small group. Then, the judges can come together and discuss who moves forward.
The Club, Zone, Region will be on Zoom. There may be an in-person event for the final competition, so we may have some students drop off who are not comfortable with that scenario. We will need judges, tellers, and timer volunteers for February 27th.

Camp Via West Garden/Train – Via Campus Projects  –Lion Steve said the train is running and if you want the video of it email Steve-thank you, Steve and Ellen!  We want to get a sign made for the train structure as a recognition of the gift.  Lion Joan and Dagi are going up almost daily, with the help of other Lions along the way to keep the gardening project going. There is another work day this Saturday February 6th from 9-1, if anyone wants to join. Lion Steve built and painted a potting table with the extra wood from the train project for the green house.
AM Meeting – Lions Kent, Leslye, and Herb said they would volunteer on Saturday. Lion Joan also said that Lion Danessa is working on making signs for the Green House and Garden area to designate what is growing and that it is also a Cupertino De Anza Lions Charities project.

Crab Feed –  Lion Carl is sent out the flyer and the letter so we can distribute to those we know usually go to the Crab Feed and on our social media. There was an idea to focus on Camp Via West with our funding, but we want some wiggle room, so the flyer also mentions that our fundraising could also donate our other worthwhile charities. Lion Sudha said she would send out the flyer to our Crab Feed email list. Carl will email her about it and Al will send her a spreadsheet. All should email those they normally include in Crab Feed and mass email, if they choose. We also need to have the donate button on the website, for the Crab Feed specifically.
AM – Lion Al said he is working on the crab feed email list so that Lion Suda can send it out to our past crab feed participants. There were a couple of issues that Lion Al and Lion Dagi had with the flyer and letter they said they would contact Lion Carl to discuss. Lion Dagi will designate the donate button on our website for the funds to go to Camp Via West and other charity organizations that we support. 

Charter Night – Lion Steve said that he had talked with the Director of Communications for Camp Via West Leslye Davis about using the Amphitheater for our Charter Day on April 17, 2021 to which she agreed. April 17, 11:00 to 3:00. Lion Ray will get the insurance certificate for (Leslie Davis). Picnic style-everyone will need to bring their own food and drink. Carl has an amp and a microphone. A hootenanny is requested by Lion Prez Jeff.

Golf Tournament – Lion Ray talked about our annual golf tournament that we usually hold at Moffett Field. He said currently that Moffett Field will not allow shot gun starts like we have for our tournament and that Moffett Field has raised they prices significantly. He is going to ask for our $200 deposit back and possibly talk with other golf courses, Los Lagos and San Jose Muni was mentioned. Last year we did a virtual golf request and Go Fund Me Page which Lion Al said we made approximately $7,580.

Good of the Order –

Lion Al read the list of donations going out to our charities this quarter. Lion Don Lang mentioned that the EDGE project would not require it’s donation this year since they are having their conference virtually.
Lion Kent mentioned that he received his first Covid shot at the Santa Clara Fairgrounds and he just registered on line and recommended it for those that can apply.

Lion Ron Ahearn

Regular PM Meeting: 6:30pm Wednesday, 3 FEBRUARY 2021
Meeting Called By: Lion Jeff Type of Meeting: Business Secretary: Lion Jill
· Charity Crab Feed 2021 (might be modified due to COVID) Ride 4 Diabetes, next ride will be in 2021
· All events on hold due to COVID & Related Public Health Orders
Lions in Attendance: Jill, Al, Steve, Ron, Danessa, Steve, Carl, Jenni, Jeff, Vijay, Jen, Ray, Mort, Eli, Leslye.
Guests: Ellen
Call to Order – Lion Jeff 6:31
Virtual Flag Salute
Student Speaker Contest 2021 – Lion Ray: Lion Sudha and Lion Liang have reached out to the student community with 50 registered students. The preliminary event is on Feb. 27th, and will choose from that event 4-6 students. The Club, Zone, Region will be on Zoom. There may be an in-person event for the final competition, so we may have some students drop off who are not comfortable with that scenario. We will need volunteers for February 27th as tellers and timers. The Club contest is on March 6th. Discussion about how to run just our club preliminary event because we will have so many students at possibly 5 minutes each. This would be a very long day of speeches, so maybe break them into smaller groups for judging that could be happening simultaneously, with a judge, a judging sheet with criteria and hopefully a timer for each small group. Then, the judges can come together and discuss who moves forward.
Spirit of a Crab Feed 2021 – Lion Carl is sending out the PDF to us with the flyer and the letter so we can distribute to those we know usually go to the Crab Feed and on our social media. There was an idea to focus on Camp Via West with our funding, but we want some wiggle room, so the flyer also mentions that our fundraising could also donate our other worthwhile charities. Lion Sudha said she would send out the flyer to our Crab Feed email list. Carl will email her about it and Al will send her a spreadsheet. All should email those they normally include in Crab Feed and mass email, if they choose. We also need to have the donate button on the website, for the Crab Feed specifically.
Hunger At Home — Deanza Lions Day of Service, for anyone who wanted to go to an in person activity for 18 and over, possibly a Saturday in March, from 9-12. If interested, March 13th is the date that will work for Hunger at Home. Claire will send out a sign up sheet. This involves filling the food containers and labeling, and then when it opens to the public, bringing out the food containers to those who are in line.
Via Campus Projects –Lion Steve: train is running and if you want the video of it email Steve-thank you, Steve and Ellen! We want to get a sign made for the train structure as a recognition of the gift. Lion Jeff: Joan and Dagi are going up almost daily, with the help of Lions along the way to keep the gardening project going. There is another work day this Saturday from 9-1, if anyone wants to join. We would also like some signs as well for the garden. Steve built a table with the extra wood from the train project.
Charter Day 2021, April Date, Via Campus, Covid-friendly format: Charter Day in the amphitheatre. April 17, 11:00 to 3:00. Ray will get the insurance certificate (Leslie Davis). Picnic style-everyone will need to bring their own food and drink. Carl has an amp and a microphone. A hootenanny is requested.
Good of the Pride
Lion Al: about to dispense the remainder of the fiscal donations. Al reads the list in case anyone wants to touch base with any of the organizations on a personal level.
Lion Steve: taking Maria to an eye appointment on Feb.9th as a pre op for her next surgery.
Lion Eli: are there any Girl Scout cookies?
Adjourned at 7:25

Lions Present at Zoom Video Conference: Lion’s Ray, Ron, Al, Steve, Joan, Dagi, Leslye, Don, John, Eli, Mort, Kent and Herb.

Dates to Remember –

– Charity Crab Feed 2021 to be On Line Donations ?
– Student Speaker Contest February 27 & March 6
– Annual Golf Tournament June 26, 2021 ?
– Ride4Diabetes will be scheduled in 2021 ?

Update on Lions Health – Lion Herb said that his wife Pam talked with Lion Linda Sanders son and that Lion Linda asunder hospice care. Lion Herb also said that Lion Pat Coppe’s husband Dino is at home and is feeling better but is being treated for his cancer.

Student Speaker Contest – Lion Ray said we currently have about fifty participants and they were going to split them into two groups and have a virtual contest to narrow it down to a final six participants. Lion John Smith mentioned that his experience in other clubs speech contests that about 50% of the speakers tend to drop out.

Camp Via West Garden/Train – Lion Steve and Ellen have finished setting up the train set at the camp. Lion Steve said all that is left to do is paint the underneath platform boards the same color as the room walls. They are waiting for dryer weather.
Lion Joan also said the garden area is getting plenty of rain but there are still jobs that could be done in the green house for anyone that would like to come out this Saturday would be welcome. Lion Joan said Lion’s Danessa and Jeff have volunteered pending weather. She wanted to thank all of the Lions that came out last Saturday saying that they got a lot accomplished. Lion Joan said that Lion Steve has made a planting box out of 3/8” plywood he had left over form the train set. She said it would work well in the green house. Lion Joan said that Lion Danessa has volunteered to make wooden signs for the the garden area and train set. Lion Dagi said her and Joan harvested another 25-30 bags of greens which we donated to West Valley Community Services. Lion Dagi asked when was the last date they could submit receipts for pay on the garden supplies, Lion Al said June 30, 2021 is the end of our calendar year.

Crab Feed – Lion Al said he had sent information to Lion Carl about the Crab Feed. Lion Carl said he and Lion Jenni would make up a flyer and Go Fund Me Page for the Crab Feed since we are not able to have a crab feed due to Covid restrictions.

Charter Night – Lion Steve said that he had talked with the Director of Communications for Camp Via West Leslye David about using the Amphitheater for our Charter Day on March 17, 2021 to which she agreed. She does have several questions about it mainly about liability insurance which Lion Ray said he would look into getting it. She said she would like to put a write up about what we are doing in their newsletter. Lion Ray asked for Leslye David’s email address and Lion Eli said he would send it to him.

Golf Tournament – Lion Ray talked about our annual golf tournament that we usually hold at Moffett Field. He said currently that Moffett Field will not allow shot gun starts like we have for our tournament and that Moffett Field has raised they prices significantly. He is going to ask for our $200 deposit back and possibly talk with other golf courses, Los Lagos and San Jose Muni was mentioned. Last year we did a virtual golf request and Go Fund Me Page and Lion Al said we made approximately $7,580.

Good of the Order –

Lion Ray asked Lion Al if Lion Prez Jeff had started to contact those members who were more that one year behind in paying their dues. Lion Al was not sure but we did have one member leave the Lions.
Lion Dagi said she took Maria to her eye appointment on Friday January 22nd in San Francisco. She said Maria was going to have another eye surgery in two months. Lion John Smith said he would try and see what kind of surgery she was going to have.
Lion Dagi asked about Lion John Smith’s wife Carmel. Lion John said that she was doing well and that she received her first Covid vaccination yesterday.
Lion Leslye asked about the clubs quarterly newsletter if it should be put on our website which all of the members said yes. Lion Dagi said she would talk to our webmaster about putting a new tab on our website for it. Lion Kent asked about a search function and Lion Dagi said she would check on that also.

Lion Ron Ahearn

De Anza Lions Regular Board Meeting: 6:30pm, 19 JANUARY 2021
Meeting Called By: Lion Jeff Type of Meeting: Business Secretary: Lion Jill
Board Members Attending: Jill, Jeff, Al, Leslye, Claire, Eli, Vijay, Sudha
Guests: Artie Green ,CFP, here to give information about perpetual funds

Call to Order at 6:34 – Lion Jeff
1. December Minutes Approval: No objections, minutes are approved.
2. Insights and Ideas, Lions Charity Perpetual Fund — Artie Green, CFP, to give information about perpetual funds for nonprofits. In regards to stock, most charities have the ability, like we do to accept stock as a donation, and they usually sell stock as soon as they get it. Since we currently have a small base of money, protecting it means we really aren’t using it for anything. A change in the strategy to a certain percentage to distribute for use, could mean using some of the base since it may not make much, but if it does make money in a well-diversified asset based stocks/bonds combination, may mean that percentage would come from the capital growth. But, since we don’t need the money at this time, we could go riskier and get a larger growth over time. We should decide on a strategy first, how much risk we are willing to take, and then, decide where to invest the money. The IPS (investment policy statement) is a strategy that minimizes the risk that closely allows the investor(s) to meet their goals. Once we decide on a strategy, Artie would be willing to help us come up with a model for investment. A Zoom meeting will be planned for our IPS, and what our goals would be for this fund.
3. Covid Crab Feed Donation Ask 2021: The committee wants to move forward with the online donation system in place of a crab feed or crab kit and made a suggestion that if we specifically donate the funds to Camp Via, we might get more donations. Lion Al has a motion, in lieu of the annual crab feed, we would do an online solicitation of funds. Whereas that the donations this year would go to Camp Via. Lion Jill seconds the motion. Discussion: Does this mean that we would give this money just to Camp Via? Yes. Normally, the Crab Feed budget usually goes to all of our charities. In lieu of that, though, we might be able to reallocate funds from elsewhere. But, since we only have two major fundraisers, maybe we are limiting ourselves if we are focused only on one recipient and we would lose flexibility. Could we do a percentage for Via, and then, the rest will go into our general fund as usual? Formal Motion Below:
Motion by Lion Al Knox, proxy for Lion Carl Erickson, For Regular or Special Board of Directors Meeting.
Whereas: The Annual Crab Feed has been cancelled for this fiscal year 2020-2021.
Whereas: The Crab Committee strongly suggests we create an Online Fund-Raising effort in lieu of the Crab Feed Classic.
Whereas:The Crab Committee additionally feels the naming of a specific charitable effort would be more effective than a general fund solicitation.
Whereas: The Crab Committee further suggests “that the flagship benefactor of the on-line solicitation of donations ‘in the spirit of the Lions Crab Feed’ be the severely disabled children and adults who receive support from Camp Via West Services, as well as other local groups in need our Lions Charities provide assistance.
Resolved: The Board of Directors do herby authorize the Crab Committee to move forward immediately in creating a primary fund-raising project as outlined above in lieu of the Deanza Lions Annual Crab Feed.

Vote Duly Take: Ayes are ___7___Nays are ___0____ Abstentions are _______
4. Hunger At Home volunteer event, 2021: They are happy to have us join for helping either on Wednesday or Saturday possibly in March. Saturdays are preferred.
5. Charter Night 2021 – Virtual, Other Thoughts: April date when we could maybe do an outdoor at Camp Via picnic lunch. Date TBA.
6. Covid, A Year Later – How Our Membership Is Doing: how are we doing staying connected and reaching out to each other? Al said there are 7 Lions that haven’t paid their dues, and are in arrears for over a year. However, members who have paid or not, or come to Zoom or not, need to feel the fellowship. Their emails aren’t bouncing back, so they should be getting the emails.
7. Good of the Pride, Any Lion: none

Meeting adjourned at 7:49

Lions Present at Zoom Video Conference: Lion’s Ray, Ron, Al, Steve, Phil, Joan, Dagi, Leslye, Don, John, Eli, Mort, and Herb.

Dates to Remember –

– Charity Crab Feed 2021 to be On Line Donations ?
– Student Speaker Contest February 27 & March 6
– Annual Golf Tournament June 26, 2021 ?
– Ride4Diabetes will be scheduled in 2021 ?

Board Meeting Review –

Lion Al mentioned they had a guest speaker Mr. Arte Green a Certified Financial Planner. He was very informative and answered several questions that the Board members had mainly concerning the Perpetual Fund that we have set up. He provided suggestions on how to use the funds we currently have. He stated that the club needs to set up an investment strategy. He said he would come back if we have any further questions. Thank you Lion Claire for getting him as a guest speaker.

Crab Feed – Lion Al said they discussed possibly setting up a Go Fund Me page to solicit funds for Camp Via West since we are not able to have a Crab Feed this year. Those funds would go directly to support Camp Via West and the funds that we currently have budgeted for the camp we could utilize for other charities.

Charter Night – Lion Eli said Charter Night was discussed at the Board meeting and it was suggested that maybe we could have a gathering at the amphitheater at Camp Via West. There is sufficient space there where we could safely social distance and enjoy the beautiful surroundings. Lion Eli said he would contact the Camps Community Relations representative Ms. Leslye David to see if that would be a possibility some time in April or May.

Golf Tournament – Lion Ray talked about our annual golf tournament that we hold at Moffett Field. He said currently that Moffett Field will not allow shot gun starts like we have for our tournament and that Moffett Field has raised they prices significantly.
So currently it does not look like we will have a tournament this year mainly because of Covid restrictions.

Camp Via West Garden/Train – Lion Steve and Ellen have basically finished the set up of the train set at the camp. Lion Steve said all that is left to do is paint the underneath of the platform boards the same color of the room walls. Lion Steve also mentioned we should put up a donation placard for our club. Lion Joan said that Lion Danessa mentioned she had an engraving set for bricks/concrete and that she would talk to Lion Danessa about it. Lion Joan also said that Rick has plastic tiles that we could use to put around the garden area as a walkway so that we are not walking in the muddy areas after rain.

Lion Dagi and Lion Joan are planning work parties at the Via West garden this Saturday January 23rd, and again on the 30th, and Feb. 6th, from 9:00-1:00. Lion Ron checked in storage to see if we still have the food grade buckets and we do. He will bring them on Saturday to the green house. Lion Joan said we only had one response to her request for volunteers this Saturday and is hoping she will get more. Lion Joan said the club has provided around 200 bags of green vegetables to the West Valley Community center.

Club Dues – Lion Al said he was going to provide Lion Prez Jeff with a report on club member dues on a quarterly basis. Lion Prez Jeff said he would contact those members who more that one year behind in paying their dues.

Good of the Order –

Lion Herb said he talked with Lion Linda Sanders son Adam about how his mother is doing after her stroke. Adam said he was not able to see her because of Covid restrictions but he talks with the doctor who said Linda was now able to eat and walk but can not talk at this time.
Lion Dagi asked Lion John how his wife Carmel was doing with her treatment for cancer and he said she was doing fine and adjusting to the new norm. Lion John said she is scheduled for a PET scan in early February.
Lion Ron asked Lion Eli or Lion Herb on the status of our friend and Lion Pat Coppe’s husband Dino. Lion Herb said that he will be starting a treatment for his cancer and we are praying for the best.
Lion John Smith congratulated Lion Leslye on a great job she did on the quarterly club newsletter that she wrote for the club. It was suggested that we put it on our website and also send it to the District for publication. Lion Ray said that he would contact the District Secretary and District Governor and provide them with a copy of the news letter.

Lion Dagi said she was still on board to take Maria to her next eye appointment on Friday January 22nd in San Francisco.

Lion Ron Ahearn

Lions Present at Zoom Video Conference: Lion’s Ray, Ron, Al, Steve, Phil, Joan, Dagi, Leslye, Don, Linda, and Herb.

Dates to Remember –

– Charity Crab Feed 2021 to be On Line Donations ?
– Student Speaker Contest February 27 & March 6
– Annual Golf Tournament June 26, 2021
– Ride4Diabetes will be scheduled in 2021

Crab Feed – Lion Al said that he wrote a motion to the Board that in lieu of the standard annual Crab Feed that we do an alternative electronic Crab Feed request like we did for the Golf Tournament since we cannot have a normal Crab Feed due to the Santa Clara Covid restrictions. With the electronic fund raiser we would designate all the funds that we collect go to West Valley Community Services to help those in need. Lion Ray said he received a telephone call from Penske trucking asking if we wanted to rent a refrigeration truck and sorry to say we do not need one this year. Lion Dagi said that Lion Carl and Lion Jenni are writing a blurb about the Crab Feed with the dates for the donations and who we are supporting with the donations.

Student Speaker Contest – Lion Ray said we currently have twenty students signed up for the contest due to Lion Sudha and Lion Liang’s efforts. Lion Ray said he was looking for Judges, Timers and Tellers. Lion Dagi said she would send Lion Ray the Judges names from last years contest. Lion Ray talked with Lion Bob Deunger about our winner Helen Hu from last year trying to get her the money she won. Lion Ray said that Lion Bob is working on getting her the money.

Camp Via West Garden/Train – Lion Steve and Ellen are working on installing the base boards for the train track and has them almost complete. Lion Steve asked Lion Dagi if she was still on board to take Maria to her next eye appointment on January 22nd in San Francisco and she said yes she was.

Lion Dagi and Lion Joan are planning work parties at the Via West garden towards the end of January: the 23rd, 30th, and Feb. 6th, from 9:00-1:00. Lion Ron will check in storage to see if we still have the food grade buckets there and if we do Lion Ron will bring them to the Camp. Lion Joan said the club has provided around 200 bags of green vegetables to the West Valley Community center.

Eye Glass Collection – Lion Ray said we currently have about 1.200 pairs of eye glasses, 12 cellphones.and toner cartridges to take up to Vallejo. Lion Ray will contact Kaiser in Mountain View to see about collecting the glasses from their site.

Good of the Order –

Lion Leslye said she needs articles for the clubs newsletter. Lion’s Steve , Joan, Dagi, John Smith, and Al will provide her with the articles.

Lion Leslye said she attended the District Zoom meeting and thought it was very informational. The meeting concentrated on Retention of Lion members. Lion Leslye provided her notes from the meeting to Lion Prez Jeff for approval.

Lion Linda Sanders asked about the Crab Feed and asked if we were only going to do a Go Fund Me page and collect funds that way instead of actually providing crab feed meals to individuals.
Due to the Covid restrictions and the closing of the Santa Clara Fish Market there will be no crab feed function this year.

Lion Ron Ahearn

Lions Present at Zoom Video Conference: Lion’s Ray, Ron, Al, Steve, Phil, Joan, Leslye, John, Kent, Don, Eli, Mort, and Herb.

Dates to Remember –

– Charity Crab Feed 2021 to be On Line Donations
– Student Speaker Contest February 27 & March 6th
– Annual Golf Tournament June 26, 2021
– Ride4Diabetes will be scheduled in 2021

P.M. MeetingReview –

Camp Via West Garden/Train –Drywall lift ordered for the train set. Steve has adjusted some pieces to fit. Right now just Steve and Ellen are working on it, because of Covid. Hopefully, the lift for the drywall will arrive by January 15.

Lion Dagi and Lion Joan are planning work parties at the Via West garden towards the end of January: the 23rd, 30th, and Feb. 6th, from 9:00-1:00. Joan and Dagi have done the weeds, so that will not be on the list, more cutting of wood, building tasks, and planting seeds. You will get an email about the work party; it will be a small group because of Covid. If anyone wants to see what it looks like, let Lion Dagi or Lion Joan know, if you just want a tour.

At the A.M. meeting Lion Joan said we are looking at expanding the garden area into the goat pen area now that they don’t have goats anymore. We are also looking at setting up a second shelf area in the green house with pallets that they have at the camp. Lion Ron asked if it would be helpful to bring bricks up to the camp to put the pallets on instead of just putting them on the concrete and she replied with a positive yes. Lion Steve said he also had some bricks and cinder blocks he could bring up.

Crab Feed 2021 – Lion Carl and Lion Jenni said because of the fact that we would have to refrigerate, distribute, and charge more than the crab kits were worth, we decided to cancel. But, go with the style of the golf tourney through emails and donations. Lion Carl will create a flyer/blurb and the Go Fund Me page this coming weekend. If you have friends that usually attend, after the mass email is sent out, try to touch base to make sure they got the email and answer any questions they may have. Tell them we plan to be back in 2022! We will work this email donation effort up through February 6th. Goal would be $1,500.00. Dagi will put a blurb on the website and a one sentence ad on the banner. Leslye will include the same blurb in her upcoming newsletter. Contact should be made with Lion’s Liang, Sudha, and Kent so they can let the Leos know that this is our approach in case they want to send this out to those they know as well.

At the A.M. meeting Lion Kent asked if it would be beneficial to designate a specific charity for the donations to go to as we did for the Food Drive. Lion Ron said that was a good idea and that people who donate would like to know where their money goes. Lion Ron said that Camp Via West would be a good idea or any local charity so that individuals know that their donations are going to a local charity and that might help in getting donations. Lion Al said that if that were the case we could then use the current money designated for the camp to support other local charities.

Student Speaker Contest 2021 – Lion Sudha and Lion Liang along with Lion Ray are chairing this virtual event. Our qualifying event is on February 27th, and then the main event is on March 6th. We could even tune in virtually to watch and support our chairs and the student speakers.
At the A.M. meeting Lion Ray said Lion Suda and Lion Liang are leading the effort and have talked with a number of schools and Leo Clubs. Lion Ray said that Lion Suda sent out an email to the schools with a flyer attached. The subject for this speaker contest is “Virtual Learning”. The District has not made a final decision yet if the contest is going to be virtual or in person depending on the Covid rules at that time. Lion Ray said that student speakers need to sign up before January 21st.

Good of the Order –

Lion Leslye said she is working on the 2nd Edition of the Club newsletter and asked for any interesting topics from club members that she might put in the newsletter. Lion John Smith said he would provide a write up on the LCI Eye Center. Lion Steve said he would provide a writeup on the progress on the train installation. Lion Joan said she would provide an update on the garden area.

Lion Eli told everyone that our friend Dino Coppe has been diagnosed with prostate cancer. The entire club sends our best prayers and wishes to him Lion Pat Coppe and the family. God Bless and keep on fighting we are praying for you.

Lion Eli said he received an email from the Cupertino Rotary asking where they could put money earned from their golf tournament. He suggested Camp Via, since they have been active in the camp for years as well. He mentioned our train and garden project as in progress and suggested that as a possible recipient. 

Lion Ron Ahearn

Lions Present at Zoom Video Conference: Lion’s Ray, Ron, Al, Steve, Joan, Dagi, Leslye, Linda, Kent, Don, and Herb.

Dates to Remember –

– Charity Crab Feed 2021 (might be modified due to
– Annual Golf Tournament June 26, 2021
– Ride4Diabetes will be scheduled in 2021

Camp Via West Garden/Train – Lion Steve said he was looking at getting a dry wall lift to help in putting up the main boards for the train set since there is little help coming from the club due to the Santa Clara County Covid rules.

Student Speaker Contest – Lion Ray said he gave the Student Speaker packet to Lion Suda. Lion Ray said Lion Suda and Lion Liang are leading the effort and plans on talking with a number of schools and Leo Clubs. Lion Ray said that Lion Suda sent out an email to the schools with a flyer attached. The subject for this speaker contest is “Virtual Learning”. The District has not made a final decision yet if the contest is going to be virtual or in person depending on the Covid rules at that time. Lion Ray said that student speakers need to sign up before January 21st. The speech contest consists of the following levels: Club, Zone, Region, and District.

Crab Feed – Lion Ray said that Lion Carl and Lion Jenni are in discussions with the Fish Market and trying to get directions from them as far as how to handle the Covid style crab feed. They will get back to the club with the recommendations and cost.

Good of the Order –

Lion Leslye said she is working on the 2nd Edition of the Club newsletter and asked for any interesting topics from club members that she might put in the newsletter.

Lion Dagi said she was going to ask Lion Claire about a tour of the 501c3 organization that is providing cooked meals to those in need. Lion Claire volunteered at the organization and said it was run really well and that they could use other volunteers.

Lion Ron Ahearn

De Anza Lions Regular PM Meeting: 6:30pm Wednesday, 6 JANUARY 2021
Meeting Called By: Lion Jeff Type of Meeting: Business Secretary: Lion Jill

Charity Crab Feed 2021 (might be modified due to COVID) Ride 4 Diabetes, next ride will be in 2021
All events on hold due to COVID & Related Public Health Orders

Lions in Attendance: Jill, Jeff, Steve, Vijay, Mort, Eli, Carl, Ron, Dagi, Jenni, Jen, Joan, Leslye, Bill.

— Minutes —
Call to Order – Lion Jeff begins the meeting at 6:34 with the Pledge of Allegiance and the virtual flag.
Student Speaker Contest 2021 – Lion Sudha and Lion Liang with Lion Ray are chairing this virtual event. Our qualifying event is on the 27th, and then the main event is on March 6th. We could even tune in virtually to watch and support our chairs and the student speakers.
Spirit of a Crab Feed 2021 – Covid-style Gentle Charity Ask, because of the fact that we would have to refrigerate, distribute, and charge more than the crab kits were worth, we decided to cancel. But, go with the style of the golf tourney through emails and donations. Carl will create a flyer/blurb and the Go Fund Me page this coming weekend. If you have friends that usually attend, after the mass email is sent out, try to touch base to make sure they got the email and answer any questions they may have. Tell them we plan to be back in 2022! We will work this email donation effort up through February 6th. Goal would be $1,500.00. Dagi will put a blurb on the website and a one sentence ad on the banner. Leslye will include the same blurb in her upcoming newsletter. Contact should be made with Liang, Sudha, and Kent so they can let the Leos know that this is our approach in case they want to send this out to those they know as well.
Via Campus Community Room Train Project –Drywall lift ordered for the train set. Steve has adjusted some pieces to fit. Right now just Steve and Ellen are working on it, because of Covid. Hopefully, the lift for the drywall will arrive by January 15.
Good of the Pride:
Lion Dagi and Lion Joan: planning work parties at the garden at Via towards the end of January: the 23rd, 30th, and Feb. 6th, from 9:00-1:00. Joan and Dagi have done the weeds, so that will not be on the list, more cutting of wood, building tasks, and planting seeds. You will get an email about the work party; it will be a small group because of Covid. If anyone wants to see what it looks like, let Dagi or Joan know, if you just want a tour.
Lion Eli: Cupertino Rotary emailed Lion Eli asking where they could put money earned from the upcoming golf tournament. He suggested Camp Via, since they have been active in the camp for years as well. He mentioned our train and garden project as in progress and suggested that as a possible recipient.
Lion Leslye: Working on our next Lion Newsletter. Looking for these segments from other lions to include.
Lion Leslye: There will be some updates to the website and a small committee will be formed to discuss these changes.

Meeting Adjourned: 7:09