Lions Present at Zoom Video Conference: Lion’s Ray, Ron, Al, Steve, Joan, Dagi, Eli, Mort, Don, and Kent.

Dates to Remember –

– Charter Day at Camp Via West April 24
11:00 AM til 3:00 PM
– Annual Golf Tournament June 26, 2021 ?
– Ride4Diabetes will be scheduled in 2021 ?
PM Meeting Review –
A discussion was held regarding activity at our Camp VIA garden. Additional volunteers have appeared, and some are pledging, Seed Hub is a Next-Door garden group, Scale of Justice Lions Club, and their LEO group.
A discussion was held regarding the Charter Day at Via Campus West on 4/24/2021. Forty people have signed up so far. Lion Steve must be contacted if you plan to attend Charter Day. Additional work is needed. Please contact Lion Joan if you are available to assist. Entertainment has been confirmed by the Hootenanny Band.
AM- Lion Joan talked about setting up an activity for the kids that are attending the Charter Day celebration. Lion Steve said he will need help setting up the audio system for the guest speakers and the ever popular “Hootenanny Band”. Lion Steve asked for help on Friday April 23rd at 10 AM at his house to load the audio system. Lion Joan said she has heard from the Scales of Justice Lions club offering help at the camp.
Open discussions were held involving 2021 Crab Feed fund raising, plans for this year’s Golf Classic and the possibility of more active early involvement in assisting the Registrar’s Office.
AM – Lion Ray and Lion Eli are going to the Golf Land miniature golf and Sunken Gardens golf courses to discuss the possibilities of a fund raiser with them. Lion Ray said he sent an email to several Super Almaden Lions members to see how they set up their miniature golf tournament, he heard back from Lion Allan Woertnick. Lion Ray said that Lion Allan will attend the next AM meeting 4/15/2021 to talk about the miniature golf fund raiser they did.
The DeAnza Lions have a deadline of May 15, 2021 to submit the 2021-2022 Club Officers and Directors. Currently the position of Secretary remains open. The Club needs members to step up and accept a position.

Good of the Order –
Lion Steve will take Maria to her eye appointment in San Francisco on Wednesday. Lion Al said we have been supporting Maria with the Lions Eye clinic for about eleven years.
Lion Joan said that the Boy Scout we are supporting has made a prototype for the lid covering to be used on the lower garden beds. Lion Joan also said that if we have extra plant seedlings that members of the club who would like some for their garden might be available, otherwise we would donate them to another 501c3 Valley Verda.
Lion Al said he was working with Lion Don Lang on donating the note pads to the Braille society. Lion Joan said that she might have a school that might be able to use them.
Lion Ray said that two Lions clubs had folded, the East San Jose Lions and the Scotts Valley Lions club.
Lion Ray is also going to talk with Holders to see if we might be able to start holding meeting again at the restaraunt.
Lion Ray talked about volunteering for the Santa Clara County ROV when the time comes, it is a great fund raiser for the club.
Lion Ron Ahearn

Regular Board Meeting Minutes: 6:30pm, 20 APRIL 2021
Zoom Meeting Called By: Lion Jeff Type of Meeting: Business Secretary: Lion Jill
Board Members Present: Jeff, Jill, Al, Vijay, Eli, Claire.
Call to Order – Lion Jeff at 6:39
1. March Minutes Approval: no discussion, minutes approved.
2. Covid Crab Feed Donation Ask 2021: no updates.
3. Charter Day 2021, A Saturday Afternoon in April – Open Air, Camp Via, BYO. 40 people as of now. Al did the program.
4. Hunger At Home Volunteer Day #2 , Sat. 5/22/21Continue to promote and the new date was sent out to the club. Claire has the sign up sheet and we have a few already. Claire will send out a reminder.
5. Golf Tournament: The email survey sent out got this response: 30 interested in mini, and 4 in 9-hole course. Ray and Eli went to see the ones on El Camino and Wolfe. The manager at the mini-golf said they would be happy to work with us and it would cost about $15.00 per player, including some kind of “snack”, unsure of what that would be. This would be mid-July and a weekday for mini-golf and $50.00 charge for mini-golf. Sunken Gardens, across the street, a 9-hole executive course, said they could handle us for $30 per golfer, including a meal. Drinks were not discussed. We would probably need to charge $75.00 tentatively for Sunken Gardens. A consultation with Lion Alan (from another club) said the mini-golf was lucrative, but it has been in motion for many years. We need to poll the club to see which month might be more likely for volunteerism: July, August, September. We also need to know COVID restrictions. Wouldn’t we have more space at a regular golf course in regards to COVID? The Sunken Garden option would have food, more space, alcohol, and dinner. But, they don’t have golf carts for everyone. We would still do this in the evening mid-week, but September seems more realistic in terms of planning time, COVID restrictions, etc. Is there another 18 hole golf course that could accommodate: Los Lagos? For Sunken Gardens, Leos could be the caddies. Board is leaning towards Sunken Gardens and in September. Eli and Ray will bring a proposal about cost, etc. to the board next month.
6. Lion Charity Perpetual Fund Committee: Claire, Eli, Ray, Vijay, how to invest funds, risk or conservative, and what are the goals and agreements of the fund. Vijay and Claire presented the spreadsheet showing how, if the funds are divided 50% for both conservative or aggressive funds, would grow over a period of 10 years.
Motion made by Jeff, seconded by Eli: the strategy and the agreements the perpetual fund committee recommended at the board meeting was voted unanimously approved. See spreadsheet linked here.
7. Board Members and Changes, Lion Year 2021/22: We need a plan. Do we divy up the secretary jobs? Without a new secretary, though, we won’t have an odd number. It is not in the bylaws that it has to be an odd number. Ray and/or John will be contacted to see if they would like to be a board member at large. For secretary: Al would be willing to deal with the emails by having his name as Secretary for the time being as well as be treasurer, Jill would be willing to post minutes and share them out to the club/ board and manage membership, and Claire would do minutes when she was available, and a proxy when she was not, Al and Jeff would be willing to learn how to report activities.
8. Good of the Pride, Any Lion: Delegates for Convention/Directory Ad: forwarding email to Al

De Anza Lions Club: PM Meeting Minutes, 7 April 2021
Lion Prez Jeff presiding, Lion Al Secretary pro-tem
Call to order at 6:37 PM precisely, Flag Salute by all Lions,Tail Twister Lion Carl
Lions Present: Lions Jeff, Ray, Al, Steve, Leslye, Joan, Eli, Carl, Jenni, Vijay, Mort, Jen, Danessa, Ron and John.

Motions made, seconded and Resolutions passed or defeated: None.

Lion Jeff dispensed with the reading of the previous meeting since they were published.

A discussion was held regarding activity at our Camp VIA garden. Additional volunteers have appeared, and some are pledging, Seed Hub is a Next-Door garden group, Scale of Justice Lions Club, and their LEO group.,

A discussion was held regarding the Charter Day at Via Campus West on 4/24/2021.Forty people have signed up so far. Lion Steve must be contacted if you will attend Charter Day. Additional work is needed. Please contact Lion Joan if your available to assist. Entertainment has been confirmed by Hootenanny.

Open discussions were held involving 2021 Crab Feed fund raising, plans for this year’s Golf Classic and the possibility of more active early involvement in assisting the Registrar’s Office.
The DeAnza Lions have a deadline of May 15, 2021 to submit the 2021-2022 Club Officers and Directors. Currently it is felt the position of Secretary remains open. The Club needs members to step up and accept a position.

Meeting adjourned at 7:30 PM.

Lions Present at Zoom Video Conference: Lion’s Ray, Ron, Al, Steve, Joan, Dagi, Eli, Mort, Don, Kent, Herb, and Phil.

Dates to Remember –

– Charity Crab Feed 2021 On Line Donations thru
– Charter Day at Camp Via West April 24
11:00 AM til 3:00 PM
– Annual Golf Tournament June 26, 2021 ?
– Ride4Diabetes will be scheduled in 2021 ?

Board Meeting Review –
Lion Al said discussions were held about the upcoming positions for the club that need to be filled, they are President and Secretary, anyone interested in applying for these positions please contact a current Board member. Lion Prez Jeff will be at the end of his term June 30, 2021 as President.
Lion Ray talked about the Hunger at Home volunteer program that seven Lion members worked on March 13th which was a great success. Lion Ray said Lion Claire talked about setting up another volunteer day in May so wait for an announcement. Lion Ray said this would be a good hands on community service for the club.
The Charter Day celebration is scheduled for April 24th from 11 AM til 3PM at Camp Via West in the amphitheater so there is plenty of space to social distance. Lion Steve will send out a reminder and ask those who would like to attend to let him know.
Lion Al said that the Perpetual fund committee is being formed and anyone that would like to participate in it to let a Board member know. Currently the committee has three members, Lion Eli, Lion Claire, and Lion VJ. They would like to have a couple of more committee members to help in advising how to manage and invest are fund to make it prosper. Currently we have approximately $14,300 in the fund.

Camp Via West Garden/Train – Lion Joan said that currently there is not a lot going on at the Camp Garden area because of the weather. Lion Joan said Lion Steve set up the temperature controllers for the fans in the green house and that she adjusted them a little as the green house temperature was a little warm. Lion Joan said most of the areas are automated as for as outside and in the green house watering. Lion Joan said that she has a volunteer and the volunteers cousin coming and working in the garden area quite often which is a big help. Lion Dagi has been doing a lot of weeding around the garden area since the rain has made them pop up. Lion Joan mentioned that Rick is doing a lot of grass mowing around the camp again and that maybe we could get a work party together to help him out. Lion Joan said Camp Via West currently plans to open the camp for limited access for the kids with help from a private school sometime in September.

Golf Tournament – Lion Ray said he sent an email to several Super Almaden Lions members to see how they set up their
miniature golf tournament, he has not heard back from them yet. He is going to call them to see if he can get that information.

Good of the Order –

Lion Ray and Lion Dagi wanted to thank Lion Claire for setting up the Hunger at Home volunteer day saying it was very impressive and rewarding.
Lion Dagi took Maria to her eye appointment in San Francisco on Wednesday. Lion Dagi said the doctors and Maria were disappointed in the progress in her eyesight. Her operation was healing well but they were hoping for better results.
Lion Al said he was going to send out statements and a white paper explaining what our dues are used for both in the club and the Lions Clubs International. Some of the dues are in arears of up to $200 hoping that we can maintain the members in our club.
Lion Joan said that the Cupertino compost area will be opening up again starting March 26th and 27th. She would like to get some more compost for the garden area at Camp Via West, we will need a couple of pickups to haul the compost up to the camp which is only a couple of miles away from the compost area.

Lion Ron Ahearn

Lions Present at Zoom Video Conference: Lion’s Ray, Ron, Al, Steve, Joan, Eli, John, Dagi, Don, and Phil.

Dates to Remember –

– Charity Crab Feed 2021 On Line Donations thru
– Hunger Drive Volunteers Saturday 3/13, 8 AM-12
– Charter Day at Camp Via West April 24
11:00 AM til 3:00 PM
– Annual Golf Tournament June 26, 2021 ?
– Ride4Diabetes will be scheduled in 2021 ?

Student Speaker Contest – Lion Ray, wanted to thank Lion Joan and Lion Steve for doing double duty as timers and tellers. Lion John said that Lion Suda did a great job running the contest virtually. Lion Ray is not sure whether the next level contest will be virtual or in person. Lion Ray wanted to thank Lion Al for processing the contestants checks so fast.

Camp Via West Garden/Train – Lion Joan said that we had a great volunteer at the camp last Saturday who brought a couple of other volunteers and Lion Joan hopes she will become a regular.
Lion Joan said that she took a class on crop planning and got a spread sheet tool that will help in in our crop planting. Lion Joan said we currently have about 75 varieties plants growing. Lion Joan talked about possibly selling the small plants or the actual left over harvest to generate some revenue for the club. Lion Steve said he got the controllers for temperature control in the green house to keep a constant temperature around 80 degrees. Lion Joan said she was going to talk with Lion Kent about talking to the Leo’s about doing some weeding at the garden area. Lion Joan said she would be at the camp Saturday 3/13 around 1:30 PM for those who would like to join her.

Golf Tournament –  Lion Ray talked about the golf tournament and how we should go forward with it. It was mentioned that the Auburn Lions were having a tournament on May 21, 2021 @ $125/person and that the Cupertino Rotary was having a tournament May 1, 2021 @$85/person. Discussions were held about when to have one if we can or do we want to hold a miniature golf tournament like the Super Almaden Lions have done in the years past. Lion Ray said he would contact some of their members to see how it was set up, once he gets that information he would contact Golfland in Sunnyvale to see if we could hold one there and the propose it to the board if that is the way we decide to go. There was discussion also about changing the date of the tournament due to the virus restrictions. If we have a tournament Lion Eli said the 2nd or 3rd week of July would probably work best. Lion John said he would check with Lion Claire to see what lesson’s we could learn from what we did with the Food Drive so successfully.

Good of the Order –

Lion Dagi said she will take Maria up to San Francisco for her next eye appointment on Wednesday. Thank you Lion Dagi.

Lion Ray talked about possibly having a regular meeting at Holders Country Inn in the near future .

Lion Ron Ahearn

Regular Board Meeting: 6:30pm, 16 MARCH 2021
Meeting Called By: Lion Jeff Type of Meeting: Business Secretary: Lion Jill

Board Members: Jen, Sudha, Jill, Jeff, Claire, Eli, Vijay.

Call to Order – Lion Jeff at 6:41

February Minutes Approval : no objections, approved as submitted.
Covid Crab Feed Donation Ask 2021: no numbers at this time.
Hunger At Home volunteer event recap, 03/13/ 2021: awesome event, interaction with volunteers and those that run the organization, especially the CEO, Ewell. Great way to attract potential Lions and serve others. Provided meals for 192 families in one morning and this is about or a little less than what they do every week. We could make this a quarterly opportunity for our club. Claire will contact and organize another chance in possibly May. Sudha’s daughter, who is a 9th grader, and a Leo, wants to bring in some more volunteers. Claire will put her in touch with the volunteer coordinator, Everly. Eli was wondering if they would be interested in getting produce from Via? Most of their donations are in large amounts.
Charter Day 2021, A Saturday Afternoon, 11:00 to 3:00 (TBC) April 24th- – Open Air, Camp Via, It’s a BYO Picnic!
Lion Charity Perpetual Fund Committee; Eli, Vijay, and Claire, and two other people to be on the committee in the next two weeks. Eli suggests that the committee meet this month because it may be a good time to invest the funds.
Board Members and Changes, Lion Year 2021/22: Lion Jeff wants to move out of President, learn about being Treasurer by shadowing Lion Al, Lion Jill wants to release the secretary position, Lion Eli would like to step away from the board as well. We need to inform and solicit these openings to the rest of the club. In the bylaws, there are rules and responsibilities of each of the jobs. While the President down to the Treasurer are required, the other role labels are not required. The other club directors can have jobs, but that is up to the board to decide. A great “role” that would be very useful for our club would be a “communications/marketing” director. Do we need an odd number and/or do we need more board members? Possible candidates: Lion John Smith as President (with Vijay as First VP, as a back up during Lion John’s travel, and potentially an eventual President), would Leslye want to be Secretary? Possibly Lion Claire or Lion Sudha are willing to be a VP as well. Jeff will continue as Past President and Jill is willing to step into Eli’s role, if no one else from the club would like to be a board member. Jeff will send an email to the club about the open roles and to Lion John Smith. Jill will email Lion Leslye about the secretary position.
Good of the Pride: no items.

Meeting Adjourned: 7:42

Present: Al, Vijay, Jeff, Steve, Charles, John, Ray, Mort and Eli, Claire, Scott, Jenni, Carl, Jen, Sudha, Leslye, Danessa
Special Guest: Billy Williams, NURU

— Agenda —
Call to Order: 18:33

Virtual Flag Salute

Update: NURU International – Billy Williams, Partnerships Director

We’ve been supporting them for many years. They work with small holder farmers in Africa. Lots of non-profit orgs have shut their doors due to Covid when the need has been greatest. Billy gave a shout out to The Lions for helping to doubling-down during these times of need.

NURU has recently been scaling up to help fill the gaps where their benefactors need a lot of help right now.

Countries like Ethiopia partnered with NURU to get basic supplies like soap to scores of citizens, and assistance to farmers like providing seed. They’ve been a large contributor in other countries like Kenya to help stabilize and serve various regions (i.e.: nearly 24k people!).

NURU is moving into a fourth country, deciding later this year between Niger, Mozambique, Burkina Faso

(FANTASTIC!) Update: Student Speaker Contest 2021 – Lion Ray + Sudha

Huge turnout of students (38), final contest was 14. Students from schools all over the Bay Area. Sudha – take a bow! She was paramount in the success of the event (electronics, waiting rooms, etc.)

Shout out to Ray for helping to set it up.

** We need a timer. Ping Ray, if interested. Next contest is 2-4 this Saturday.
Update, Spirit of a Crab Feed 2021 – Covid-style, Gentle Charity Ask – Lion Carl

Gofundme page is up. Carl sent out the form and the flier about a week ago to the club.
We’re pledged about 480 bucks, I’ve we got about 100 bucks in.
Jeff recommended we extend out a month to 3/31.

Via Campus Projects, The Gardens, Etc. – Lion Jeff

Danessa continues to work at the sight extensively.

Leslye is working with an Eagle Scout, working as a liaison. They chatted for a long time up at Camp Via. (Rick might be a better contact for this scout.)

Danessa continues to work up there extensively. Daggi just delivered 60 bags of vegetables. They continue to expand the gardening area. We donated about 130 lbs of food in the month of Feb, which contributed to the California Lions 162,000 lbs of food delivered / donated by the Lions to food banks, etc.

The Ratners were up there today continuing to work on the sprinklers / drip system.

Charter Day 2021, April Date, Via Campus, Covid-friendly format – lion jeff, Any Lion
Good of the Pride

Ratner took Maria up for surgery on the 26th. She’s doing well. Next appt on 3/17. That was her second surgery.

Lions Present at Zoom Video Conference: Lion’s Ray, Ron, Al, Steve, Joan, Eli, Mort, Dagi, Leslye, Kent, and Herb.

Dates to Remember –

– Charity Crab Feed 2021 to be On Line Donations
– Student Speaker Contest February 28 & March 6
– Annual Golf Tournament June 26, 2021 ?
– Ride4Diabetes will be scheduled in 2021 ?

Student Speaker Contest – Lion Ray, Lion Sudha and Lion Liang had a meeting to firm up the preliminary speech contest. Lion Ray said there are 25 student speakers with a speaking time of 3-5 minutes each. There will be 4 picked to go on to the club contest on March 6th. Lion Ray said he needs 3 Judges for the preliminary speech contest February 28th from 4:30 – 6:30 PM. The judges can be Lions club members for the preliminary round. Ray also needs timers and tellers for the club contest on March 6th from 2-4 PM for those of you interested.

Camp Via West Garden/Train – Lion Joan said that they have worked five Saturday’s in a row and have accomplished a lot. Lion Steve has worked on the watering systems in the green house and the lower planting beds. Lion Joan said they harvested 55 bags of vegetables and greens that was donated to West Valley Community services. Lion Joan wants to talk with someone at West Valley Community services to make sure what we are donating to them is going to good use. Lion Ray said Lion Danessa is making signs for the garden area and they are outstanding. Lion Joan said they will be up at the camp this Saturday 2/27 at 1:30 PM if anyone would like to join them working in the garden. Lion Joan said there was an inquiry from a mother concerning a possible project that her son could do to help becoming an eagle scout. Lion Leslye said she would be willing to guide the individual in his endeavor.

Crab Feed –  Lion Dagi said the corrected flyer and letter for the Crab Feed is now on our website along with the links they refer to for donations. Lion Al said he provided Lion Carl with approximately 300 email addresses of past attendees to have a mass mailing going out to request donations since we are not able to have a Crab Feed this year because of Covid restrictions. The mass mailing has not happened yet. Lion Al made a minor change to the letter and sent it to Lion Dagi.

Good of the Order –
Update on Lions Health – Most of the Lion’s said they received their first vaccination with several others saying they have their second shot scheduled.

Lion Ray said that Lion John Smith has sold his home in Santa Rosa and will be moving to our neck of the woods in April.

Lion Steve said he and Ellen will take Maria up to San Francisco for her second post-op eye check tomorrow. Thank you Lion Steve and Ellen.

Lion Eli said they are trying to set up a Hoot-n-nanny band for the upcoming Charter Day at Camp Via West on April 24th from 11AM – 3 PM. This will be a great day for us to socialize in an open air environment and practice social distancing in their amphitheater so pack a lunch and drinks and join in on the fun.

Lion Ron Ahearn

DAL Board Meeting: February 16, 2021 Virtual Zoom

Board Members Present:
Lion Leslye Noone, Lion Claire Kalia, Lion Jeff Ludlum, Lion Al Knox, Lion Vijay Caveripakkam

Call to Order at: 6:34pm

Approval of January Minutes: Lion Jeff motioned and Lion Claire seconded a motion to approve the January minutes; the motion passed.

Next Step: Lion Charity Perpetual Fund. Lion Jeff asked if we should create a committee to come up with an investment/risk plan and present to the members; all agreed. Lion Al said that whoever is going to monitor the fund should be in touch with a professional, probably other than Charles Schwab. Lion Al also suggested that we should have some Board and some non-Board members on the committee. Lion Vijay said we should figure out what we want first and that will drive the strategy. Lion Claire said that the committee should decide on our big-picture strategy and then we could run it by Artie Green (the financial advisor who presented to our last meeting) once we have a plan. Lion Jeff thinks 3-5 would be a good number for the committee (mix of Board and non-Board). The Board thinks that Lion Kent and Lion Eli are interested in being on the committee. Lion Vijay and Lion Claire offered to be part of the committee. The task of the committee is to come up with an investment and management strategy for the fund.

Covid Crab Feed Donation 2021. Lion Jeff asked for any updates on Crab Feed donations and encouraged us all to reach out to our usual Crab Feed contacts.
Hunger at Home Volunteer Event. Lion Claire updated that the Hunger at Home event is Saturday, March 13, 8am-noon, and we have had six signups so far; she will send a reminder to the club shortly. Lion Leslye said FYI that this is the same date as the upcoming District leadership forum.

Charter Day 2021. Charter Day is now Saturday, April 24 at Camp Via, and we may also have an update from Camp Via during that time.

Good of the Pride.
Lion Claire asked about social media/website strategy. Lion Leslye said that Lion Dagi has been in touch with Dave Kaplow, our contact from West San Jose-Campbell Lions; Lion Leslye said she would follow up.
Lion Jeff said he would like to learn more about the Treasurer role and would like to see if anyone would like to step up as President for a year starting in June while he learned about the Treasurer role, and Lion Jeff could be Past President.
Meeting adjourned at: 7:07pm.

Lions Present at Zoom Video Conference: Lion’s Ray, Ron, Al, Steve, Don, John S., Joan, Phil, Eli, Mort, Dagi, Leslye, and Herb.

Dates to Remember –

– Charity Crab Feed 2021 to be On Line Donations
– Student Speaker Contest February 27 & March 6
– Annual Golf Tournament June 26, 2021 ?
– Ride4Diabetes will be scheduled in 2021 ?

Student Speaker Contest – Lion Ray, Lion Sudha and Lion Liang had a meeting to firm up the preliminary speech contest and narrow the number of participants, we currently have 30 students interested in participating. The preliminary contest will probably be split into two groups of fifteen to narrow the contestants down to four for the club contest on March 6th. Lion Ray said he has three judges set up and Lion John said he has an individual that would like to be a judge as well. Lion Ray said he would need tellers and timers for the club contest on March 6th. Lion Ray said he would talk with Lion Jim Isaccson to see how their club has set up their virtual speaker contest event to see how they did it. Lion Ray said one of the students from Homestead High school would like to set up a Leo’s club at the school.

Camp Via West Garden/Train – Lion Joan said Lion Dagi was the master of seeding. Lion Joan said we currently have 1300 plants to transplant, we might give some to a non profit to distribute among individuals that want to grow a family garden but cannot afford to purchase plants. Lion Joan said we could also put a note on next-door and sell the plant seedlings to help pay for our Camp Via West expenses for the garden. Lion Joan said Lion Danessa is working on the signs for the garden area. Lion Steve worked on the sprinkler system for the lower garden area and still has some work to do on it. Lion Joan said she would be up at the camp Saturday afternoon about 1:30 PM if anyone would like to join her. Lion Ray said he would bring an air pump for the wheel barrow. Lion Joan said she saw an article in the Cupertino Patch (an electronic version of the local newspaper) on our work at the camp. Lion John Smith said this is a project that should be in the Lions magazine for other clubs to see what we are doing and they might start one for their club. Lion Joan said we are trying to get an article in the Cupertino Courier to let the local residents know what we are doing which might help in getting new members.

Crab Feed –  Lion Dagi said the flyer and letter for the Crab Feed is now on our website but the links they refer to for donations are not working. Lion Al said he provided Lion Carl with approximately 300 email addresses of past attendees to have a mass mailing going out to request donations since we are not able to have a Crab Feed this year because of Covid restrictions. The mass mailing has not happened yet. Lion Al made a minor change to the letter and sent it to Lion Dagi to put on the web site. Lion Leslye asked what our fund raising goal was and Lion Dagi said at least $3,000.

Good of the Order –

Update on Lions Health – Most of the Lion’s said they received their first vaccination with several others saying they have their second shot scheduled. Lion Joan said that Lion Linda Sanders is is being taken care of by her son Adam and is not doing well at this time. Lion John Smith said everything seems to be going in the right direction for his wife Carmel. Lion Eli said Lion Pat Coppe’s husband Dino is doing well and is on a chemo pill regiment at this time.

Lion Steve said he and Ellen took Maria up to San Francisco for her eye operation and everything went well. Lion Dagi picked her up after the surgery was complete. She is scheduled to have her post operation meeting today. Lion Steve said she has her second post-op next Friday.

Lion Al said Lion Jeff is looking at stepping down as President of the club at the end of his term and is interested in doing other duties in the club.

Lion Al said the Board is looking at setting up a committee of three Board members and two Lion club members to manage the Perpetual fund.

Lion Ron Ahearn