Lion Prez Jeff presiding.
Lion Al Secretary
Call to order at 6:38 PM
Flag Salute by all Lions
Tail Twister Lion Carl/Anna
Lions Present in-person: Jeff, Steve, Carl, Al, Claire, Jen, Jill, Barb, and Ron.
Lions Present by Zoom: Vijay, Bill, Joan and Leslye.
Lion Guests: District Governor Allen L. King of King City Lions, 1st Vice District Governor Melinda Blaza of Milpitas Gateway Silicon Valley Lions, 2nd Vice District Governor Benjie Fernandez of Milpitas Executive Lions, Cabinet Secretary Jeanine Healy of San Martin Lions, LCIF Liaison Sue Szucs of Milpitas Gateway Silicon Valley Lions, Lotus Shin of San Jose Pioneer Lions, Marie Dollar of San Martin Lions.
Guests: Levi, Anastacia (Ana), and Lucia Ludlum and Ellen Ratner.
Lion Jeff dispensed with the reading of the previous meeting since they were published.
Motions made, seconded and Resolutions passed or defeated: None.
District Governor Lion Allen addressed the meeting praising the DeAnza Lions for their continued activity in the face of the pandemic. At the same time challenging all 4c6 District Lions to continue their service heeding our International President Douglas C. Alexander’s words, “Service from the Heart.”
The entire entourage of the Governor followed with words of praise, encouragement and challenge covering topics such as Lions in Sight, LCIF Campaign 100, Student Speakers contest (How Kindness can Reunite our Country), Poster and Essay contests, Melvin Jones Fellowships and even suggesting the formation of a “Cubs” Club.
Regarding our installation of officers and induction of a new member that occurred 8/21/2021, Lion President Jeff presented Lion Jill with the Presidential Award that was acknowledge in absentia.
It was reported that all DeAnza ROV Teams have been trained and are prepared to provide the required service starting 9/4/2021.
Lion President Jeff reported that the Family BBQ Party was successfully held on 8/28/2021, a full report soon from the Lion Treasurer.
Meeting adjourned at 7:25 PM.