Regular PM De Anza Lions Club Meeting 9/5/18
Lions: Steve, Eli, Mort, Ann, Jeff, Carl, Clare, Jen, Ray, Ron, Phil, Dagi, Al, JoAnn, Andrea
Club Guests: Barb, Ellen, Leslye
Community guests: Lion John Smith, Ms. Minh Ngo
Lion kids (Lions-to-be): 9

Call to Order by Lion Jeff 6:40 PM
Flag Salute
Moment of silence in respect of those club relatives recently passed, and in support of the Noone and Knox families.
Welcome to Distinguished Guest: Lion John Smith from Lions Club Chapter 4C2 in the North Bay and Ms. Minh Ngo, Executive Director of My Red Shoes
Happy money collection was well managed by lion-to-be Eli Wallace and many participants shared their special moments of the week.

Installation of Officers, Guest Lion John Smith presiding
President: Lion Jeff
1st Vice Pres Lion Charles, in absentia
2nd Vice Pres Lion Ray
Secretary Lion Jill, in absentia
Treasurer Lion VJ, in absentia
Directors: Lions Clare and Carl
Membershp chair vacant
LCIF Rep. vacant
The absent officers were represented by their photos, with stand-ins for the oaths.
All accepted the responsibilities of their roles as read by Lion John. It should be noted that Lion John Smith went to great trouble to bring important and useful tools to help the officers; for example – two long horns for Lion Carl, our club tail twister and lion tamer, to use to generate enthusiasm at club events, and a heavy rubber mallet for Pres, Lion Jeff to keep order, and to put square pegs in round holes as needed.
Lion Dagi took photos of the proceedings, and she will bring them to share at
upcoming events.

Lion Claire introduced community guest Ms. Minh Ngo, with great regard for the work of her organization My Red Shoes, and presented a club gift in the amount of $1500 for the good works of the organization. Ms. Ngo described how their group helped thousands of kids last year with shoes and clothing to give them pride and comfort for their daily lives. The shoes were in the past distributed at school sites and other venues in the summer, for use in the new school year, and also this past year, mid-year as well, with recognition that kids outgrow their shoes and also that new kids come to the schools after the summer programs have taken place. There were smiles in the room all around. It is clear that they appreciate our gifts over the years, and that we feel good as a club to be able to make the awards.

Project Linus was about to take place in 2 days, 9/6, at the Oddfellows Bldg on Homestead, and the group present was encouraged to come and bring friends and neighbors to cut the blanket fringes for our kids to tie to make the blankets. This is a feel very good family event.

The Tail Twister fall Fiesta will be at the Noone’s with Lion Leslye presiding and welcoming all to her home for the event as planned. Sat 9/15. Lion Jeff will send details. The Ratners are donating the wine, and the club is providing the tri-tip. The group is encouraged to bring potential members to show them how much fun we have as a group and how welcoming we can be. Please bring side dishes.

The food drive is coming up in the fall. We will need apple boxes, a lot of apple boxes, the weekend before Thanksgiving. Please ask for some at your local supermarket around that time. Only apple boxes can be used. A note will go out with how/where to drop them off as it gets closer. That support will be a great help and much appreciated.

Board Positions: Membership and LCIF directors are needed. See yourself in one of these positions, and notify Lion Jeff asap. Hopefully he will have more offers than slots. If you want to get an idea of the work you’d be doing, and the time commitment, just contact him and set up a time for a conversation.
The motto for all this effort is: Many paws=Light Work.

Program leadership:
Crab Feed: Lion Carl leads the crab feed and is fine without a co-chair, however he has 6 committees and needs a chair for each. He has sent that info in an email today to all club members and it is asked that you see the need and volunteer to help him. He will chair the kitchen committee himself. You would be a chair of one aspect of the event and will have a committee to share the tasks. Dividing the work makes it all happen, but each of us needs to come forward to help it be a success. First things first – 5 chairs. Please email Lion Carl and offer your help. We make a great deal of money at this event, and that helps us do our charitable good deeds as a club. Steve Ratner generously offered the tickets and flyers as in the past.

Ride for Diabetes needs a chair. Contact Lion Kent for info about this project.
It is fun and productive work and there is a committee already working on it.
Golf event has a chair and needs a co-chair
Food drive has a chair and needs a co-chair

The Good of the Pride:
Club treasurer Lion VJ’s wife is expecting a baby! VJ is expecting a baby as well.

Leslye Noone has John’s computer and it is filled with notes about the many events he was working on, and also has folders on completed projects he led and helped with in the past. She is happy for you to contact her to come by and bring a thumb drive to copy whatever you may need or want to review.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:50 PM
Respectfully submitted: Lion Andrea for Lion Jill.

DAL Board Meeting: August 20 2018


Board Members: Jeff, Jill, Ray, Vijay, Charles, Claire, Carl.


Other members present: Kent, Joan.


Moment of Silence for dear John. He is already so missed.


  1. Recap between board: Emergency motion to confirm the R4D new date of May 5, 2019 was voted down 4-3, with two members abstaining.
  2. Project Linus September 6 at Odd Fellow’s 6:30: Claire visited Leslye and brought dinner, and Leslye brought up the project.  She wants to be there and to continue, but won’t buy the fabric. Jenni is going to buy the fabric. Dagi is going to help run the night. Claire will be there, too, with the girl scouts.
  3. Tail Twister Fiesta: New host and date needed in light of John’s passing. The original date is the 15th of September.  Could we push into October?Jeff will send out an email to postpone the tailtwister party and that we are looking for an alternate location/date.
  4. New magnetic Car Signage needed:  Don Lang 10 signs 170 dollars-already part of the approved budget, so Vijay says go ahead and buy it.
  5. CLF: donations for disaster relief/wildfires in CA. We would send our money to the CLF and they distribute. Jeff will go to the website to see where the money goes and then we can discuss at next board meeting.  
  6. Two Open Board Seats: Lion Mike Ringer (resigned membership and participation on the board) and with John’s death, we have two open position.Membership Chair and LCIF chair/Co-treasurer ( a back up name from board in case Vijay becomes unavailable).  Ask for volunteers, then, if there is a situation where they may be more than one person interested in the positions. Then, as a board we can vote. We would do this in a week-long stretch for each piece: one week for volunteers to step up, one week to make a decision as a board.  Motion by Charles for a two week period to gather names. Seconded by Ray and unanimously approved. Question: can a board member “double up” on roles.
  7. Crab Feed 2019: Carl is a co-chair.  Carl is meeting with Jim to get details as much as possible. Carl has gotten a timeline and roles as such defined by Jim. Jim brought a lot of people in: : the band who gets paid (500-600 bucks)-Charles knows the band guys, so he could be a contact, liquor license (Bill Reed takes care of that), the date is Feb. 9th, deposit for location needs to be paid about October. We don’t need a co-chair,but we need some “smaller” chairs to deal with certain aspects.Vijay knows the lady where the wine gets picked up.  Priorities are venue, liquor license, and Fish Market.
  8. Endowment Fund Questions: our “seller” is that every dime goes to charity. Carl is asking about the fact that some of it as an investment, goes into a bank.  So, therefore, we can’t say that every dime goes to charity. Vijay states that any treasurer for any club, should have at least two years worth of reserves. However, we have not turned down any asks, unless it is against our bylaws. The endowment fund allows members to make a tax free donation. If we need it, we can break the seal and use it.
  9. Ride 4 Diabetes: we need to advertise a reschedule date, whether or not the board approves, and Liang has some sponsors that are willing to come on board. The requests to corporations need to have them by the end of the year. We have 11 riders, and some sponsorships pledged. One of the conditions was to call it a De Anza Lions ride, but the board has said that the ride can display the De Anza Lions banner, logos, etc.  The language is “the majority of the funds” will go to Diabetes related causes and it is a 501C3 fund. Kent argues that they won’t get any sponsors unless it is 100%. Vijay confirms that because we can check off all the boxes for a 501C3, as does Claire, that it is enough for the sponsors. A discussion on both sides about the ride, including some history. The conditions are still in place that the board approved originally for the second annual ride.

Motion made by Jeff to move the ride to May 5, 2019, seconded by the Vijay, WITH the conditions still in place (the language must be “majority goes to Diabetes related causes”), a rep continues to come to board meetings, and that the committee chairs are filled in a reasonable time.. Discussion: What would be different if the date was moved, as in the time the committee has already had, there are 11 riders.? Joan said she suggested a promotion committee chair would be important, now there is so much more headway, even though the position is still filled, and more personal connections have been made with the city, the community, etc. that was not in place before. Question about whether a blanket fee is more effective in getting riders than a pledge model. For Joan, having the pledges is what made her want to do the ride. Chamber of Commerce and City of Cupertino is very supportive and believes it is important. Advantage now is that the ride calendars aren’t set if this new date is approved.Favor: 5 Ayes, One Abstaining, One Nay. New date approved.


  1. Golf Chair Needed: we still have the date and Moffett reserved, but no chair and no money down.


  1. Food Drive: Claire and Jen will chair the Food Drive and Ray will be there to help all along.


Lions Present: Lion’s Ray, Ron, Phil, Don, Steve, Bill, Al, Dagi, Eli, Kent, Joan and Charlie.

Dates to Remember –

– PM meeting September 5, 2018 6:30 PM Tony and Alba’s
– Project Linus September 6, 2018 at the Cupertino Odd Fellows
Hall at 6:30 PM
– Thanksgiving Food Drive November 17, 18, and 19th.
– February 9, 2019 Crab Feed
– Ride4Diabetes May 5, 2019

Tail Twister – Lion Tail Twister Lion Herb received many Sad Dollars for the passing of beloved Lion John Noone. Lion Ray talked about the services for Lion John.

PM Meeting Review –

The Board approved the moving of the Ride4Diabetes to May 5, 2019.
It was announced that there are currently two openings on the Board.
Lion Carl met with Lion Jim Gould to get more specifics on the crab feed so he could send out tasks that need to be done.
The Golf Tournament needs a chair person now
the that Lion Mike Ringer has resigned from the club. Currently the golf tournament is scheduled for 6/22/2019.The Board approved donations for “Wreathes Across America” and “The Fisher House”. Lions supporter Mr. Dennis Whitaker will speak about “Wreaths Across America” at the next AM Meeting 8/30/2018.
Lion Ray said we need to start thinking about the annual Food Drive and reserve a Refrigerator truck. Lion Mike Martin said he would drive the truck.

Installation of Officers – Lion Ray wanted to remind everyone that the Installation of new DAL Officers will take place at the September 5, 2018 PM meeting. At this time previous Cupertino De Anza Lions member Lion John Smith, who is the current president of his Lions club in Santa Rosa, is scheduled to to do the installation.

Project Linus – Lion Ray said Lion John Noone’s wife Leslie still wants Project Linus to take place on Thursday September 6, 2018 at the Odd Fellows Hall in Cupertino starting at 6:30 PM.

Good of the Order –

Lion Al said he is in the process of re-writing the bylaws with Lion Claire reviewing them

Lion Dagi asked about ordering vests for the club. This will be brought up at the next Board meeting.

It was suggested that Lions attending Lion John Noone’s services tomorrow wear their Yellow shirts and Lions pins showing Lions support for the Noone family. Lion Dagi said she would put together an album for the Noone family.

Lion Ron read a Thank you letter from The American Legion Stevens Creek Post 642 for our donation last year to “Wreaths Across America”.

Opportunity Drawing – No drawing this week.

Respectfully submitted by,
Lion Ron Ahearn

Lions Present: Lion’s Al, Ron, Phil, Don, Steve, Bill, Eli, Kent, John N., and Charlie.

Dates to Remember –

– Board Mtg. August 21, 2018 Place and time TBD
– PM meeting September 5, 2018 6:30 PM Tony and Alba’s
– Project Linus September 6, 2018 at the Cupertino Odd Fellows
Hall at 6:30 PM
– September 8, 2018 Ride4Diabetes ?
– Thanksgiving Food Drive November 17, 18, and 19th.
– February 9, 2019 Crab Feed

Tail Twister – Lion Tail Twister Lion Herb received Happy Dollars from Lions Eli and Steve for the successful run of the boat. .

Installation of Officers – Lion Ray wanted to remind everyone that the Installation of new DAL Officers will take place at the September 5, 2018 PM meeting. At this time previous Cupertino De Anza Lions member Lion John Smith, who is the current president of his Lions club in Santa Rosa, is scheduled to to do the
Tail Twister Party – Lion John said he and Leslie would be hosting the Tail Twister at their home starting at 3:00 PM on September 15, 2018. Lion John said they would need a couple of table and chairs from storage. The Tail Twister will provide the drinks and Tri-Tip. We will make a storage run on on Friday at 2:00 PM.

Project Linus – Lion John talked about Project Linus on Thursday September 6, 2018 at the Odd Fellows Hall in Cupertino starting at 6:30 PM. Lion John said Lion Claire will bring some of her Girl Scouts to help.

Ride4Diabetes – Lion John said the Ride4Diabetes was discussed at the Board Meeting. Lion Al said the we received a donation from Charles Schwab in the name of Ed Anderson for the Ride. Lion Kent said he talked with El Camino Hospital and they would like to participate in the run. The DAL Board voted 4-3 not to move the date to May 5, 2019. Lion Ray said he notified the AJ Robinson group to cancel the use of the van for September 8, 2018.

Good of the Order –

Project Linus September 6, 2018 at the Cupertino Odd Fellows Hall at 6:30 PM.

Lion Eli and Ray talked about needing to fill an empty spot on the Board and also chairs/co-chairs for the Crab Feed and Golf.

Lion Ray said he would send an email request to Lion Al to look at results of golf tournament proceeds from tournaments in the past. Lion Eli said moving the date of the golf tournament would adversely affect the golf tournament raising funds.

Lion Don asked if there has been a decision on the new magnetic signs for the club. Lion Ray said he would bring it to a vote at the Board meeting.

Lion Ray said we need to look at reserving the refrigerator truck for the food drive.

Lion Don said that the Cupertino Host Lions will have their annual corn feed at the Blackberry Farm this Saturday the 18th of September.

Lion John asked Lion Al how the rewrite of the club bylaws were going. Lion Al said he was about 2/3rds of the way done and being reviewed by Lion Claire.

Lion Eli mentioned that Lion Vijay and his wife are expecting their first child in February.

Opportunity Drawing – Congratulations to winner Lion Ray.

Respectfully submitted by,
Lion Ron Ahearn

Lions Present: Lion’s Al, Ron, Phil, Don, Steve, Bill, Eli, Kent, and John N.

Dates to Remember –

– Board Mtg. August 21, 2018 Place and time TBD
– PM meeting September 5, 2018 6:30 PM Tony and Alba’s
– Project Linus September 6, 2018 at the Cupertino Odd Fellows
Hall at 6:30 PM
– September 8, 2018 Ride4Diabetes ?
– Thanksgiving Food Drive November 17, 18, and 19th.
– February 9, 2019 Crab Feed

Tail Twister – Lion Tail Twister Pro-Temp Lion John received Happy Dollars from Lions Eli, Steve, AL, and Ron among others.

Installation of Officers – Installation of new DAL Officers will take place at the September 5, 2018 PM meeting. At this time previous Cupertino De Anza Lions member Lion John Smith, who is the current president of his Lions club in Santa Rosa, is scheduled to to do the installation.

Ride4Diabetes – Lion John said the Ride4Diabetes has tentively rescheduled the date for May 5, 2019 pending Board approval. Change of date is being voted on by the Board electronically and is supposed to be done by midnight tonight (8/9/2018). Lion Eli thought the club members should have been made aware of this vote so that members could provide their thoughts on the matter. Lion Eli discussed the pro’s and con’s of moving the date of the tournament but we need to talk with Lion Mike. Lion Mike is currently on the east coast.

Good of the Order –

Project Linus September 6, 2018 at the Cupertino Odd Fellows Hall at 6:30 PM.

Opportunity Drawing – Congratulations to winner Lion Don.

Respectfully submitted by,
Lion Ron Ahearn

Lions Present: Lion’s Ray, Ron, Phil, Don, Steve, Bill, Al, Eli, Joan, Kent, and John N.

Dates to Remember –

– Board Mtg. August 21, 2018 Place and time TBD
– Project Linus September 6, 2018 at the Cupertino Odd Fellows
Hall at 6:30 PM
– September 8, 2018 Ride4Diabetes
– Thanksgiving Food Drive November 17, 18, and 19th.
– February 9, 2019 Crab Feed

Tail Twister – Lion Tail Twister Temp Lion Kent received a Happy Dollar from Lion John for his return.

PM Meeting Review –

Lion Prez Jeff said that Lion John Smith will attend the September PM Meeting and install the new club officers.
Lion Ron gave Lion Prez two friendship banners to be presented to Cupertino’s sister city Coppertino, Italy.
Dates for the Tail Twister party will be announced soon.
There is a need for a co-chair along with Lion Carl for the crabfeed on February 9, 2019.
There is also a need for a co-chair along with Lion Sean (Mike) Ringer for the next golf tournament in 2019.
Project Linus September 6, 2018 at the Cupertino Odd Fellows Hall at 6:30 PM

Ride4Diabetes – Lion Joan said the Ride4Diabetes has rescheduled the date for May 5, 2019 pending Board approval. This is partly due to the Diabetes Association moving their “Tour de Cure” ride to August which would conflict with ours. This will also give us more time for planning and marketing to help in getting big name sponsors.

Good of the Order – Lion Eli discussed the pro’s and con’s of moving the date of the tournament but we need to talk with Lion Mike. Lion Eli said he would discuss it with Lion Pat Coppe and others who bring in large number of golfers.

Lion Ray said he would talk with Lion John Smith about bringing the AJ Robinson Van to Santa Rosa for a combined community effort.

Opportunity Drawing – Congratulations to winner Lion Ray who donated his winning to the club. What a guy!

Respectfully submitted by,
Lion Ron Ahearn



Regular PM Meeting Minutes:   6:30 pm Wednesday, 1 August, 2018


Lions in Attendance: Carl, Jenni, Jill, Eli, Mort, Anne, Vijay, Al, Steve, Ron, Linda, Pete.

Guests: Eli, Ana, Levi, Lucia, Barb, Ellen, Noah, and Paige.



  • Tue., 21 August, 6:30pm Start, Board Meeting, location TBD
  • Wed., 5 September at PM Meeting — Installation of 2018/2019 Officers & Directors
  • POSTPONED – the next Ride 4 Diabetes
  • TailTwister Fall Fiesta 2018 – Fall – look for the web survey
  • Fri-Mon. 16-19 November, Thanksgiving Food Drive 2018




 Call to Order –  Lion Jeff at 6:35  (wow!)

    1. Flag Salute – “Lions-to-Be”: Eli Erickson
    2. Tailtwister: Lion Carl and Eli E.  Lots to celebrate!
    3. “Dispatch from a North Bay Lion” – lion jeff- LIon John Smith, a long time former member of our club, is now a member in the North Bay, and is now the president of that club.  They are networking with other clubs, rather than just straight recruit members. Lion Jeff’s goal, inspired by John, is to see our club include continuity, rather than growth.  Lion John will be joining us in Sept.for the installation.
    4. Cupertino and Copertino, The Power of Lionism – lion jeff-Copertino, Italy (In Puglia region) is a sister club for us, and the son of the founder of the club lives in L.A. We will be sending some friendship banners to that club-keeping up the connections. Ron has some friendship banners to give to this cause.
    5. Tailtwister Fall Fiesta 2018, Timing, Theme?  Location? – The Noone’s have volunteered their home and a survey will go out with possible dates.
    6. Ride4Diabetes Update: event is postponed due to lack of sign ups and some other organizational issues. A May 5th date was proposed, but not yet approved by the board.  The ride in September does conflict with other big rides, which is another reason the ride committee sees the move to spring as optimal. The decision will need to be through the board so it doesn’t conflict with our other events; specifically, the conflict with the date being too close to the golf tourney and impacting our club’s resources with 3 big events in the first 6 months of the year. The golf tourney is a 30 year standing event, so at this time, the golf has priority.  There are many questions that John has been helpful in answering and liaising with the board. The club has voiced that now that the date is postponed, the board needs much more specific updates and review of the plan, before any more forward movement on the ride. Comments include that we already spread thin and should put our energies into our current and proven fundraisers and that club members are also concerned that funds aren’t going into our general fund. Members also question about whether or not this event will make money, and right now it has not. Still, we need to connect to our community in new ways, which the ride in theory does, but as yet, it has not generated the interest or income needed.  Concern over the money not going to the general fund was voiced.
    7. Club Leadership, This Lion Year – Many Paws, Light Work (See Below):  Co-Chairs Needed!! Co-Chair for Golf Event; Co-Chair for Crab Feed; Shadow-Chair, Food Drive IF you have any interest in co-leading these events please let Jeff or one of the board members know.  


  • Good of the Pride:


  • Project Linus:  Come one and all (children, friends, etc.):  Project Linus on September 6th at 6:30 at Odd Fellows Hall.  Such a great event!
  • Lion John Smith’s Club: their club is handing out glasses to the community.  They gave out 400 pairs of glasses after screening and partnering with local social services.  Could the A.J. Robinson van for screening to help? Some say that this would be illegal to do. More research is needed.  

Ana rings the bell: and meeting is adjourned at 7:18.  


Cupertino DeAnza Lions Charities, Inc.
Lions Club of DeAnza Corporation A.M. Meeting Minutes 7/26/2018
Lions Present: Lion’s Ray, Ron, Phil, Don, Steve, Bill, Al, Liang, Joan, Kent, and Charlie.
Dates to Remember –
– September 8, 2018 Ride4Diabetes
– Thanksgiving Food Drive November 17, 18, and 19th. – February 9, 2019 Crab Feed
Tail Twister – Lion Tail Twister Temp lion Kent received a Happy Dollar from Lion Steve for his new Tesla car. Lion Joan rolled the dice for her Birthday and rolled an eight for a $6.40 donation to the club.
Correction to Board Meeting – I stated in last weeks review of the Board Meeting minutes that the installation of the new Cupertino De Anza Lions Officers would be at the August PM meeting. I was informed that this was not the case and that the BOARD/OFFICERS INSTALLATION will not be this month (August). Working to confirm availability of our Special Guest Lion.
Lions in Sight – Lion Ray said the club has collected 655 pairs of glasses this last month, so far this year we have collected 6,576 pairs of glasses. Lion Phil said the cases we get with the glasses that the insight program does not use he gives to the Salvation Army. Lion Ray said the Insight program in Vallejo is still going strong.
Ride4Diabetes – Lion Joan said the Ride4Diabetes has rescheduled the date for May 5, 2019. This is partly due to the Diabetes Association moving their “Tour de Cure” ride to August which would conflict with ours. This will also give us more time for marketing and getting big name sponsors. Lion Ray said he would can- cel the AJ Robinson van for September 8, 2018 so that others clubs who might want to use it for that date can book it. He will reschedule it for May 5, 2019.

Good of the Order – Lion Ray said that Lion Mike Ringer needs a co-chair for our Lions Charity Golf Tournament. It was also brought up that we might want to move the date of the tournament but we need to talk with Lion Mike, Lion Eli, and Lion Pat Coppe to see if it conflicts with other things going on at that time. He also mentioned that Lion Carl needs a co-chair for the upcoming Crab Feed in February. These are very important fund raising events for the club and we need volunteers to help with these efforts.
Lion Ray talked about someone taking over the effort that Lion Steve and Ellen have been doing with the silent auction and raffle items for our crab feed and golf tournament. Lion Kent suggested that we spread out the effort to every club member by giving each member 2-4 company contacts and an instruction sheet so one person would not have to do it all.
Lion Don Lang talked about ordering the De Anza Lions Community Service magnetic signs for our vehicles, so that when we use our vehicles during our var- ious fund raising events it promotes the club to our community. Lion Ray said that he would bring it up to the board at the next meeting.
Lion Phil talked about the pull tabs that we collect and said the normal amount has decreased. So everyone we need to drink more sodas and beer for the pull tabs.
Opportunity Drawing – Congratulations to winner Lion Kent.
Respectfully submitted by, Lion Ron Ahearn

Regular Board Meeting:   6:30 pm Tuesday 17 July 2018

Location: The Ice House & Family Residence
2045 Lynwood Terrace, San Jose.

— AGENDA —  


Board Meeting begins with Lion Jeff leading at 6:35

1. Golf Date and Co-Chair, 2019: Mike Ringer (new golf chair), who agreed to take this over with a co-chair.  What/how does Mike want it to be divided? Interaction with Moffett and interaction with golfers.  Looking at the volunteer document may help to divide it up. Still no date has been set for sure as the co-chair is up in the air.  Currently, reserved for June 22nd as some of our sponsors are available. However, Mike R. is not available on the 22nd, so we have to table the golf date until we are able to speak with Mike R. and find a co-chair.

2. PLAN FOR Installation of Board, 2018-2019: Lion John Smith to come down to install at the Sept. PM meeting, rather than the tailtwister meeting.

3. Ride 4 Diabetes 2018 Update (Lion John): 2 months behind, the budget is stalled because there are so few riders (currently spent about 3,000).  New committee position is “Publicity”with new duties but nobody has been assigned. If it gets rescheduled minimal money will be lost with most able to be carried over. The Ride committee is considering moving the date to the Spring or cancelling the event. The root cause from John’s perspective is that there has not been enough work put into it so far.  Part of it also might be that it isn’t very “fun” sounding: possibly changing the name and the route. Discussion around dates is that the spring is proposed by the committee, but currently the spring would make the first 6 months filled with three major activities: Crab Feed, Ride, and then Golf.  Because the date for golf isn’t set in stone, the board can’t approve a move to the spring. Suggestion is made to have the Ride committee put it off for one year. The ride committee wants to have the date in spring (late April or early May). Concern for changing the date and if the committee chairs are not fully involved.  If we do change the date, and give the money back, and then we need to change the language to show a majority of the money would go to diabetes (51%) and then the rest of it can go to the club?
4. A Request from Lion Linda Sanders (Lion Jeff): asking for money to send boxes to vets through her church.  Vijay says that funds from the charity should not be used for religious organization because it jeopardizes the Apple Benivity.  The money would go directly to a church, which is a problem. The board cannot approve this endeavor.

5. A Donation for Vets (Lion Ray): Was there a line item for veteran (Fisher House).


Motion from Ray:  500.00 for Fisher House for 1,000 Wreaths Across America out of nondiscretionary. Seconded by Claire. Further Discussion: none. Unanomously approved.
6. Good of the Pride, Any Lion:


  • Jill:  has Mary dropped as a member? I will drop her from the LCIF.
  • Claire: Project Linus is in John’s hands, and Claire is happy to help out.  This event will probably be in the fall.
  • Steve: Crab Feed front of the house summary.  He will consult Jim and create a timeline.
  • Ray:  AJ Robinson van, the insurance went up for this van (based on donations from 4C6).  Why? Because of the professional judgement. The question being that do we have insurance through the Lions club.  Jeff thinks we are covered under LCI.
  • Jeff: check out his email about the school in India and the pictures.

Lions Present: Lion’s Ray, Ron, Phil, Don, Steve, Bill, Al, Herb, Kent, and Charlie.

Dates to Remember –

– September 8, 2018 Ride4Diabetes
– Thanksgiving Food Drive November 17, 18, and 19th.

Tail Twister – Lion Tail Twister Herb received a Happy Dollar from most of the Lions in attendance.

Board Meeting Review –

Need to set a date for the next charity golf tournament with Lion Mike Ringer.
Installation of Board members at next PM meeting.
Lion John Noone talked about the Ride4Diabetes and that we might need tome the date since the American Diabetes Association has moved their Tour de Cure bike ride from May to August. Looking at rescheduling the R4D to spring 2019.
Lion Mary Brooding has left the club. She has been transferred with her job and is now living in Grass Valley and is looking at joining the Lions club in that area.
Lion John Noone and Lion Claire are going to head up the Project Lioness the year.
The club needs volunteers to help with getting raffle/auction items for the upcoming crab feed as Lion Steve and Ellen have now bowed out after doing it for many years.
Lion Prez Jeff sent out photo’s he received from Dr. Byakod in India on the results of our donations to his Lions Club.
There was a request from Lion Linda Sanders for funds to help send packages to vets.
There was $500 budgeted for The Fisher House for veterans and $1,000 for Wreaths Across America.

Good of the Order – Lion Ray said that Lion Dagi and Lion John Noone will be gone for 2 weeks.

Lion Don Lang showed an art work example of the clubs magnetic signs that we put on our vehicles for when we do charity work. The cost would be $168 for ten signs. Lion Ray said he would send out an email to the Board members.

Lion Herb said he would be gone for 3 weeks.

Opportunity Drawing – Congratulations to winner Lion Herb it will help paying for that trip to Florida.

Respectfully submitted by,
Lion Ron Ahearn