Lions Present: Lion’s Ray, Ron, Phil, Don, Bill, Steve, Al, Dagi, Leslye, Eli, Herb, Kent, Joan, and Charlie.

Dates to Remember –
– Board Meeting February 19, 2019 time and place TBD.
– Charter Night March 16, 2019 Blue Pheasant Restaurant
– Ride4Diabetes May 5, 2019
– Golf Tournament June 22, 2019

Tail Twister – Lion Tail Twister Herb collected happy dollars from Lion Al for the cash boxes being accurate. Lion Leslye gave a happy dollar in memory of Lion John. Lion Dagi echoed Lion Leslye’s thoughts. Lots of Happy dollars for Lion’s Carl and Jenni for the outstanding work they did on the Crab Feed. Other Happy dollars for Valentines day.

Crab Feed- Lion Al reported that we sold 265 tickets for the first seating and sold 189 for the second seating. Lion Al is hoping to net around $15,000 after everything is settled. Lion Carl, Lion Jenni, and Lion Jenn did an excellent job managing the event. Thanks go out to Lion Jim Gould for all the support he provided for the crab feed this year. The feeling was that we got a number of people from the add in the Cupertino Courier and from the Cupertino Next Door thanks to Lion Joan and Lion Danessa. A discussion was held about recycling and composting and how we might be able to do it better next year. Lion Steve will reserve the church for February 8, 2020 for next years crab feed.

Ride4Diabetes – Lion Kent said currently there are permit issues with the ride. Lion Joan said they are looking at scaling back the ride making them shorter.

Charter Night – Lion Ray said he would get the menu from the Blue Pheasant and send out a sign up sheet. He is asking some of the longer term Lions to speak about the change of the club over the last 50 years. He also asked members if the have old club photos to bring them to share.

P.M. Meeting Review – Charter Night 2019, 50 Years of De Anza Lionism, Special Guest PDG Lion Liz Crooke: at the Blue Pheasant, Lion Ray is working on a program. Keep an eye out for emails for signing up.
Recap! Student Speaker Contest 2019: Lion Andrea recapped, 3 students from Homestead and Lynbrook and Fremont. Students were all female and amazing. The topic was “Freedom of the Press: What does it mean and Why Does it Matter”. 3 judges enjoyed so much that they want to come back next year. Dagi and Joan organized and everything went great.

Cupertino Community Leos Club, Richard Chao, Prez; (Lion Liang): confirmed and approved. Lion Claire became co-advisor and gave us a recap of how they are starting off and guiding them in what they could do to support the Lions.

“Helping those in our midst…” – Ms. Marisol Durani. Works for the county of Santa Clara at the Dept. of Ed. She wants to let us know how we can support the Dept. of Ed. We have donated some clothes, shoes, and jackets and Marisol came to thank us.

Crab Feed 2019 – Lion Carl, all Lions Sign UP, please! We need 11 people in the kitchen each shift, and right now we only 4 and 5. Jeff reached out to Dave Zirkel, but didn’t hear back. Dave Zirkel is in for treasure chest and will be there to help prep at the church. The biggest new deal is the permit stuff. Carl is the point person for this. The biggest thing is “workers”: anyone who is serving or handling food. Good hygiene is emphasized (watches, jewelry, fake nails, etc.). Hair must be pulled back. Carl and Jenni will bring gloves and hair ties. Al is doing produce order. Ron said the “cash and carry” is done. First seating is full, and second seating is close. How is the storage stuff getting to the church? In the past we rented a box truck, and the Refridge truck. Eli will rent a U-haul truck with Jeff’s guidance for the storage stuff. Get how many canopies? Bring five if we have the space. This truck will go there on Friday and get the stuff. All items should arrive by 11:00 on Saturday at church. The round tables and chairs will already be out. There is a certain area we can’t park, but it’s blocked off, so we don’t need a parking person. Garbage duty is not filled, which is moving the trash out to the big bin. We were reminded to recycle by Dagi. Where are the starnos for the chafing dishes? We will need 24 and Ray will get some. Carl will get thermometers for each station, which will be about 8 or 10. What are table leads? Someone who helps the Leos, or whoever is in charge of a table (we usually have one Leo per table) , when the Leos don’t know where to get what, etc. Since we don’t know how many Leos usually sign up versus how many actually show up, we are currently low on Leos. Raffle update from Lion Steve. Sheets will go on each table, describing the different ways to give money: raffle, treasure box, cash “dutch” raffle, silent auction. Lion Liang is going to bring in pizza for the Leos, so we are hoping she will still do this. Lion Jim said he appreciates that we stay true to ourselves. Lion Jen Smith is now in charge of the outdoor kitchen. Finally, we need people for 10 -11:30 Saturday night and Sunday morning clean up at 9:00 AM at Steve’s house. Work party at Lion Steve and Ellen’s at 5:30.

Opportunity Drawing – Congratulations Lion Steve won.

Respectfully submitted by,
Lion Ron Ahearn

Cupertino De Anza Lions: PM Meeting Minutes

Regular PM Meeting: 6:30pm Wednesday, 6 March 2019
Meeting Called By: Lion Jeff Type of Meeting: Business Secretary: Lion Jill


Call to Order – Lion Jeff
1. Flag Salute – “Lions-to-Be” Meeting starts at 6:30. Tailtwister: Visitors, pin checks, birthday for Nicolas, Vijay becoming a dad and a great Crab Feed, pinchecks, and more birthdays, hockey games, etc. City of Hope donation box passed around.
2. Crab Feed, Carl or Any Lion: One takeaway from this year and feedback is that we were short-handed this year. Al says 39, 794.00 total. Crab Feed net 12,000 or so.We spent more on food and health department licensing. Carl and Jenni made it work. Shout out to The Fish Market for the 5 people that showed up and come every year. 8,000 from the Raffle-how great and thanks to Jeff and Steve and Ellen. We are signed up for February 8th for 2020. The other item is that we need to drive that relationship with the Leos and get a larger number. Scott and Pete stepped up in the kitchen.
3. Charter Night 2019, 50 Years of De Anza Lionism, New Members Induction: Liz Cooke will be speaking and some other Lions to give some thoughts about early Lionism. We need everyone who plans to sign up, to sign up ASAP, because Ray has to give the final numbers soon. Jeff will send out a reminder to sign up with the Google doc.
4. R4D 2019, New Format, Same Goal: Stripped down format for the ride was proposed at the Board meeting in February. The focus is changing to get more families incorporated to the ride. We have two new members who are leading. The ride is still the 5th of May.
5. 4C-6 Convention: Thursday-Sunday May 16-19, if you are interested in being a delegate, let Jeff or another Board member know.
6. Via West Camp (Costanoan) Annual Work Party: we have a long standing relationship with the camp and Lion Bill has been in charge. It would be great if another Lion might offer to help Lion Bill with this endeavor.
7. Charity Golf Classic 2019: Lion Ray needs help finding the google doc that Lion Amy did for the club regarding the Golf Tourney. He needs help to get this going in the right direction. Carl volunteers for being in charge of day of and he will ask Amy for the document. If everybody got one golfer and one tee sponsor, we would be golden. Dagi is working on the brochure and the link. Ray will need people to lead the committees, let him know.
8. Good of the Pride, Any Lion:
Oddfellows Pancake Breakfast: in the morning of Charter Night, March the 16th, there is a Memorial Pancake breakfast, $7.00 donation for breakfast, from 8-11 at the Oddfellows Hall. Lion Don Lang has a connection to the Oddfellows, and they have been supportive of our food drive and other events throughout the years.
Saturday, March 30th: Diabetes Conference, see Jeff for details on the flyer.
CPA Referrals for an independent fiscal review: send them the board’s way, if you know one.
Dennis Whitaker called Eli: he has been a supporter of our club and an active social leader in Cupertino and a Veteran. He appreciates our help with Wreathes Across America. Sunday, March 31st, he is throwing a retirement party for himself. He wants the DAL to have a booth to give info on our club. It will be a city-wide party. Eli will call Andrea about it, since she is the membership chair. The party is from 1-4, likely near Memorial Park. Eli will send an email with details.
Ron is wondering about the missing remote for the electronic board. Carl was going to purchase one for $60.00.

· Meeting adjourned: 7:13.

Cupertino DeAnza Lions Club & Charities Board Meeting Minutes_20190219

Regular Board Meeting: Tuesday, 19 February 2019, 630pm

Location: Cupertino Public Library, Meeting Room “Think Tank”

Meeting Called by: Lion Jeff; Type of Meeting: Business; Secretary (Proxy): Lion Jeff

Present at Meeting: Lions Al, Andrea, Ray, Jen, Leslye, Charles, Kent, Joan, Sashi (new Lion), and Jeff; also Simran Raheja (membership app. pending), and also Rahul (spelling?) [tech support for presentation]


Crab Feed 2019, initial recap. Best event ever, thought Lion Ray. fiscal highlights to be published by Lion Vijay once complete. Based on participation (first seating sold out, second seating was close to sell out), plus auction, raffle, and treasure chest sales, we should turn out with ~$5,000 to our charities account. Full fiscal recap to follow. Although successful, and with several new Lions stepping up in leadership roles, we were short volunteers, and had many Friends of Lions helping with set-up and breakdown. WE NEED MORE VOLUNTEERS NEXT YEAR. Also of note, the idea that we have a vegetarian entree option for those who don’t eat crab.
Lion Rosters Discussion. Our club website directory has names beyond those listed under our club on the LCI website. The google groups “list serve” directory is also slightly different. The list serve directory is different because we have some former Lions still on that distribution, with the idea that they would like to know what the club is up to. If someone asks to be removed we remove them. Suggestion by Lion Andrea to use one list serve app. LCI has one we can consider.
Fiscal Health of the Club; we have three referrals for a CPA to do a review of our books; (Charles has these details); Andrea also had a contact; we would like to have an independent review to gauge the health of our record keeping, etc. We also need a path forward for treasurer, as Lion Vijay is not interested in continuing. Club should consider asking a CPA to do the work based on (hopefully) a discount for services since the club is a non-profit. Leslye, Al, and Vijay might make a good group to come up with standardized questions to create an Request for Proposal from CPA’s to determine best path. We should also ask the club membership (again) for any referrals.
Charity Golf 2019. Event confirmed for Saturday, 22 June, 10am Start (change from previous time of 11:00am). New GM at Moffett. Sub-committees have been loosely formed; need to be finalized; committee needs to ask Lion Steve about the event flyer;
Charter Night 2019; once again at the Blue Pheasant Restaurant, down stairs. $40 /adult guest; No-host bar; new members invited to be inducted; guest of honor / speaker is PDG Lion Liz Crooke. 50th Birthday of our Club — Lion Ray gathering comments to share from our sage Lions.
De Anza Lions Ride 4 Diabetes 2.2; presentation made by Lion Andrea, Lion Sashi Begur, and (soon to be Lion) Simran Raheja. Powerpoint presentation (will be available to post to our club record). Key Goals / Takeaways from the presentation:
Want to maintain published/planned event date of Sunday, 5 May, 2019.
Newly reconstituted ride committee leadership focused on Cupertino-centered, community event;
Focus on raising awareness and funds around programs that battle diabetes, including those supported by our club.
Modest, conservative budget presented with stripped down, simple event parameters (related to beverages, food, perks offered).
Committee to contact major donors that have already committed funds to be sure they are ok with the change in event format (from larger scale, bigger ride / production).
No minimum pledge amount for someone to ride; goal is participation of riders including whole families, kids, etc.

Board expressed short window now to event date, appreciation for new leadership efforts, to keep the event alive is a sustainable format.

Meeting adjourned at 8:17pm

Lions Present: Lion’s Ray, Ron, Phil, Don, Bill, Steve, Al, Dagi, Eli, Herb, Kent, Joan, and Charlie

Dates to Remember –

– February 9, 2019 Crab Feed
– Board Meeting February 19, 2019 time and place TBD.
– Charter Night March 16, 2019 Blue Pheasant Restaurant
– Ride4Diabetes May 5, 2019
– Golf Tournament June 22, 2019

Tail Twister – Lion Tail Twister Herb collected happy dollars from Lion Al for being pain free after a current back problem. Lots of Happy dollars for the Student Speaker contest and Lion’s Carl and Jenni for the outstanding work they are doing on the Crab Feed.

Student Speaker Contest – Lion Dagi said the Student Speaker contest went well. We had three young female speakers all of which did a wonderful job. Lion Dagi wanted to thank all the volunteers that helped make the contest success.

Crab Feed- Lion Al reported that we were basically sold out for the first seating and had sold 170 and we might have 200 for the 2nd seating. Lion Carl sent out a signup sheet for various duties that need to be done for the crab feed. Please sign up now if you haven’t already as the sheet is still very vacant of volunteers. Remember Lion Steve is having a packing party tonight at Thursday February 7, 2019 at 5:00 PM at his home for the auction and silent auction gifts. Lion Steve said we need about 35 Leo’s for the 1st shift and 25-35 for the second shift currently we are short of the numbers needed. There will be a storage run on tomorrow Friday February 8, 2019 at 10:30 A.M. to get supplies for the crab feed.
Latest figure Lion Carl had for the price of crab was between $10.50 – $11.00 dollars a pound.

P.M. Meeting Review – Charter Night 2019, 50 Years of De Anza Lionism, Special Guest PDG Lion Liz Crooke: at the Blue Pheasant, Lion Ray is working on a program. Keep an eye out for emails for signing up.
Recap! Student Speaker Contest 2019: Lion Andrea recapped, 3 students from Homestead and Lynbrook and Fremont. Students were all female and amazing. The topic was “Freedom of the Press: What does it mean and Why Does it Matter”. 3 judges enjoyed so much that they want to come back next year. Dagi and Joan organized and everything went great.

Cupertino Community Leos Club, Richard Cao, Prez; (Lion Liang): confirmed and approved. Lion Claire became co-advisor and gave us a recap of how they are starting off and guiding them in what they could do to support the Lions.

“Helping those in our midst…” – Ms. Marisol Durani. Works for the county of the Dept. of Ed. She wants to let us know how we can support the Dept. of Ed. We have donated some clothes, shoes, and jackets and Marisol came to thank us.

Crab Feed 2019 – Lion Carl, all Lions Sign UP, please! We need 11 people in the kitchen each shift, and right now we only 4 and 5. Jeff reached out to Dave Zirkel, but didn’t hear back. Dave Zirkel is in for treasure chest and will be there to help prep at the church. The biggest new deal is the permit stuff. Carl is the point person for this. The biggest thing is “workers”: anyone who is serving or handling food. Good hygiene is emphasized (watches, jewelry, fake nails, etc.). Hair must be pulled back. Carl and Jenni will bring gloves and hair ties. Al is doing produce order. Ron said the “cash and carry” is done. First seating is full, and second seating is close. How is the storage stuff getting to the church? In the past we rented a box truck, and the Refridge truck. Eli will rent a U-haul truck with Jeff’s guidance for the storage stuff. Get how many canopies? Bring five if we have the space. This truck will go there on Friday and get the stuff. All items should arrive by 11:00 on Saturday at church. The round tables and chairs will already be out. There is a certain area we can’t park, but it’s blocked off, so we don’t need a parking person. Garbage duty is not filled, which is moving the trash out to the big bin. We were reminded to recycle by Dagi. Where are the starnos for the chafing dishes? We will need 24 and Ray will get some. Carl will get thermometers for each station, which will be about 8 or 10. What are table leads? Someone who helps the Leos, or whoever is in charge of a table (we usually have one Leo per table) , when the Leos don’t know where to get what, etc. Since we don’t know how many Leos usually sign up versus how many actually show up, we are currently low on Leos. Raffle update from Lion Steve. Sheets will go on each table, describing the different ways to give money: raffle, treasure box, cash “dutch” raffle, silent auction. Lion Liang was going to bring in the pizza for the Leos, so we are hoping she will still do this. Lion Jim said he appreciates that we stay true to ourselves. Lion Jen Smith is now in charge of the outdoor kitchen. Finally, we need people for 10 -11:30 Saturday night and Sunday morning clean up at 9:00 AM at Steve’s house. Work party at Lion Steve and Ellen’s at 5:30.

Opportunity Drawing – Congratulations Lion Eli won.

Respectfully submitted by,
Lion Ron Ahearn

Lions Present: Lion’s Ray, Ron, Phil, Don, Bill, Steve, Dagi, Herb and Joan. Dates to Remember –
– Student Speaker Contest January 31, 2019 at the Odd Fellows Hall.
– Next PM meeting February 6, 2019 6:30 PM at Tony and Alba’s Pizzeria
– February 9, 2019 Crab Feed
– Board Meeting February 19, 2019 time and place TBD.
– Charter Night March 16, 2019 Blue Pheasant Restaurant – Ride4Diabetes May 5, 2019
– Golf Tournament June 22, 2019
Tail Twister – Lion Tail Twister Herb collected happy dollars from the few attending.
Student Speaker Contest – Lion Dagi wanted to thank Lion Joan for all her sup- port. Lion Dagi said we currently have three speakers. The high school speak- ers are tremendous. Lion Dagi said she has judges’s, a timer and three teller- s.The student speaker is tonight January 31, 2019 at 7 P.M. at the Odd Fellows Hall in Cupertino at 20589 Homestead Rd, Cupertino, CA 95014. She has asked the Lion volunteers to be there for setup around 6 P.M.
Crab Feed- Lion Al reported that we were basically sold out for the first seating and had sold 170 for the 2nd seating. Lion Carl sent out a signup sheet for vari- ous duties that need to be done for the crab feed. Please sign up now if you haven’t already as the sheet is still very vacant of volunteers. Lion Steve said we have approximately $5,500 for the auction/raffle and Lion Prez Jeff will bring over some more of the auction items to Lion Steve tonight. Remember Lion Steve is having a packing party on Thursday February 7, 2019 at 5:00 PM at his home for the auction and silent auction gifts. Lion Steve said we need about 35 Leo’s for the 1st shift and 25-35 for the second shift. Lion Steve said the dishwasher at Saint Lawrence is fixed and ready to go. Lion Steve said we will pick lemons at his house on Wednesday February 6th at 1:00 PM. Lion Steve mentioned that we need five large and one small table for the crab feed. Lion Joan said she and
Cupertino DeAnza Lions Charities, Inc. Lions Club of DeAnza Corporation A.M. Meeting Minutes 1/31/2019

Lion Danessa put the Crab Feed flyer/info on their next door app. Lion Steve said he will pick up the key from the church on Monday. Lion Steve said the church will give us a discount on the rental of the hall for the next five years.
Opportunity Drawing – Congratulations Lion Ron won.
Respectfully submitted by, Lion Ron Ahearn

Cupertino De Anza Lions Club: PM Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Lions in Attendance: Jeff, Jenni, Carl, Eli, Mort, Charles, Anne, Mike, Steve, LInda, Claire, Jen, Al, Phil, Ray, Ron, Jim.
Guests: Ellen, Barb, children, Marisol.


1. Call to Order – Lion Jeff/ Flag Salute – “Lions-to-Be”
2. Welcome Guest(s) / Distinguished Lions, etc. Lion Jim joined us! Marisol is a guest who will speak to us from the County Office of Education, Student Services.
3. Charter Night 2019, 50 Years of De Anza Lionism, Sp. Guest PDG Lion Liz Crooke: at the Blue Pheasant, Lion Ray is working on a program. Keep an eye out for emails for signing up.
4. Recap! Student Speaker Contest 2019: Lion Andrea recapped, 3 students from Homestead and Lynbrook and Fremont. Students were all female and amazing. The topic was “Freedom of the Press: What does it mean and Why Does it Matter”. 3 judges enjoyed so much that they want to come back next year. Dagi and Joan organized and everything went great.
5. Cupertino Community Leos Club, Richard Cao, Prez; (Lion Liang): confirmed and approved. Lion Claire became co-advisor and gave us a recap of how they are starting off and guiding them in what they could do to support the Lions.
6. “Helping those in our midst…” – Ms. Marisol Durani. Works for the county of the Dept. of Ed. She wants to let us know how we can support the Dept. of Ed. We have donated some clothes, shoes, and jackets and Marisol came to thank us.
7. Crab Feed 2019 – Lion Carl, Any Lion Sign UP, please! We need 11 people in the kitchen each shift, and right now we only 4 and 5. Jeff reached out to Dave Zirkel, but didn’t hear back. Dave Zirkel is in for treasury chest and will be there to help prep at the church. The biggest new deal is the permit stuff. Carl is the point person for this. The biggest thing is “workers”: anyone who is serving or handling food. Good hygiene is emphasized (watches, jewelry, fake nails, etc.). Hair must be pulled back. Carl and Jenni will bring gloves and hair ties. Al is doing produce order. Ron said the “cash and carry” is done. First seating is full, and second seating is close. How is the storage stuff getting to the church? In the past we rented a box truck, AND the Refridge truck. Eli will rent a U-haul truck with Jeff’s guidance for the storage stuff. Get how many canopies? Bring five if we have the space. This truck will go there on Friday and get the stuff. All items should arrive by 11:00 on Saturday at church. The round tables and chairs will already be out. There is a certain area we can’t park, but it’s blocked off, so we don’t need a parking person. Garbage duty is not filled, which is moving the trash out to the big bin. We were reminded to recycle by Dagi. Where are the sternos for the chafing dishes? We will need 24 and Ray will get some. Carl will get thermometers for each station, which will be about 8 or 10. What are table leads? Someone who help the Leos, or whoever is in charge of a table (we usually have one Leo per table) , when the Leos don’t know where to get what, etc. Since we don’t know how many Leos usually sign up versus how many actually show up, we are currently low on Leos. Raffle update from Steve. Sheets will go on each table, describing the different ways to give money: raffle, treasure box, cash “dutch” raffle, silent auction. Lion Liang was going to bring in the pizza for the Leos, so we are hoping she will still do this. Lion Jim-he appreciates that we stay true to ourselves. Lion Jen Smith is now in charge of the outdoor kitchen. Finally, we need people for 10-11:30 Saturday night and Sunday morning clean up at 9:00 at Steve’s house. Work party at Lion Steve and Ellen’s at 5:30.

8. Good of the Pride, Any Lion:
Board Request: As soon as the Crab Feed is over, we are going to be recruiting Board Members. Treasurer is seemingly up in the air, and the treasurer keeps coming back out of the goodness of their own hearts, but we are allowed to hire a CPA (hopefully, at a discount) for an audit required by bylaws, to clarify donation laws, and even who could perform our treasury duties. If any one has a personal or professional contact for a CPA, pass that onto the board.

Adjourned at 7:43

Dates to Remember:
Tue., 18 February. 6:30pm Start, Board Meeting, new location, Cupertino Library
Sat., 9 Feb., Crab Feed 2019, St. Lawrence the Martyr Community Center
Sat., 16 Mar., Charter Night, 50 Years of De Anza Lionism
Sun., 5 May, Ride4Diabetes 2019
Sat., 22 June 2019, Charity Golf Classic

Lions Present: Lion’s Ray, Ron, Phil, Don, Bill, Steve, Dagi, Mort, Eli, Kent, and Charlie.

Dates to Remember –

– Student Speaker Contest January 31, 2019 at the Odd Fellows
– Next PM meeting February 6, 2019 6:30 PM at Tony and Alba’s
– February 9, 2019 Crab Feed
– Board Meeting February 19, 2019 time and place TBD.
– Charter Night March 16, 2019 Blue Pheasant Restaurant
– Ride4Diabetes May 5, 2019
– Golf Tournament June 22, 2019

Tail Twister – Lion Tail Twister Pro-Tem Eli collected many happy dollars for Lion Herb’s wife a quick recovery. Lion Steve gave a happy dollar for his son visiting. Lion Kent said that he heard George Fernandez one of our founding club members had just past away.

Crab Feed- Lion Al reported that we were basically sold out for the first seating and had sold 140 for the 2nd seating. Lion Carl sent out a signup sheet for various duties that need to be done for the crab feed. Pleasesign up now as we only have two weeks before the crab feed is here.Lion Dagi said her and her friend Jane will help out at the bar. Lion Steve said we have approximately $5,500 for the auction/raffle. Remember Lion Steve is having a packing party on Thursday February 7, 2019 at his home for the auction and silent auction gifts.Lion Bill said he got the alcohol license.Lion Steve said we need about 35 Leo’s for the 1st shift and 25-35 for the second shift. Lion Steve said the dishwasher at Saint Lawrence is fixed and ready to go.

Charter Night – Lion Ray said there will be a Charter night celebration at the Blue Pheasant restaurant on March 16, 2019 for our 50th club anniversary. Lion Ray said he would be sending out the menu for participants to pick what they want to eat. He is asking members of long standing to share with the club their memories of how the club has changed over the years and if they have any old photo’s to please bring them to Charter Night.

Student Speaker Contest – Lion Dagi wanted to thank Lion Joan for all her support. Lion Dagi said we currently have two speakers. The high school speakers are tremendous. Lion Dagi said she has judges but needs a timer and three tellers.The student speaker contest will be January 31, 2019 at 7 P.M. at the Odd Fellows Hall in Cupertino at 20589 Homestead Rd, Cupertino, CA 95014.

Good of the Order –

Lion Dagi talked about updating the various list serves (4) and how difficult it is to keep them in sync. She is hoping that there is someway that they can be linked together so that all the info can be the same.

Lion Eli and several other members went to the Redi Room to see if they would donate a keg of beer for the crab feed.

Opportunity Drawing – Congratulations Lion Phil won.

Respectfully submitted by,
Lion Ron Ahearn

Lions Present: Lion’s Ray, Ron, Phil, Don, Bill, Steve, Al, Mort, Eli, Herb, Joan, Kent, and Charlie.

Dates to Remember –

– Student Speaker Contest January 31, 2019 at the Odd Fellows
– Next PM meeting February 6, 2019 6:30 PM at Tony and Alba’s
– February 9, 2019 Crab Feed
– Board Meeting February 19, 2019 time and place TBD.
– Charter Night March 16, 2019 Blue Pheasant Restaurant
– Ride4Diabetes May 5, 2019
– Golf Tournament June 22, 2019

Tail Twister – The meeting started out with Lion Ray presenting a certificate of achievement for all the new members he has brought into the club. Lion Tail Twister Herb collected many happy dollars for the return of the Warriors winning ways. Lion Eli gave a happy dollar for his grandson Little Eli turning 9 years old.

Board Meeting Review –

Lion Vijay will be absent for awhile as he and his wife are expecting their first child any time now. Lion Al said the club should be looking for a CPA to handle our taxes and possibly our treasury reports.
Several new members were voted in by the Board. Lion Andrea will reach out to our new members and welcome them to the club.
There was a vote voting in a new Cupertino Community Leo’s club to be advised by Lion Liang. Lion Liang’s son is the club president.
The price of the golf tournament was discussed by the Board. We are looking at raising the price to $130 from $125 since Moffett Field raised the price of the golfers from $65 to $70. It was passed.

Crab Feed- Lion Al said we were sold out for the first seating and had sold 170 for the 2nd seating. We had to get three new permits from the City to carry on our crab feed and that has been taken care of. Lion Ray and Lion Ron will take inventory in storage so we know what we need to purchase for the crab feed. Lion Carl will send out a sign up sheet for the various jobs that need to be done so please be sure and sign up for what you would like to do. Lion Steve said he received a generous donation of wine from Lion Pat Coppe for the silent auction, Thank You Lion Pat. Lion Carl checked on the price of crab and it is quite high at this time, we expect it to drop some as we get closer to the crab feed. Lion Steve said that the dishwasher at Saint Lawrence the Martyr Church was fixed and running, hooray.

Charter Night – Lion Ray said there will be a Charter night celebration at the Blue Pheasant restaurant on March 16, 2019 for our 50th club anniversary. Lion Ray said there is plenty of seating available. He is asking members of long standing to share with the club their memories of how the club has changed over the years.

Student Speaker Contest – Lion Ray said Lions should attend this event so they could see the future of our country. The high school speakers are tremendous. Lion Joan said Lion Dagi has sent out a reminder to all of the schools concerning the speaker contest on January 31, 2019. Lion Joan said we currently have two speakers lined up.

Opportunity Drawing – Congratulations Lion Kent won.

Respectfully submitted by,
Lion Ron Ahearn

DAL Board Meeting Minutes: January 15, 2019

Board Members: Jill, Carl, Charles, Ray, Jeff, Al (Emeritus Treasurer), Andrea, Jen, Claire. 6:42 start time.

Fiscal Update: (Charities and Club) Lion Al is helping Vijay during the baby’s first months and then we will see from there. Vijay is still asking people to get their dues in but not everyone is receiving the bills, so we are going to ask Vijay about that.
Member List and Honoring Long Term members: Al keeps a list and LCI has the data.
New Member Application: Sashi Begur sponsored by Muni. Andrea moves that we accept the membership, Claire seconds the motion. Unanimously approved.
Induction Ceremony: Andrea will coordinate for a PM meeting for an induction ceremony for the new members and Jeff will check his new member packets and order more if necessary.
Cupertino Community Leo Club (Alpha) 12-18 ages: Richard Cao, Lion Liang is in charge (her son is Richard). We need to pay out of the admin fund to support this club with $100.00. Jeff makes a motion to accept, Ray seconds the motion. Approved Unanimously. Jeff will ask Vijay for the check.
Student Speaker Contest: Andrea and Joan are helping and Dagi will be back on Wednesday to help guide. Liang will help get some more teens for this (currently we have one speaker).
Golf Tournament: price change with new manager for golfing is up $5.00 and the beer price went up. Vijay’s idea is to go to $130.00. Ray motions to raise the price to 130, Claire seconds. Discussion: the contract was signed but it was just for the date. Will there be changes in the food prices? The golfers that play don’t care about the price raise, but we will make sure it’s clear on the flyer. Unanimously approved.
Crab Feed: Emergency meeting was called because of a problem with the permits. In the past we used the Craven Act exemption, but we actually do need the permits. The list of questions was generated and discussed. Carl discussed this with Susan Lew, the permit contact. New info: we don’t need a tent for the propane stoves, because we aren’t cooking it, we are heating it and serving it. We DO need covers for the hotel pans for bringing it in from outside after heating. The inspector contact will be available the week before and we can contact the person by email. Susan Lew said that they are usually very nice and helpful, especially since it’s our first time. The lemons are a possibility still-Susan Lew is getting back to Carl about that. Carl is the coordinator for the permits, etc. The bar needs a temporary hand washing station (directions in the document) which is around $100. Hats for people in the kitchen. Contingency plan: selling the crab to people that show up (we need to ask Susan/inspector), turning away in the parking lot, calling the people who invited big groups to contact their members. Fish Market question: how fast do we need to get back to Fish Market to “return” it, if needed. Would they take it back and for how long? Could we still do it but not charge and just have a big party (ask for donations)? It was suggested to not tell the FM that about the crab return, but the quality has always been good. Are we selling wine at the door and are we having a person walking around with cash and a wine opener (or screw top). We have two mobile phone card readers. Liquor permit is $50.00.

Good of the Order:

The city of Cupertino has a room that we can use with a screen that is open until 8:30 at the city library. Andrea will reserve it for the next meeting so we can try it out. February 19th is the next board meeting.
Ride for Diabetes representative did not show up for an update at this meeting as requested. Jeff will contact the Ride chair to get them to the February meeting. Liability question: Simran is not a member, but is in charge of all the permitting. We are happy that someone has taken this on, but they are representing us on our behalf. Are they covered with our insurance should any issue arise? Regarding the permits, we should make sure that we get only the permits we need so we don’t overspend.
There is a requirement in our bylaws that we have an audit process of our bookkeeping. It’s an annual deal and we did not do that last year. A request should be put out there through our members for a CPA, or someone similarly qualified, to make sure we have someone to oversee when needed. Claire works with someone that does this for a discount for nonprofit. We have had several dealings with the IRS over the years and it has all come out okay. One: get a quote for a CPA, Two: for Treasury duties, and Three: to check on the wording for Ride For Diabetes. We are a model for doing our books right, but we do have a significant budget.

8:06 Adjourned

Lions Present: Lion’s Ray, Ron, Phil, Don, Bill, Steve, Al, Herb, Joan, Kent, and Charlie.

Dates to Remember –

– Student Speaker Contest January 31, 2019 at the Odd Fellows
– February 9, 2019 Crab Feed
– Charter Night March 16, 2019 Blue Pheasant Restaurant
– Ride4Diabetes May 5, 2019
– Golf Tournament June 22, 2019

Tail Twister – Lion Tail Twister Herb collected many happy dollars for Clemson winning the National College football championship. Ray rolled the dice for his birthday and rolled a four and donated four dollars to the club fund.

P.M. Review –

Charter Night 2019 – 50 Years of De Anza Lionism! Lion Prez Jeff is looking at asking Past District Governor Liz Crook to be the guest speaker.

Student Speaker Contest 2019 – January 31st, Lion Dagi and Lion Ellen have speakers lined up. The contest will be at the Odd-Fellows Hall in Cupertino at 6:30 PM.

City of Cupertino Chamber of Commerce Mixers – Good opportunity to network. Lion Phil used to go to the mixers on a monthly basis. Lion Joan had mentioned it too for connection. The club is a member of the chamber in good standing, but you do have to RSVP if you want to attend. The next meeting is January 16, 2019 in the Cupertino City community hall.

New Club Member – Ms. Sashi Begur, sponsored by Lion Muni Madhdipatla.

New Community Leos Club – Richard Cao, Prez; Lion Liang, Sponsor – HOORAY! He has 15 members of the Leo club as of now. Lion Liang is going to be the sponsor, and any young person from middle through high school can be a part.

MD-04 Convention 2019 – Any interested Lions? February 8-10 in Sacramento. Let Lion Prez Jeff or Lion Secretary Jill, know if you want to attend, because Jill has to fill out paperwork for you as a delegate, if you want to vote on the issues and to register.

Crab Feed 2019 – Lion Carl: one more meeting before the crab feed. The price is 13.00 a lb. which is a little high? We are going to need to pick up the crab on February 8th, back up in South SF, not shucking, but do need to drive the Refer truck up there. Bar issues: both bar leads are going to have surgical procedures this month, so we will need to help them out. Look for the sign up sheet for the different slots of need. There will be no Buchser prep because we get into the church at 11:00. Someone should get in touch with Zerkel so they don’t show up. You must sign up on Carl’s form even if you always do the same job, because when people don’t we end up having multiple people who plan to do the same job as usual, please sign up so there isn’t crossover. We need Leos for Crab Feed! The bar should have the card machine and …? We are going to have someone walking around selling wine, for cash or to go run the card, and some bottles being sold at the front as people walk in. Jenni is going to do a storage run for supplies, and Ray and Ron will do an inventory so we can buy what we need. We need a point person for pizzas for the Leos in the middle-Lion Liang volunteered. Steve has all the lemons, but you need pickers on Wednesday, February 6th during the day. Thursday, at 5:30, on the 7th is the work party at Steve’s. He will send out an email for an RSVP. Tomorrow we get to test out the dishwasher! We have to buy tomatoes and salad on Friday. The alcohol has to be delivered to the church on Friday, which is a cash buy and we need a place to store it. Whoever is picking up the wine, will need a copy of the permit.

Crab Feed- Lion Al said we are close to being sold out of the first seating and the second seating is doing well. Lion Al said he was working with Lion Andrea Harris for possibly two tables for the new club members. Lion Carl will be sending out a signup sheet for the various volunteer requirements for the crab feed. Lion Carl received some questions about the crab feed from the county health department that need to be addressed. Lion Steve said they are working on the dishwasher and should have it completed he is going to test it out today at 1 PM. There was a discussion about the loudness of the band in years past for those tables sitting upfront next to the band. Lion Steve said the speaker system is turned all the way down when the band is playing but he will look into it. Lion Steve said there will be lemon picking at his house on February 6, 2019 at 1:30 PM for the crab feed.

Charter Night – Lion Ray said there will be a Charter night celebration at the Blue Pheasant restaurant on March 16, 2019 for our 50th club anniversary. Lion Ray said he talked to the Blue Pheasant to check on the room capacity and it is around 100 so we should not have a problem. Lion Ray suggested that we try to get some of the original/older members of the club to attend the 50th birthday celebration of our club. Also would like some of the long time club members to talk about how the club has evolved. Lion Prez Jeff is asking Past District Governor Liz Crook if she would speak at Charter Night.

Golf Tournament – Lion Ray met with Gary Pearce of Moffett Field golf course concerning the golf tournament. Moffett would like us to start the tournament at 9 AM instead of the usual 11 AM. Lion Ray said he would discuss it with the board and Moffett to see if we can maybe start at 9:30 or 10 AM. Lion Ray said we could discuss it further at the PM meeting. Also the golf course is raising the price of the golfers to $70 up from $65 Lion Ray said he sent a message to the board about raising the price for participants to $125 to cover the increase in price.

Student Speaker Contest – Lion Ray asked Lion members to attend so they could see the future of our country. The high school speakers are tremendous.

Good of the Order – None

Respectfully submitted by,
Lion Ron Ahearn