Lions Present at Zoom Video Conference: Lion’s Ray, Ron, Steve, Al, Joan, Dagi, Linda, Don, and Eli.

Dates to Remember – All Events Have Been Postponed or Cancelled Until Further Notice Due to the Coronavirus Guidelines.

– PM Zoom Meeting August 5th 6:30 PM 2020/2021 Board
Annual Golf Tournament August 29, 2020 cancelled
Ride4Diabetes will be scheduled in 2021

TailTwister – Lion Steve took care of the tail twister duties for Lion Herb.

Lynbrook Leo’s Club – Lion Ray said Lynbrook High School Leos Club has been reinstated at Lynbrook HS, but we need an advisor for this club. Kent and Liang are in charge of the other two (Community Leo’s club and Monta Vista Leo’s club). The advisor helps with the charter and the tell students what Lionism means and Lions procedures. They have their officers set up already. The advisor is the contact when we recruit for volunteers from the Leos for our own club events.

Camp Via West – Lion Joan said things are going smoothly and she said the next step is to start seedling plants in the green house. She said we need to learn more about the watering system in the garden area. We also need to provide some kind of critter protection from the squirrels and birds. Lion Joan is going up this Saturday July 19th at 8 AM along with other Lions to investigate the watering system. Lion Joan said she would send out a schedule to the club for everyone that would like to participate can sign up for a time slot. Lion Steve asked Lion Joan if she had talked to Rick about the train setup, which she said she had not. She said she would send Lion Steve Rick’s phone number so Lion Steve could talk to him directly. Lion Bill said when he talked with Rick that Rick said we could not put it up in the dining/community room that we would have to put it in another building and make it moveable so it could be put away if needed.

Homeless Project – Lion Steve talked about Destination Home and its mission to end homelessness in the South Bay. Lion Steve said his wife Ellen had talked with the Cupertino City manager Deborah Feng about the homeless situation in Cupertino and she provided some information. Lion Steve said he would send out that information to the club so look for it. Lion Eli said he discussed it with his doctor during an appointment and his doctor advised him or anyone in the 70+ age bracket to stay away from the homeless camps for fear of coronavirus infection. The trailers that Lion Steve and Eli tried to look at it was found out they are owned by FEMA not the city of San Jose. Lion Steve said the gentleman fro Destination Home would be willing to talk to us again at the next PM meeting. It was said that a number of homeless are happy with their situation and do not want any help. Lion Al said he thought the problem was too big for our small club to tackle. Lion Bill said he agreed with Lion Al as did others.

Golf Tournament – Lion Ray said the annual golf tournament has been officially canceled for this year. He has set up the next tournament for June 26, 2021 at Moffett Field. Lion Jenni has prepared a letter for club members to send out to their golf participants or any friends they want to help with fund raising. There is also a “Go Fund Me” page set up by Lion Carl. We want to thank both of them for their hard work. Lion Ron and Lion Al had a couple of questions about the new contract which Lion Ray said he would get clarified. Lion Ray said he would asked Lion Claire to look at the contract to she if she had any legal concerns. Lion Steve said he was going in for some surgery on July 30th and was not sure if he would be able to do the mass mailing and that he would talk with Lion Carl about it.

Good of the Order –

Lion Ray wanted to Thank Lion Pat Coppe for her donation of $1,000 to the golf fund. Lion Steve said he was going to send Lion Al a check for $200. We want to thank everyone for any donation they might be able to make.

Lion Al said last year our cost per golfer for the tournament was $77.

Lion Al said he was ready anytime for the stock Lion Steve wanted to donate to the Perpetual Fund but currently Charles Schwab has closed all of its offices in California and he would have to send the stock info to an El Paso, Texas office if we want to do it now.

Respectfully submitted by:
Lion Ron Ahearn


Lions Present at Zoom Video Conference: Lion’s Ray, Ron, Steve, Al, Herb, Leslye, Joan, Dagi, Linda, Don, Phil, Eli, and Charlie.

Dates to Remember – All Events Have Been Postponed or Cancelled Until Further Notice Due to the Coronavirus Guidelines.

– 2020/2021 Board: August 5th, PM Meeting, Board Installation
Annual Golf Tournament August 29, 2020 cancelled
Ride4Diabetes will be scheduled in 2021

TailTwister – Lion Herb said everyone was fined a dollar today. Lion Leslye said her Happy dollar was for her youngest daughter’s birthday.

Camp Via West – Lion Joan said things are going smoothly and she purchased some items from Summerwinds that we will need. Lion’s Joan, Leslye, Dagi, Linda, and Lion Leslye’s son Chris went to the green house to survey what needs to be done. Lion Joan said when you come to Camp Via West that the entrance to the park will be closed by a barrier and you need to move it to get in and then replace it. Lion Joan said she needs the names of the individuals who will be attending for Rick and Via West. Lion Joan said that Rick has the tools we need for the cleanup and Lion Ron will get the power washer from storage just incase we will need it. Lion Joan said she will check with Rick to see if we need the power washer.

PM Meeting Review-

Lion Al said the clubs By-Laws were approved by the Board and will be sent out to the club to be reviewed and voted on the club members.
Lion Al said the club’s budget will be presented to the Board at their next meeting.Lion Joan said she would send out a signup sheet to the PM members for the clean up of the green house at Camp Via West.
Lion Steve talked about Destination Home and its mission to end homelessness in the South Bay. It was also mentioned the the City of Cupertino council voted down any help for the homeless and that the State ofCalifornia is seeing the city for not meeting the states guidelines. Lion Eli said he read in the Mercury news that the City of San Jose had a snafu with Abode Services on the trailer situation. Destination Home is looking for advocacy support from a community services group to support them by talking to the Cupertino City council to support the homeless at their next city council meeting. The next Zoom City Council meeting is scheduled for July 21, 2020. Lion Linda asked about the trailers and why we could not use the JC Penny parking lot to put the trailers in. Lion Eli said he would talk with Sandy James at Sandhill Properties to see if they would allow it. Lion Joan said she would send the information on the City Council meeting to Eli.
Charity Golf 2020 Update: In place of the tournament this year, Jenni and Carl are organizing three ways to get donations instead: a letter that will somehow be sent to our sponsors and players, an email, and a Go Fund Me page. Then, a follow up with those people to see if they received the letter with the email. Each member of our club can be in charge of contacting those who they usually invite to play. The follow up is the important part to get the donations. Steve will send Carl the names he has on his Golf email and then we can make sure that all of those people are contacted. The major sponsors should be contacted through personal calls. We could give them recognition on the website as well. We need addresses for all the players and we may not have that. $25 as a minimum request and $10,000 as a goal. Spreadsheet will be emailed showing our golf contacts, along with a draft of the letter for feedback. Go Fund Me can be pushed out on all social media platforms. Since the golfers did pay via Paypal last year, can we put a link to the Paypal in the email. Can we put a list of more specific charities that this donation will go to? There is a link to our website that shows this, but one example would be a good idea.
Lynbrook High School Leos Club: the Leo Club has been reinstated at Lynbrook HS, but we need an advisor for this club. Kent and Liang are in charge of the other two. The advisor helps with the charter and the students what Lionism means and Lions procedures. They have their officers set up already. The advisor is the contact when we recruit for volunteers from the Leos for our own club events. Kent will send Jeff the details and Jeff will send out an email to the club asking for the advisor, showing what is involved. We are in more of a time crunch to get all the paperwork before the school year starts.

Good of the Order –

Lion Dagi volunteered to take our patient Maria to her appointment at the Lions Eye Hospital in San Francisco.

Respectfully submitted by:
Lion Ron Ahearn

Welcome Guest(s) / Distinguished Lions, etc.
Installation of New Officers / Directors, Lion Year 2020-21 – DG Lion Linda P.

Club Chaplain: Phil
Tail Twister & Lion Tamer: Carl
Membership Director: Norm
Secretary: Jill Eliason
Directors: Jen Smith & Sudha
Vice Presidents: Vijay and Leslye
Treasurer: Al Knox
President: Jeff L.

Congrats and thank you to all!

The Green House at Via West Campus – Jeff
Lion Joan has taken a special interest in this program, having ongoing activity with the green house and to support them. Covid has offered an opportunity to grow vegetables and see how well we can do with it. Food would go to West Valley.

Per Ray L.: Joan has done a great job with this. Last Friday, Bill and Eli donated their trucks and Dagi, Ron, Ray, Chris and Joan got compost.

Lynbrook High School Leos Club, Next Steps – Jeff

Sudha has agreed to be the advisor for the Leo Club. We’re in the process of getting everything confirmed.

Charity Golf 2020 Update, Next Steps – Carl & Jen

We’re at $3513 towards our 10k goal. Post / Re-post to your social media! Continue and push / ask. Final push will be on the 12th. Doesn’t need to be golfers, necessarily!

Good of the Pride – All Lions

** Lion Al moved to accept the minutes from the previous meeting. No objections.
** Club: How do we collect happy dollars during Covid? We can PayPal Al Knox. Jeff to test with a donation.
** Lion Carl: Right about now we’d be starting the Crab Feed thought process. There is a possibility that the county will dictate whether we can have a gathering of some type. TBD, as Covid is an evolving, unknown situation.
** Lion Leslye: Canine Companions isn’t doing graduations right now. They suggested if we wanted to we can Zoom meeting to see puppies and keep in touch.
** Lion Leslye: Project Linus – many of us have done blankets before, Leslye is wondering if we can a Zoom blanketeering event. Leslye could put together packages to pick up.
** All: Welcome back, John Smith!

Cupertino De Anza Lions Club
July 21, 2020
1830-1910 Hours
Zoom 146 685 166

Call to order at 1834 Hours (6:34 PM) by Lion Prez Jeff
Lion Al seated as Secretary Pro-tem.
Lion Board Members Present: Lions Jeff, Sudha, Jen, Claire, Leslye, Eli, Vijay and Al. (Quorum)
Lion Guests: None.

Minutes of the previous meeting approved by unanimous consent.

Motion by Lion Treasurer Al
Moved: we accept the proposed and posted Club and Community budgets for the fiscal year 2020-2021.

After discussion, the motion passed unanimously.

The date for the 2020-2021 Board of Directors Installation is set for the PM Group Meeting of August 5th, 2020 at 6:30 PM. (Zoom 950 137 736 pw131026)

A brief discussion was held regarding the new bylaws and Club name. The Club Treasurer is currently seeking approval of the California Attorney General and Secretary of State and requesting an endorsed file copy of same. That information being necessary for the IRS, FTB and LCI.

Lion Sudha graciously accepted the position of Advisor to the Monta Vista LEO Club.

It was mentioned that the Non-Golf Classic fund raising has reached over $2,000.00 and if you have question on how you can help, contact Lions Carl or Jenni.

Meeting adjourned at 1910 Hours (7:10 PM)

Regular PM Meeting: 6:30pm Wednesday, 8 JULY 2020
Meeting Called By: Lion Jeff Type of Meeting: Business Secretary: Lion Jill


Lions in Attendance: Jeff, Jill, Norm, Mort, Carl, Al, Ron, Claire, Ray, Joan, Jen, Jenni, Leslye, Bill, Steve, Kent.
Meeting starts at 6:36
Update Club By-Laws: our board members 2019-2020 are all signed on the bylaws and Al will submit to all the relevant agencies and committees.
Update 2020/21 Budget: proposed budget has been distributed to the board and after the board approves then it will go out to the club.
Work Party! Via West Campus – Costanoan Site – Lion Joan: Greenhouse project which is in good shape, but just abandoned, so it needs some clean up. This is the start of having a team of people to help with the ongoing gardening as they don’t have any campers to help. They’ve used it as a food-table and a learning program in the past, but in the present the food may be able to be donated. The time is 9:00 this Friday and Saturday. There are two gates and one will be closed on Saturday. The gates have to be opened and closed by those who drive through. Please RSVP to Joan if you are coming. Bring hats, water, and gloves.
Destination Home, Homelessness in our Community: Last month we had a speaker, Ray Bransom, around the issues of preventing homelessness. A new contact from the same organization is interested in giving us an additional presentation, through Ellen Ratner, about what we can do to help with the issue. City of Cupertino needs help in this area as they don’t have a designated committee to deal with this. If we believe in this cause, we could engage our Lions members who are also on the city council. We could try to include the Cupertino Rotary as well, because they have a stronger voice with the city. Vulnerable populations should not be involved in or exposed to those who are involved in the homeless encampments for COVID reasons. Jeff will invite this representative to our August PM meeting.
Lynbrook High School Leos Club: the Leo Club has been reinstated at Lynbrook HS, but we need an advisor for this club. Kent and Liang are in charge of the other two. The advisor helps with the charter and the students what Lionism means and Lions procedures. They have their officers set up already. The advisor is the contact when we recruit for volunteers from the Leos for our own club events. Kent will send Jeff the details and Jeff will send out an email to the club asking for the advisor, showing what is involved. We are in more of a time crunch to get all the paperwork before the school year starts.
2020/2021 Board: August 5th, PM Meeting, Board Installation by Lion Linda Pugliese, our new DG.
Charity Golf 2020 Update: In place of the tournament this year, Jenni and Carl are organizing three ways to get donations instead: a letter that will somehow be sent to our sponsors and players, an email, and a Go Fund Me page. Then, a follow up with those people to see if they received the letter with the email. Each member of our club can be in charge of contacting those who they usually invite to play. The follow up is the important part to get the donations. Steve will send Carl the names he has on his Golf email and then we can make sure that all of those people are contacted. The major sponsors should be contacted through personal calls. We could give them recognition on the website as well. We need addresses for all the players and we may not have that. $25 as a minimum request and $10,000 as a goal. Spreadsheet will be emailed showing our golf contacts, along with a draft of the letter for feedback. Go Fund Me can be pushed out on all social media platforms. Since the golfers did pay via Paypal last year, can we put a link to the Paypal in the email. Can we put a list of more specific charities that this donation will go to? There is a link to our website that shows this, but one example would be a good idea.
Good of the Pride, Any Lion
Dagi agreed to take Maria to the eye doctor on the 31st. Maria has agreed to do a video for the foundation’s new promotion at the hospital.
Kent is thanking the club, and the board, for agreeing to take on the 6th Bomb Group. They did not end up needing us, but they have published their site.
Meeting Adjourned: 8:00

Lions Present at Zoom Video Conference: Lion’s Ray, Ron, Steve, Al, Herb, Leslye, Joan, Dagi, and Linda.

Dates to Remember – All Events Have Been Postponed or Cancelled Until Further Notice Due to the Coronavirus Guidelines.

– PM meeting July 8, 2020 at 6:30 via Zoom
Annual Golf Tournament August 29, 2020 cancelled
Ride4Diabetes will be scheduled in 2021

TailTwister – Lion Herb gave everyone a break today.

Camp Via West – Lion Joan said things are going smoothly and she purchased some items from Summerwinds that we will need. Lion’s Joan, Leslye, Dagi, Linda, and Lion Leslye’s son Chris went to the green house to survey what needs to be done. Lion Joan said when you come to Camp Via West that the entrance to the park will be closed by a barrier and you need to move it to get in and then replace it. Lion Joan said she needs the names of the individuals who will be attending for Rick and Via West. Lion Joan said that Rick has the tools we need for the cleanup and Lion Ron will get the power washer from storage just incase we will need it. Lion Joan said she will check with Rick to see if we need the power washer.

Budget Meeting – Lion Al said the Budget Meeting was attended by Lion’s Leslye, Lion Prez Jeff, Ron and Al. Another five attended via zoom. Th meeting went from 1 – 4:30 PM. The admin budget took about 30 minutes and the charity budget took the other 3 hours. The group went through the 54 line items of charities we support. Lion Al said he had heard that Cupertino Community Services need help. Lion Leslye said it was a good budget meeting once we had the zoom problem fixed. We had to move from Lion Al’s garage into the house then everything went well.

Golf Tournament – Lion Ray said he would contact the golf course manager at Moffett Field to let him know we are cancelling the golf tournament do to all the coronavirus restrictions put on the course. Golfers could only arrive 15 minutes prior to their tee time and leave immediately after they finish golf and no food to be served. Several Lions are working a a flyer to send out to all of last years players notifying them of the cancellation and asking for a donation to help out our charities. Lion Dagi will put the notification on the website about the cancellation. Lion Ray talked with Lion’s Carl and Jenni and they will present it to the club members at the next PM Zoom meeting on July 8th.

Good of the Order –

Lion Ray wished everyone a good, safe, and sane 4th of July.

Respectfully submitted by:
Lion Ron Ahearn

Lions Present at Zoom Video Conference: Lion’s Ray, Ron, Phil, Steve, Al, Eli, Mort, Herb, Leslye, Joan, Dagi, Linda, Don, and Bill.

Dates to Remember – All Events Have Been Postponed or Cancelled Until Further Notice Due to the Coronavirus Guidelines.

– Budget Meeting June 27th at Lion Al’s or via Zoom at 1 PM
– PM meeting July 8, 2020 at 6:30 via Zoom
Annual Golf Tournament August 29, 2020 ?
Ride4Diabetes will be scheduled in 2021

TailTwister – Lion Herb went around the screen and asked for donations.

Camp Via West – Lion Joan sent an email to Rick and has not heard back from him yet. Lion Joan wants to set up a date or dates to get started on the cleanup for the green house. The thought that it would take 2 days so she is setting up Friday July 10th and Saturday July 11th. She thought that we would start at 9:00 A.M. and work until 12 noon both day or until we get finished. We need to clean the pots, shelving, and the glass. Lion Ron will get the power washer from the storage unit. Lion Joan said each Lion needs to bring buckets , brushes, gloves, and masks. Lion Steve bought a sink to install in the green house.

Budget Meeting – Lion Al said the Budget Meeting will be held in his garage which can hold about 12 individuals with social distancing. He said that he sent out the budget meeting sheets. Lion Ali thought we would spend about thirty minutes on the admin budget and the rest on the community budget. Lion Bill and Lion Eli suggested that we leave the budget as is and if we don’t make any budget then we should cut the budget across the board at that time. If you have a charity you would like to fund/support please send a write up and dollar amount to Lion Al so he can present it to the Board and club.

Good of the Order – Lion Al said he updated the golf flyer to reflect the possible cancellation of the tournament and a thank you notice for any donations we get which we discussed. Lion Leslye said she would like a copy of it to review and Lion Al said he would send out a copy of the revised flyer to the club.

Lion Eli and Lion Steve talked about trailers from the city of San Jose for the homeless and what we could do to help Destination Home/Abode Services repair them and install them in a parking lot in Cupertino. Lion Bill said the issue with putting them any where is that they are required to have sanitation and water hook ups.

Lion Ray mentioned that Lion Leslye attended the June 20th Zoom cabinet meeting and took great notes about the meeting. Lion Leslye said she would send the notes out to the club.

Lion Ray mentioned that the San Martin Lions were having a clean up day at their facility on Sunday June 28th from 9-12 and if anyone was interested to contact Lion Robert so he could order lunch for them.

Respectfully submitted by:
Lion Ron Ahearn

De Anza Lions Board Meeting Minutes
Regular Board Meeting: 6:30pm Tuesday, 16 June 2020
Attendees: Al, Jill, Jeff, Vijay, Eli, Jen, Claire, Leslye
Meeting Called By: Lion Jeff Type of Meeting: Business

Approval of minutes. Meeting started at 6:35pm. Last month’s minutes were reviewed and approved.

Name change documents. Al pointed out that LCI, IRS, FTB and other agencies need to be notified of our name change, and a resolution needs to be signed adopting the bylaws in order to formalize the name change. Jeff said that he would work with Al to get the required documents for submittal, and Al will take the lead on notifying the agencies.

Budget meeting discussion

Logistics. Budget meeting set for Saturday June 27 at 1pm. Do we want to gather in a socially distanced manner or should we hold the meeting via Zoom? Jeff would like the meeting in person. Al said that 5-12 people usually attend, and he thinks we can follow a good protocol for being safe. There was a general consensus that an in-person meeting would be a good thing. Jeff said he would also set up Zoom for those who want to dial in. Jill said she wouldn’t be able to be there but there was agreement that minutes aren’t usually taken. Al said that he will send around the budget to the club in advance of the meeting. Al said that it would be great if the Crab Feed committee and the Ride for Diabetes committee come up with a budget for next fiscal year (based on the format used in the past), before the budget meeting. Jill offered to send an email to the committee chairs, and Jeff said he would send a snapshot of the format to the chairs. Leslye pointed out that the Ride isn’t until the 2021-22 fiscal year, but Vijay noted that there still will be costs in next fiscal year.

General budget discussion. Jeff raised the point that we don’t know what the next near term will look like depending on the pandemic. Al mentioned the deficit and that there will be work needing to be done on the budget. Jeff suggested that part of the budget discussion should include cutting some of our usual donations. Al said this would be fairly easy to do across the board. Vijay suggested a top-down approach by, for example, cutting the discretionary budget fairly significantly. Vijay also asked if we could have some of the admin fund go toward charitable donations. Eli raised the topic of the food drive, and Al pointed out that the donations for food drive turn into gifts-in-kind (i.e. food for donations) so that is not a major issue. Vijay said we need to really consider how to run the food drive given that people are currently not going to the grocery store. Jill said she would be surprised if stores would allow the food drive at this point. Vijay suggested we rank our priorities. Claire wondered why we can’t just keep the same amounts and if we don’t have the cash, we don’t have to fill it? Vijay said that once we allocate funds no additional approvals are required, unlike in the discretionary fund where additional approvals are required before disbursement. Jeff suggesting including a reservation of the right to reduce the disbursements in the event that we don’t have the requisite funds. Eli suggested that we have an agreement that we don’t approve any mid-year requests over a certain amount ($500?), since a large non-budgeted mid-year request recently came up and caused divisiveness in the club. This would encourage the members to work on the budget at the time we approve it. Jill and Jeff and Al thought that it should be case-by-case but Jill also said she thought it was a good idea to put a limit on email requests. Leslye added that discretionary requests should also be made in a timely fashion.

Good of the Pride?
Leslye asked about the Golf Tournament and how the decision is going to be made about how/if to move forward. Al said that Ray is dealing directly with the Moffett manager and agreed there needs to be a cut-off time.
Jill asked if Jeff had heard from Sundar about his move to the East Bay, and Jeff said he hadn’t but we should keep him as a member unless we hear otherwise. Jill will change his address in LCI.
Al raised a question about the perpetual fund. Schwab is requiring a $250K total amount of assets, but would consider personal assets if those of an officer. Al has banked with Schwab for a long time and Schwab said they would be willing to work with us on that basis, though Al’s personal accounts and the Lions accounts would be entirely separate. Al will move forward with the application.
Jeff said Sudha is excited about joining the Board. Jeff wanted to add since this is Lion Charles’ last meeting as a Board member that we are grateful for Charles’ service to the Board over the years and that he will always be a Lion to us.

Meeting ended at 7:27pm.

Lions Present at Zoom Video Conference: Lion’s Ray, Ron, Phil, Steve, Al, Eli, Mort, Herb, Leslye, Joan, Dagi, Linda, Don, and Bill.

Dates to Remember – All Events Have Been Postponed or Cancelled Until Further Notice Due to the Coronavirus Guidelines.

– Budget Meeting June 27th at Lion Al’s or via Zoom at 1 PM
– PM meeting August 5, 2020 at 6:30 via Zoom
Annual Golf Tournament August 29, 2020 ?
Ride4Diabetes will be scheduled in 2021

TailTwister – Lion Herb went around the screen and collected donations. Lion Steve’s Birthday is Sunday and he sent a check in to Lion Al for the Perpetual fund.

Camp Via West – Lion Joan and Lion Ray met with Rick at Camp Via West and talked to him about the Green House and evaluate the Green House. Lion Joan said that it needs some cleanup but overall it is good shape. Lion Joan said she would set up a schedule for volunteers to help with the green house if everything goes well. Lion Joan did say that it would be helpful if it had a sink in the green house to which Lion Steve said he had one he would donate. Lion Joan said she would send out a memo about this effort to the entire club. Lion Joan and Lion Ray talked with Rick about installing a train set at the camp, he said he would consider putting one in but not in the dining hall. After discussions they want something that is portable and Lion Steve said he did not think that was possible.
A portable layouts means that it is portable and has to be set up, torn down, and put away. You need somebody that knows how to do that. Not sure if Rick understands that. That is the reason for a permanent layout, that is up high and out of reach of the kids. The train can be controlled by kids for on-off, speed and the whistle . All that has be done is maintenance.
In the past Camp Via (Before Rick) said no because of liability reasons.

Golf Tournament – Lion Ray said he contacted the General Manager to see what the situation was with Moffett Field Golf course. The general manager said it will reopen today to limited golfers. Lion Ray said if we had the tournament there would be no food or auctions and he felt that it was an 80 to 20 percent chance that we would not be able to have the tournament. We are looking at sending out a letter to all of our past golf participants to see if they would like to donate some money to the charity fund in lieu of playing in the tournament. Lion Dagi said she would put it on the club’s website.

Budget Meeting – Lion Al Said the Budget Meeting will be held in his garage which can hold about 12 individuals with social distancing. He said that he would try and set up a big screen in the garage or you can also attend via Zoom meeting which Lion Prez Jeff will set up and send a notification out to the club. If you have a charity you would like to fund/support please send a write up and dollar amount to Lion Al so he can present it to the Board and club. Lion Al said he would send out a copy of the budget sheet to club members so they can review it.

Perpetual Fund – Lion Al met with a financial advisor via Zoom at Charles Schwab and he got the guidelines/form (22 pages) for setting up the account. Lion Al said that their normal fund has to be a minimum of $250,000 but since he has an account there they would wave that requirement.

Good of the Order – Lion Al said to change our clubs name is a real process from submitting it to the CA. Secretary of State, the IRS, LCI and others. Thank you Lion Al for all the hard work.

Lion Al Said that LCIF has a program called Campaign 100 which ends 6/30/2021. Lion Al said we have donated to this campaign over the last couple of years. Campaign 100 will span three years and seek to raise $300 million dollars by June 30, 2021, it will require participation from all Lions and clubs worldwide. Exciting individual and club recognition programs are in place to reward those who meet the call.

Lion Leslye said she will be calling Canine Companions to see what their status is as far as graduation ceremonies. As of 2018, it has placed over 6,000 assistance dogs with recipients at no charge.

Respectfully submitted by: Lion Ron Ahearn

Lions Present at Zoom Video Conference: Lion’s Ray, Ron, Steve, Al, Eli, Mort, Herb, Leslye, Joan, Dagi, Don, and Bill.

Dates to Remember – All Events Have Been Postponed or Cancelled Until Further Notice Due to the Coronavirus Guidelines.

– Budget Meeting June 27th at Lion Al’s or via Zoom at 1 PM
Ride4Diabetes will be scheduled in 2021
Annual Golf Tournament August 29, 2020 ?

TailTwister – Lion Herb went around the screen and collected donations. Lion Ron donated another dollar for his mothers birthday and Lion Bill’s upcoming birthday both will be turning 94, congratulations. Lion Al donated another four bits.

District Awards Ceremony and Cabinet Meeting and Thank you Luncheon –
Lion Ray said the meeting was cancelled at the Hayes Mansion but they are looking at doing a ZOOM meeting. Lion Ray said he would find out the particulars and let the club know.

Student Speaker Contest – Lion Ray said the new guidelines for the Student Speaker contest are as follows: District Student Speaker Chairs to send invitation to students still active in the “original” speech contest, regardless of level, (which has been cancelled in its original form) to submit their speeches in written form to the District Student Speaker Chair for judging. (No Later than June 27, 2020). District Chair will contact the top 4 students and ask them to record a YouTube video of their speech to be submitted for judging to the District Chair no later than July 18,2020.

Camp Via West – Lion Joan contacted Rick at Camp Via West and talked to him about the Green House. She will meet with him tomorrow June 12th at 11 AM to go look over the green house and see what he has in mind. Any one that would like to attend is invited. Lion Steve asked Lion Bill if he had talked to Rick at the camp about installing a train set up there for the children. Lion Bill said he did talk with him and he said he would consider it but not in the main hall.

Golf Tournament – Lion Ray said he contacted the General Manager to see what the situation was, the general manager said currently it is an issue with Google who has hired OB Sports to run the course and the County of Santa Clara. Currently there is no date set for re-opening. Lion Dagi said she walks by the course and it is well maintained. Lion Don said if it opens and we do have the tournament if carts are an issue where only one person can ride/drive why can’t the cart carry the two bags with one person driving the cart and the other person walking the course. If the August 29th date falls thru we still have October to fall back on. If it looks like the tournament will not take place we are looking at sending out a notice to all the golfers to see if they would make a donation to our club.

Good of the Order – Lion Ray said he went down to the San Martin Lions club where the A.J. Robinson van is kept and helped mow down all the dry grass and weeds to help prevent any fires. Lion Ray said there are no events scheduled for the AJ Robinson van until September.

Lion Al went over the financial spending so far this year and we are about eight thousand dollars under spent. There are several of the charities we support that he has not heard from that he will try and contact.

Lion Eli said that the city park he had mentioned behind the Cupertino Hotel he thought we might be able to hold the Student Speaker contest at was actually owned by the hotel and not the city.

Lion Bill said that Holders Country Inn was set up for outside dining now. Lion Joan confirmed it.

Respectfully submitted by: Lion Ron Ahearn