Board Minutes: September 2018
Board Minutes: September 18, 2018
Board Members Present: Claire, Jeff, Vijay, Carl, Jill
Pre-meeting pep-talk: Jeff’s focus for the board isn’t just about decisions, but also taking a temperature of how things are going, and brainstorming when we need ideas to support our events.
Two Open Board Seats: Andrea Harris volunteered and Jen Smith said she might be interested. 5 is enough for a quorum, but seven is better, as debated by the club in earlier meetings. LCIF coordinator and Membership Chair are the two open spots, or they could be a Director at large. We will send an email to the two and the board asking what they would prefer. Claire will be the LCIF if neither wants that role.
Food Drive: Update from Claire. Ray said that the club would be able to handle most of what John did except the coordination of the Monday morning deliveries. Jeff and Vijay will coordinate that part and they will connect with Claire to make sure that Monday morning volunteers have all the resources they need. Jeff will reach out to the amazing kitchen volunteer from Wells Fargo to see if he or they have any volunteers. Claire is going to revise the volunteer list based on our clients’ needs and also put a QR code for donations. Last year we added Los Gatos as a trial for one day. Los Gatos was lucrative for donations, but we only asked for non-perishables there because of the truck and transportation. Could we open that store up to perishables with more volunteer drivers? We need the Leos involved, so we have to reach out to Kent for the Leos, and then, Ray is the next person in line for that. Mike Martin is usually the one who rents it and maybe drives it?
Crab Feed 2019: Most of the chairs are covered, verbally, for Carl’s list. Getting the crab and staffing the cooking, with a Lion shadowing is the only thing missing. Bar Idea: Vijay’s idea is to make sure we have bottles of wine being sold to tables, so people don’t have to get up. Treasure Chest: Leos used to sell it, but we didn’t do as well last year. Maybe Claire’s Girl Scouts can help, too, with that. We don’t have to share with the Rotary anymore, but with a little push on the bar and the raffle/treasure we can really up our net profit. Dave Zirkel, from the Rotary, came last year and may help with that. Crab Feed meeting maybe in October, so look for an email from Carl, especially if you are a chair. Raffle: go for the people that always donate, every time, and then ask each member or family of our club to donate one raffle item. Silent Auction: people want activities, not items or “weekends” at a hotel.
Golf Classic: Ray L. said that he would step up for this, but then the chairs are the ones who could support him and do the work. June 22nd is currently the date of the golf tournament and if Ray is okay with the date, then we could keep it for this year.
R4D 2.1: Vijay says we have collected enough money that we can break even. There is no representation at this meeting tonight. Vijay says that as of last Saturday, no one from the ride has contacted the riders already signed up to ask them if they want their money back or do they want to forward it to the ride in May? Permits are also a concern since they need to be reissued. The board discussed ending their support for the ride because the conditions set in place have not been met. The board expects the following conditions to have occured BY the next Board meeting in October (3rd Tuesday).
There will be a motion at the next board meeting to end our support for the ride, unless compliance occurs in these areas:
Changing the donation language to “a majority of the ride donations go to diabetes related causes”.
Confirmation that they are communicating to riders and donors, and about date change and their donations and that the permits can be used with the date change.
A representative from the ride be at every Board meeting, as the dates of the Board meeting are published far in advance, and they can organize ahead of time.