Board Minutes: May 2021
Cupertino De Anza Lions Board Meeting: May 18, 2021 @ 6:30 via Zoom
Board Members Present: Jill, Jeff, Vijay, Al, Eli, Sudha, Leslye, Jen, Claire.
DAL Guests: Ray, Kent, Steve, Bill
Meeting called to order at 6:35
April Minutes Approval: unanimously approved.
Covid Crab Feed Donation: a donation from Leslye’s sister, Linda, came in on May 7th and Carl said there was money on Go Fund Me. Sudha said there was some funds through the newsletter.
Hunger at Home: Second Volunteer Day this Saturday, May 22, . Volunteers have been submitted.
Club Officers and Board: The PU-101 has been submitted with the new board and officers. Do we still need a vote? Al says it is an important formality. Jeff will review the bylaws and Ray will read off the officers tomorrow AM.
Lion Charity Perpetual Fund Committee Recommendations:
Review: Vijay shared the spreadsheet on the screen and reviewed what we discussed in April. Then, he went over the committee’s steps for May. Then answered questions about fees, taxes, and is the unofficial consultant aware of the trends in the economy. Can Schwab take these recommendations and do the investing? Al says yes. Taking this action has been a long time coming.
Motion to add endowment fund clause to bylaws made by Lion Al. Lion Jeff seconds the motion. Passed unanimously.
Motion made by Lion Eli to invest the endowment funds in the manner recommended by the committee. Lion Ray seconds the motion. Motion passes unanimously.
Charity Golf Tournament and BBQ Proposal:
The idea of doing this in Cupertino as a community event in place of this year’s golf tournament, which won’t get the participation that it usually does.
Hold the golf tourney at Blackberry Farm, a 9 hole course (to go double around for a full tourney). Golf green fees are 20$, no arts and can pay 75% 10 days prior.
Next door across the fence there is a group picnic area that has a path or is right next door for a short drive. Picnic Area is $300 use fee and lions cater bbq dinner, 250 seating, could cancel up to 30 days beforehand without penalty.
Mayor Darcy Paul would like this event to celebrate coming out of COVID.
Lion Sudha agreed to chair the BBQ event, should we approve.
Kent presented pictures of the both areas and multiple spreadsheets showing potential financial scenarios, with costs and earnings for the events.
Reservations need to be made for the date, even if we end up not doing it, and we can get the fee back if it doesn’t launch.
Great exposure for our club in the city of Cupertino.
Questions and Comments:
Is a food license and inspection required and what is the fee for that? A liquor license? Unknown at this time.
What are the covid regulations in Cupertino? It’s projected that we will be fully open, but we would get a refund if that wasn’t the case.
Kent also suggests that we reserve the golf course as well for the same date. There is no money involved until 10 days prior.
If the board approves putting the deposit down, then the club needs to be surveyed to see what volunteers are available to plan and for the day of the event.
Moffett is off the table because the cost went up. Mini-golf was not a popular choice. Many golfers are not available like they used to be. The food service staff has also changed.
We need to find a new way to raise money for the club.
Kent volunteers to help Sudha because of his contacts.
Even though Moffett’s costs are up, we still have some base and it seems like we are scrapping an event that has been successful, through our slow build, for a brand new event in a different place and for a different purpose. If we start a whole new golf situation, can we ever get golf back in our traditional way?
Lion Ray makes a motion to reserve the date with the $300.00 dollars for the BBQ area at Blackberry Farm for Saturday, August 28th. Motion seconded by Lion Sudha. 6 aye, 2 nay, 1 abstention.
Good of the Order
We received an award from MD4 for caring for the community.
Sudha’s daughter took over the Community Lions.
Sudha attended the cabinet meeting with her as well and they were able to get support for the cause of period products for homeless women.
Anne Harris is not getting emails. It’s possible it is going to her spam.
Meeting adjourned at 8:17.