Board Minutes: January 2021
De Anza Lions Regular Board Meeting: 6:30pm, 19 JANUARY 2021
Meeting Called By: Lion Jeff Type of Meeting: Business Secretary: Lion Jill
Board Members Attending: Jill, Jeff, Al, Leslye, Claire, Eli, Vijay, Sudha
Guests: Artie Green ,CFP, here to give information about perpetual funds
Call to Order at 6:34 – Lion Jeff
1. December Minutes Approval: No objections, minutes are approved.
2. Insights and Ideas, Lions Charity Perpetual Fund — Artie Green, CFP, to give information about perpetual funds for nonprofits. In regards to stock, most charities have the ability, like we do to accept stock as a donation, and they usually sell stock as soon as they get it. Since we currently have a small base of money, protecting it means we really aren’t using it for anything. A change in the strategy to a certain percentage to distribute for use, could mean using some of the base since it may not make much, but if it does make money in a well-diversified asset based stocks/bonds combination, may mean that percentage would come from the capital growth. But, since we don’t need the money at this time, we could go riskier and get a larger growth over time. We should decide on a strategy first, how much risk we are willing to take, and then, decide where to invest the money. The IPS (investment policy statement) is a strategy that minimizes the risk that closely allows the investor(s) to meet their goals. Once we decide on a strategy, Artie would be willing to help us come up with a model for investment. A Zoom meeting will be planned for our IPS, and what our goals would be for this fund.
3. Covid Crab Feed Donation Ask 2021: The committee wants to move forward with the online donation system in place of a crab feed or crab kit and made a suggestion that if we specifically donate the funds to Camp Via, we might get more donations. Lion Al has a motion, in lieu of the annual crab feed, we would do an online solicitation of funds. Whereas that the donations this year would go to Camp Via. Lion Jill seconds the motion. Discussion: Does this mean that we would give this money just to Camp Via? Yes. Normally, the Crab Feed budget usually goes to all of our charities. In lieu of that, though, we might be able to reallocate funds from elsewhere. But, since we only have two major fundraisers, maybe we are limiting ourselves if we are focused only on one recipient and we would lose flexibility. Could we do a percentage for Via, and then, the rest will go into our general fund as usual? Formal Motion Below:
Motion by Lion Al Knox, proxy for Lion Carl Erickson, For Regular or Special Board of Directors Meeting.
Whereas: The Annual Crab Feed has been cancelled for this fiscal year 2020-2021.
Whereas: The Crab Committee strongly suggests we create an Online Fund-Raising effort in lieu of the Crab Feed Classic.
Whereas:The Crab Committee additionally feels the naming of a specific charitable effort would be more effective than a general fund solicitation.
Whereas: The Crab Committee further suggests “that the flagship benefactor of the on-line solicitation of donations ‘in the spirit of the Lions Crab Feed’ be the severely disabled children and adults who receive support from Camp Via West Services, as well as other local groups in need our Lions Charities provide assistance.
Resolved: The Board of Directors do herby authorize the Crab Committee to move forward immediately in creating a primary fund-raising project as outlined above in lieu of the Deanza Lions Annual Crab Feed.
Vote Duly Take: Ayes are ___7___Nays are ___0____ Abstentions are _______
4. Hunger At Home volunteer event, 2021: They are happy to have us join for helping either on Wednesday or Saturday possibly in March. Saturdays are preferred.
5. Charter Night 2021 – Virtual, Other Thoughts: April date when we could maybe do an outdoor at Camp Via picnic lunch. Date TBA.
6. Covid, A Year Later – How Our Membership Is Doing: how are we doing staying connected and reaching out to each other? Al said there are 7 Lions that haven’t paid their dues, and are in arrears for over a year. However, members who have paid or not, or come to Zoom or not, need to feel the fellowship. Their emails aren’t bouncing back, so they should be getting the emails.
7. Good of the Pride, Any Lion: none
Meeting adjourned at 7:49