Board Minutes: January 2019

DAL Board Meeting Minutes: January 15, 2019

Board Members: Jill, Carl, Charles, Ray, Jeff, Al (Emeritus Treasurer), Andrea, Jen, Claire. 6:42 start time.

Fiscal Update: (Charities and Club) Lion Al is helping Vijay during the baby’s first months and then we will see from there. Vijay is still asking people to get their dues in but not everyone is receiving the bills, so we are going to ask Vijay about that.
Member List and Honoring Long Term members: Al keeps a list and LCI has the data.
New Member Application: Sashi Begur sponsored by Muni. Andrea moves that we accept the membership, Claire seconds the motion. Unanimously approved.
Induction Ceremony: Andrea will coordinate for a PM meeting for an induction ceremony for the new members and Jeff will check his new member packets and order more if necessary.
Cupertino Community Leo Club (Alpha) 12-18 ages: Richard Cao, Lion Liang is in charge (her son is Richard). We need to pay out of the admin fund to support this club with $100.00. Jeff makes a motion to accept, Ray seconds the motion. Approved Unanimously. Jeff will ask Vijay for the check.
Student Speaker Contest: Andrea and Joan are helping and Dagi will be back on Wednesday to help guide. Liang will help get some more teens for this (currently we have one speaker).
Golf Tournament: price change with new manager for golfing is up $5.00 and the beer price went up. Vijay’s idea is to go to $130.00. Ray motions to raise the price to 130, Claire seconds. Discussion: the contract was signed but it was just for the date. Will there be changes in the food prices? The golfers that play don’t care about the price raise, but we will make sure it’s clear on the flyer. Unanimously approved.
Crab Feed: Emergency meeting was called because of a problem with the permits. In the past we used the Craven Act exemption, but we actually do need the permits. The list of questions was generated and discussed. Carl discussed this with Susan Lew, the permit contact. New info: we don’t need a tent for the propane stoves, because we aren’t cooking it, we are heating it and serving it. We DO need covers for the hotel pans for bringing it in from outside after heating. The inspector contact will be available the week before and we can contact the person by email. Susan Lew said that they are usually very nice and helpful, especially since it’s our first time. The lemons are a possibility still-Susan Lew is getting back to Carl about that. Carl is the coordinator for the permits, etc. The bar needs a temporary hand washing station (directions in the document) which is around $100. Hats for people in the kitchen. Contingency plan: selling the crab to people that show up (we need to ask Susan/inspector), turning away in the parking lot, calling the people who invited big groups to contact their members. Fish Market question: how fast do we need to get back to Fish Market to “return” it, if needed. Would they take it back and for how long? Could we still do it but not charge and just have a big party (ask for donations)? It was suggested to not tell the FM that about the crab return, but the quality has always been good. Are we selling wine at the door and are we having a person walking around with cash and a wine opener (or screw top). We have two mobile phone card readers. Liquor permit is $50.00.

Good of the Order:

The city of Cupertino has a room that we can use with a screen that is open until 8:30 at the city library. Andrea will reserve it for the next meeting so we can try it out. February 19th is the next board meeting.
Ride for Diabetes representative did not show up for an update at this meeting as requested. Jeff will contact the Ride chair to get them to the February meeting. Liability question: Simran is not a member, but is in charge of all the permitting. We are happy that someone has taken this on, but they are representing us on our behalf. Are they covered with our insurance should any issue arise? Regarding the permits, we should make sure that we get only the permits we need so we don’t overspend.
There is a requirement in our bylaws that we have an audit process of our bookkeeping. It’s an annual deal and we did not do that last year. A request should be put out there through our members for a CPA, or someone similarly qualified, to make sure we have someone to oversee when needed. Claire works with someone that does this for a discount for nonprofit. We have had several dealings with the IRS over the years and it has all come out okay. One: get a quote for a CPA, Two: for Treasury duties, and Three: to check on the wording for Ride For Diabetes. We are a model for doing our books right, but we do have a significant budget.

8:06 Adjourned