Board Minutes: December 2020
Regular Board Meeting: 6:30pm, 15 DECEMBER 2020
Meeting Called By: Lion Jeff Type of Meeting: Business Secretary: Lion Jill
Meeting Minutes
Board Members: Jeff, Jill, Leslye, Al, Jen, Vijay, Claire
Meeting Called To Order: 6:35 by President Lion Jeff
November Minutes Approval: Unanimously approved.
Food Drive Wrap Up: Last up is delivering grocery gift cards and what we have left is this: if we get an adjustment for a check from Linda’s friends, we will have $850.00, if not it will be $350, but the difference of $500.00 will go directly to West Valley as will the remaining, except for a donation to Maria. Claire will reach out to the San Jose West Valley Club who enthusiastically supported us and do a survey for feedback.
Crab Feed 2021: Can we ask Jenni and Carl to do a dual report for the AM and PM meetings in January. We are pending the cost to us and then promotion to the public. On the calendar for January 23rd. Looking for a plan to set things in motion with volunteers and logistics.
Cupertino Grant for the Ride: We had to give back $8,631.00 because we didn’t have the ride. They allowed us to not pay back what we had spent. There was no previous communication about this from our club and the ride committee to the Cupertino grant committee, which of course was all on hold from the pandemic.
Hunger At Home volunteer event, Jan. 2021: After the visit from Ewell at the PM meeting, there was positive feedback and Claire had a good experience volunteering for the cause. Possible opportunity to help the organization in January, masked safely, for our club.
Good of the Pride:
Lion Al: $15,000 just less than for budgeted disbursements for the year. Any of this group want to have a personal hand in the disbursement? Al reads off the list.
Wordpress Issue: Jill can’t get in to post minutes for the website. Jeff will look into this by communicating with our liaison with WordPress and Dagi. In the meantime, Ron has been kindly posting the minutes for Jill.
Adjourned at 7:11