Board Minutes: April 2021

Regular Board Meeting Minutes: 6:30pm, 20 APRIL 2021
Zoom Meeting Called By: Lion Jeff Type of Meeting: Business Secretary: Lion Jill
Board Members Present: Jeff, Jill, Al, Vijay, Eli, Claire.
Call to Order – Lion Jeff at 6:39
1. March Minutes Approval: no discussion, minutes approved.
2. Covid Crab Feed Donation Ask 2021: no updates.
3. Charter Day 2021, A Saturday Afternoon in April – Open Air, Camp Via, BYO. 40 people as of now. Al did the program.
4. Hunger At Home Volunteer Day #2 , Sat. 5/22/21Continue to promote and the new date was sent out to the club. Claire has the sign up sheet and we have a few already. Claire will send out a reminder.
5. Golf Tournament: The email survey sent out got this response: 30 interested in mini, and 4 in 9-hole course. Ray and Eli went to see the ones on El Camino and Wolfe. The manager at the mini-golf said they would be happy to work with us and it would cost about $15.00 per player, including some kind of “snack”, unsure of what that would be. This would be mid-July and a weekday for mini-golf and $50.00 charge for mini-golf. Sunken Gardens, across the street, a 9-hole executive course, said they could handle us for $30 per golfer, including a meal. Drinks were not discussed. We would probably need to charge $75.00 tentatively for Sunken Gardens. A consultation with Lion Alan (from another club) said the mini-golf was lucrative, but it has been in motion for many years. We need to poll the club to see which month might be more likely for volunteerism: July, August, September. We also need to know COVID restrictions. Wouldn’t we have more space at a regular golf course in regards to COVID? The Sunken Garden option would have food, more space, alcohol, and dinner. But, they don’t have golf carts for everyone. We would still do this in the evening mid-week, but September seems more realistic in terms of planning time, COVID restrictions, etc. Is there another 18 hole golf course that could accommodate: Los Lagos? For Sunken Gardens, Leos could be the caddies. Board is leaning towards Sunken Gardens and in September. Eli and Ray will bring a proposal about cost, etc. to the board next month.
6. Lion Charity Perpetual Fund Committee: Claire, Eli, Ray, Vijay, how to invest funds, risk or conservative, and what are the goals and agreements of the fund. Vijay and Claire presented the spreadsheet showing how, if the funds are divided 50% for both conservative or aggressive funds, would grow over a period of 10 years.
Motion made by Jeff, seconded by Eli: the strategy and the agreements the perpetual fund committee recommended at the board meeting was voted unanimously approved. See spreadsheet linked here.
7. Board Members and Changes, Lion Year 2021/22: We need a plan. Do we divy up the secretary jobs? Without a new secretary, though, we won’t have an odd number. It is not in the bylaws that it has to be an odd number. Ray and/or John will be contacted to see if they would like to be a board member at large. For secretary: Al would be willing to deal with the emails by having his name as Secretary for the time being as well as be treasurer, Jill would be willing to post minutes and share them out to the club/ board and manage membership, and Claire would do minutes when she was available, and a proxy when she was not, Al and Jeff would be willing to learn how to report activities.
8. Good of the Pride, Any Lion: Delegates for Convention/Directory Ad: forwarding email to Al