Board Meeting: November 2020
De Anza Lions Board Meeting Minutes
Regular Board Meeting: 6:30pm, 17 NOVEMBER 2020, Virtual via Zoom
Meeting Called By: Lion Jeff Type of Meeting: Business Secretary: Lion Jill
Board Members: Jill, Al, Jeff, Leslye, Claire, Eli, Jen, Vijay, Sudha
Guests: Joan,
Call to Order – Lion Jeff at 6:32 pm
October Minutes Approval: Motion to approve by Jeff, so approved.
Camp Via West: Green House & Garden “Feed the People” Program; Train Project: Joan reported about the gathering and program as it continues through the winter. No experience needed, Joan encourages anyone who wants to join to do so because there are always projects evolving. Jeff asked if Joan would email her log so the club could see the progress, but only if there is time to do so.
Food Drive 2020: Al says we have $4,833.00 at this time in donations. Claire is hoping for more cans to come in and they will be delivered to Leslye’s place on Saturday morning and then a team will organize, another team will buy what’s left over as needed. On Monday, a team will deliver the boxes, with the turkeys. The West San Jose Campbell Club has been highly involved and would continue to support any of our fundraisers and Claire said that we as a club would love to help them, too. This connection was made solely by the Nextdoor App. Leslye gave Sherie from CC the flyer and she is gathering items, too. Since we may actually have more money than needed, we could either turn it into gift cards for needy families or donate West Valley Community Services or Sunnyvale Community Services. At West Valley, any money donated by Dec. 31st will be matched by Sobrato (who incidentally the train room is named for at Camp Via West). We are registered through a platform for corporate matching through Benevity, so that is an option if individuals want to donate through that, they can. In the past, we have had members donate and have the company they are working for match the donation. Do we know who donated and from where the donations are coming? Most of the donations are not members and looking at the data following the end of the project to thank them and have a database to use for future fundraising. Sudha is willing to help with that when the time comes. The only unknown is exactly where the turkeys are coming from, looking for the best price. Al can issue a corporate check if we know the amount that the turkeys will cost. Target first, Lucky second, and then a gift card for the turkey if we do not have enough of them for all the boxes.
Good of the Pride, Any Lion
Leslye/Project Linus: Project Linus certificate of appreciation given to Leslye and Al will archive.
Eli/Crab Feed: Carl and Jenni moving on a Crab Feed plan that they are going to bring up soon, involving take out from the Fish Market. Possibly we are the “Door Dash” with a complimentary bottle of wine is one idea.
Al/Chamber of Commerce: Cupertino De Anza Lions Club Chamber of Commerce member certificate. The name is stated wrong so Al will clear that up.
Claire/Perpetual Fund: Any updates on the perpetual fund situation? Al had sent out some emails about it to the board so he is looking for responses from the board as to how much risk we want to put in these funds. The market is very in flux with political turmoil and COVID. Al has done a good job of finding a safe and secure fund. Claire knows a friend who is a financial advisor and he could come to the next board meeting to give us any advice, if we wanted. Right now it’s in a stable, easy to manage, low maintenance fund, but do we want to diversify with some of it? Al sent an email to the board on October 30th about one of the funds.
Jill/Student Speaker Packet: it has arrived to Jill and she will let Dagi and Ray know.
Jeff/December PM Meeting: Zoom Holiday Ugly Sweater Party instead. Saturday the 5th, at 5:00, in place of missing our holiday party this year.
Meeting Adjourned: 7:27