Board Meeting Minutes: November 2019

DAL Board Meeting: November 2019 Tuesday, November 19, 2019 @6:30 at Lion Al’s house.
Board Members: Al, Jill, Jen, Claire, Leslye, Charles, Jeff.
Membership application, Siva Gandikota membership approval: Al makes a motion he be accepted as a member effective from September 1st, Jill seconds. 4 yes, 2 abstain. Passes.
Membership Chair Vacancy: Jeff can appoint someone to fill this term and we need a member as per our bylaws. He will ask the club.
Kerala India Orphanage Proposal: Full electrical renovation of the building and they are asking for $1,000.00 to support the $23,000 overall cost. Could also be a good photo op. Cross-cultural collaboration. They are a non-profit. Claire makes a motion to fund this orphanage proposal. Jeff seconds the motion. 6 yes, one abstain. Motion passed.
Final Check, Food Drive 2019: all is in order as of now as of Claire, Jen, Jeff, and Ray.
Fidelity Trust Documents (stock donation): one Lion wants to donate stock, but that has to be gifted and sold. This would require us to start a brokerage account for our perpetual fund with detailed information for the account holder. Question: what if the person in our club leaves then how complicated is it to transfer the authorization? Do we want to open a brokerage stock account or stick with cash donations, which is simpler? Al made a motion, then withdrew, as the board wants more information before voting to fill out the brokerage application.
ID diabetes accounts: run through fund names and confirm diabetes related or not. We will group these in the next budget meeting and will check the boxes for diabetes related causes. We ask the ride committee what causes they also want the diabetes money to go to. Suggested was AJ Robinson, especially signage showing AJ Robinson and our club, on days the van is at an event.
Past Due dues: taken care of with dropping in good standing Sharlen Vigil, for whom we have paid all her dues since she joined.
Grant Restrictions: grant money from ride must be sponsored by nonprofit and run by a responsible group. Board asked that if the committee applies again for the grant, they come to the board first.
Ride for Diabetes: Sudha sent Jeff a stripped down version of the proposal for next year, she plans to come to December meeting. We are looking for the survey results from Simran before we will consider approving.
Event Debriefs: board wants an event debrief for any major event.
Calendarization of Project Discussions for Board: see pg. 2, added in a rotating fashion to agendas
Board Minute Approval: approval of minutes through email before posting will continue. After one week from when the board minutes were sent out, and before they are published to the club and the website, secretary will add: “Without any additions, deletions or corrections these minutes are approved by the Board.”
Good of the Order:
Awards committee currently Al, Jen, and looking for a third. Board went into closed session to discuss awards.
District 4C6 meeting, which Leslye attended, and reported out.
Meeting adjourned 8:17.

Agenda addendum of Lions board calendar discussion topics:
November: Confirm Food drive preparations, set Holiday celebration; initial Crab feed progress report
December: Crab feed progress report
January: Crab feed progress report
February: Start soliciting next year’s Board; Awards discussion; set Charter night
March: Report out of Crab feed finances, feedback, and proposal for next time; initial Golf tournament progress report
April: Golf tournament progress report
May: Golf tournament progress report, Set budget meeting
June: Set induction ceremony for new Board; initial Bike ride progress report
July: Report out of Golf tournament finances, feedback, and proposal for next time; Bike ride progress report
August: Bike ride progress report
September: Awards discussion, initial Food drive progress report
October: Report out of Bike ride finances, feedback, and proposal for next time; Food drive progress report