Board Meeting Minutes: May 2018
Cupertino De Anza Lions Club
Board Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, 15 May, 2018 6:30pm
Location: Knox Residence
1/ Call to Order 6:33 Lion Jeff
2/ Golf Tournament (10 minutes) Need golfers and need sponsors. Flyers went to Moffett and Paul and Eddie’s that Ray dropped off. Ray L. said there should be 3 foursomes from Rotary. Charles is bringing 5 foursomes. Steve was going to donate bottles of wine for the foursomes, instead of plaques and put a sticker on the wine. Jeff will discuss this idea with Lion Amy before moving forward with this idea, that is supported by board members. We need 20 bottles of wine to cover awards. Jeff will ask for a weekly update on golfers and sponsors, including how many are pledged for the tournament.
*10 paid golfers and 7 sponsors, with total sponsorship money of $1700.
3/ Camp Via West – Coastanoan Work Project (10 minutes). Ray said 2:00 on this Friday afternoon. They have all the materials for the posts and the concretes, and then dig the holes. 9:00 AM on Saturday the rest of the work will happen. We currently have 6 people on Friday. We have 8 people on Saturday. Some have to leave earlier than the scheduled work day. Carl will send the link to Jeff and will come up at 4:00 to see how it’s going. Via Services has spent $871.24 for the improvements, so they get back their money. The balance will go to the campership. Give the full check to Rick and he will take out his portion and give the rest for camperships. We need an 8 foot ladder.
4/ 2018-19 Board Confirmed, Budget Meeting, Future Meeting Locale: Board confirmed and entered, Budget Meeting on June 23rd at 3:00 PM in Al Knox’s garage. You must come, or send an email to the board/Vijay, if you want to represent your cause and have it funded. Al will no longer be on the board, but is willing to be Parliamentarian, and doesn’t mind if we have meetings at his house.
5/ Board calendar (10 minutes): Charles reminded us that the calendar could be used to make sure we are rotating through our responsibilities in a timely manner. Concerns is that will it be effective on a digital platform or a regular size of paper. Carl believes that if we have a Master Calendar with the benchmarks for what needs to be done for our fundraisers, but then could add bigger annual events into it, without the monthly meetings. This would be posted in the member section, but wouldn’t replace the calendar on the website.
*Proposed ongoing board item to look ahead and remember when to do certain things (i.e. every March should be recruitment of next year’s Board)
6/ Club Award Criteria: Reviewed the awards we give, and discovered that there is no Susan B. Anthony award, but there is a Helen Keller Award. We are going to ask the Blind Center what they call their award. Another questions for Judy at the Blind Center, which is newly called Vista. Let Vijay know the name for the checks in order to get those out during May. We may need to change the criteria for Blind Center, but we haven’t given a K-9 award for a long time. We may want to make a budget item for the awards, since we have so many more members. Discuss awards recipients at least twice a year, suggested October and April. Once it’s finalized, we can publish the criteria.
7/ De Anza Lions Ride for Diabetes: some scheduling items are behind because of delays about discussions about marketing. The event day items on budget are a little over the original budget, so that will need to be reconciled.. Why hasn’t the budget for the ride reconciled with the treasurer’s plan? Vijay said he would be happy to help reconcile the budget as the ride progresses. John says that the two potential areas of problem is the budget being possibly over and getting ridership, which he says is going to take more of a personal effort than just an email blast. John knows that they have to reduce the money for insurance and that they will have to remove 1800.00 dollars. The only condition that the board feels has not yet been resolved formally is the representation of our sponsors and our name. After discussion, the board felt that condition has also been currently met. Another concern is still how much cash in our pocket for our club will we get, after the cost of 16,000 comes back to our club. None of it will be unrestricted funds, like the golf tourney and the crab feed, but must be earmarked for diabetes related issues. Since the ride is advertised for diabetes, we should honor what the public believes and what the statement of the charity says. We told the public this was the case, but we have not voted on that as a board.Can we, if we vote to do so next year, change the wording to be more open to supporting our multiple causes, or a percentage of the net to do so? Tabled for next year as a discussion and vote, if the ride continues. Concerns are still that the events that we have of golf tourney and crab feed, are possibly in jeopardy. The concern then is that if the money for the R4D is earmarked for diabetes related issues, and our other big fundraisers are suffering, because of loss of leadership or overlapping volunteerism, that we won’t be able to fund some of the other charities. Currently, the ride is in good standing and the board appreciates the update and that the ride committee is working at keeping within the boards voted on parameters. However, we still expect a representative to update us each board meeting on progress, including a budgetary update.
8/ Good of the Order
We need to have a storage “area” for our documents in google for all our documents, and possibly link to the members only page, and how do we get to the board google email to add people (Jill is the owner).
Jill will email Sundar, and John, to figure out how to manage the Board google email group. We want people to be able to send us as a group emails.