Board Meeting Minutes: March 2021

Regular Board Meeting: 6:30pm, 16 MARCH 2021
Meeting Called By: Lion Jeff Type of Meeting: Business Secretary: Lion Jill

Board Members: Jen, Sudha, Jill, Jeff, Claire, Eli, Vijay.

Call to Order – Lion Jeff at 6:41

February Minutes Approval : no objections, approved as submitted.
Covid Crab Feed Donation Ask 2021: no numbers at this time.
Hunger At Home volunteer event recap, 03/13/ 2021: awesome event, interaction with volunteers and those that run the organization, especially the CEO, Ewell. Great way to attract potential Lions and serve others. Provided meals for 192 families in one morning and this is about or a little less than what they do every week. We could make this a quarterly opportunity for our club. Claire will contact and organize another chance in possibly May. Sudha’s daughter, who is a 9th grader, and a Leo, wants to bring in some more volunteers. Claire will put her in touch with the volunteer coordinator, Everly. Eli was wondering if they would be interested in getting produce from Via? Most of their donations are in large amounts.
Charter Day 2021, A Saturday Afternoon, 11:00 to 3:00 (TBC) April 24th- – Open Air, Camp Via, It’s a BYO Picnic!
Lion Charity Perpetual Fund Committee; Eli, Vijay, and Claire, and two other people to be on the committee in the next two weeks. Eli suggests that the committee meet this month because it may be a good time to invest the funds.
Board Members and Changes, Lion Year 2021/22: Lion Jeff wants to move out of President, learn about being Treasurer by shadowing Lion Al, Lion Jill wants to release the secretary position, Lion Eli would like to step away from the board as well. We need to inform and solicit these openings to the rest of the club. In the bylaws, there are rules and responsibilities of each of the jobs. While the President down to the Treasurer are required, the other role labels are not required. The other club directors can have jobs, but that is up to the board to decide. A great “role” that would be very useful for our club would be a “communications/marketing” director. Do we need an odd number and/or do we need more board members? Possible candidates: Lion John Smith as President (with Vijay as First VP, as a back up during Lion John’s travel, and potentially an eventual President), would Leslye want to be Secretary? Possibly Lion Claire or Lion Sudha are willing to be a VP as well. Jeff will continue as Past President and Jill is willing to step into Eli’s role, if no one else from the club would like to be a board member. Jeff will send an email to the club about the open roles and to Lion John Smith. Jill will email Lion Leslye about the secretary position.
Good of the Pride: no items.

Meeting Adjourned: 7:42