Board Meeting Minutes: March 2017

Cupertino De Anza Lions Charities Inc.

Meeting Date: Tuesday, 21 March 2017 Time: 7:00pm

Location: The House of Knox

Meeting called by: Lion Jeff

Secretary: Lion Jill

Board Meeting Meeting: Meeting Start at 7:05

  1. Fiscal Review/Updates As Appropriate – Lion Vijay (absent)

-Not quite up to date because Al has about $1,200.00 worth of funds (various line items) needed to get to Vijay.  Some charity and some dues that Al will pass on to Vijay in person at his soonest convenience.

    • Charities (foundation)

    • Club (corporation)

    • Anything outstanding?

  • By-Laws – Lion Al

  • Violation of Int’l By Laws because we don’t have geographical label for club (“corporation”)).  Lion Al is passing out a motion that we amend the “Club” name to “Cupertino De Anza Lions Club” instead of what it is currently (Lions Club of De Anza Corporation).  We will also want to submit the bylaws at the same time.  Seconded by Lion Bill.  Unanimously passed.

At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Lions Club of DeAnza Corporation on March 21, 20017 at Campbell, California.

MOTION by Lion Al Knox

Whereas: Article III Section III of the International Association of Lions Clubs Constitution and By-Laws clearly states “each club shall be known by the name of the municipality, or its equivalent government subdivision in which it is located.”

Whereas: Article III Section III of the International Association of Lions Clubs Constitution and By-laws clearly states “having more than one club, each club shall add a distinguishing designation to such name.”

Whereas: The Lions Club of De Anza Corporation is currently in direct violation of the above mentioned requirements as incorporated in 1980.

Resolved: that the members of the Lions Club of De Anza Corporation do hereby amend the Articles of Incorporation and specifically to read as follows; The name of this corporation is the Cupertino De Anza Lions Club chartered by and under the jurisdiction of, The International Association of Lions Clubs (hereafter referred to as the “Association.”

Second by: Lion Bill Reed

Vote duly taken:

Ayes ___7___

Nays ___0____

Motion Passes.

  • Al will send out his ideas for the updates and changes to bylaws in Word so please read before the meeting. This will take at about a year. Finally, we will have a standard letterhead, etc.

  1. Board 2017-2018 Membership – Lion Jeff, Any Lion

  • Lion Al could take Lion Bill’s place,who is willing to step down.  Lion John would like to join the board as a membership chair.  We need to solidify tonight the P.U. 101 so we can vote at the PM Meeting on April date.  Motion made by Lion Jeff, Lion Al seconded. Unanimously approved.

  1. Charter Night 2017 — Lion Ray:  April 1st, 39 adults and 12 children.  Lion Marlene Duffin, PDG will be a guest.  Inducting Kevin Heinrich (put this in the program).  The secret committee on awards will discuss but don’t think there are any coming up.  Lion Jeff will send Lion Al the President’s message to put to the program.  Lion Steve needs the list of who is eating what for the table cards.

  2. Calendar: circular calendar of events, can be put on website for members only page, sent to members so members can see what they can participate in, both large and small opportunities.This format shows the timeline for each event, as some take longer and some don’t.  This can also be used for membership purposes and for planning when an event is best placed for maximum participation.  On the web, it can have links which will take you to pictures and descriptions of events, too.

  3. New Website proposal– Lion John Noone and Dagi are working to update the website.  Spoke to Sarah S. who did the Ride site for updating.  Goal is to lessen the amount of pages, ease of updates, and should have more links, etc. We will have the latest version of Word Press, and some firewalls on our word and paypal accounts. John gave board an estimated proposal at $1100.00.  Lion Amy motioned that we accept this proposal and fund the new website.  LionJeff seconds the motion.  Discussion: how much of the 501c7 (the club vs. the charity) will use the site.  Members only part could be more useful, for forms, etc. after updates.  Do we have any analytics on how many hits there are on the Club member only vs. the public site?  OR, how many pages are for the corporation and the rest are charity. The Club has paid for it up to this point.  What would be the percentage split for justification? 80% Charity and 20% Club is amendment made by Lion Al to the previous motion.  Unanimously approved.  Lion John will make sure to forward the information to Sarah and then will give us the final cost not to exceed $1,100.00.  Dagi does need help in the content process, because it’s quite a bit to be edited.

  4. Saving the date for Crab feed should happen the sooner the better.

  5. Golf Classic 2017 Update – if we want to move the date of the Golf for the next year 2018 to move from Father’s Day, we need to look now.  The program is virtually the same, the placemat needs the sponsors.  Since much is on Publisher, but Amy and Clair don’t  have publisher so need to reconcile the software issue.  Vijay and Amy are working on google, who owns the course and OB Sports manages it, but google says we get the employee rate, which is 0 dollars. Gary the manager of OB says they can’t afford it this year.  Food has not yet been discussed, but Amy not feeling it’s a good idea to push the envelope with the pizza, unless provided by OB.  Committee heads are still needed.  These are jobs that are for non-golfers, such as photography, but we should just switch to iPhone pics.  The Outback may donate a coupon for a free appetizer.  Steve is the chair of donations, goody bag, etc.  IF anyone is getting donations, please let Steve and Amy know about it.

  6. Ride4Diabetes 2017 Update –

  • Good news: official endorsement of a SV leadership group (400 companies involved in this group).  This is an advocate group for government policy and because of the large donation needed for the AJ Robinson Van and this connects to help their efforts with lowering medical costs.  The announcement will go out to all the corporations in the next edition of their newsletter.

  • Interesting and/or Concerning News: Kent sees after contacting companies it looks like the marketing needs to go in from the top for the sponsorship and then the riders from there down. At the next marketing committee meeting, we need a corporate flyer for these leaders that is different than the flyer we give to riders to recruit.  Lion Mike R. thinks we need a standardized blurb for the event that we can send out to members to send out to their contacts in Linkd In or Facebook, etc.

Good of the Order:

  • New people on Board is good, Lion Ray thinks we should continue to get more people involved in the Board level.

  • Board needs to have the data and docs for all events.j

  • The 100 volunteers can get some Lion information in case it is interested.

Board Adjourned: 8:30