Board Meeting Minutes: July 2019

Regular Board Meeting: 6:30pm Tuesday, 16 July 2019
Location: Eliason-Ludlum Casa

Board Members Present: Leslye, Jen, Charles, Simran, Vijay, Jill, Al
Lions, Leos, Guests: Kent, Leo Ted, Sudha, Rahul (Vasanth), Khyathi.

Minutes: Meeting begins at 6:35.

Welcome, New Board, 2019-2020! On we go in Lionism — THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE ~

MV Leo Club Treasury Proposal; Events and IT; Leo Ted Chai, Lion Kent. Ted and the MV Leos do not have much financial leeway through school, but needs a 501C3 through our club to use for their own fundraising endeavors. The club was large last year, 200 members, but about 100 are active members. The members want to have a club who can be working on projects and being social at the same time. Large events cannot be funded through the school. The account has four points (see Lion Al for details). We are prohibited from giving them money ourselves, except for the annual registration for the club. How does this affect what we report to the IRS? This is restricted to Leo projects, but it would count as part of our reserves, so we have to make sure we don’t hold on to much of our reserves as we do now. The Leo charity account would be ridden out by the end of the fiscal year. A business plan, with a chart of accounts for admin. and charity.

Motion: Al motions that we allow the Leo Clubs be added into our accounting and IRS Franchise Tax board reporting. Jill seconds the motion.
Discussion: we do R4D under our EIN, but if we could get the Leo name on the check that would eliminate some confusion that has occurred with the R4D. What happens if funds don’t get spent by end of the year? There is no problem with the Leo club carrying a balance. So far it hasn’t been an issue for the Leos as far as dispersing the funds by the end of the year. Once this is set up, it would be good to have a quarterly update. The Leo rep/Treasurer would need to be present at the budget meeting. Unanimously approved.

R4D 2.1 Update: Sudha is on board since a week ago. She has been working on details and communicating with Kent and Sundar. The insurance letter is needed because our insurance ends at 9/1 and the event is on 9/8. The city of Cupertino needs more of an assurance. Ray was working on it, and Jeff will write the more official letter needed until the week our insurance comes through. Simran thinks they can go forward with the permits. Vijay thinks that we can renew early. No sales or profit, or alcohol, so it’s not a festival, which makes the permits easier to get. Marketing should start on Monday. Collaboration between R4D and MV Leos would be a great idea. Kathy was working on permits from the past, to see if we could get some money back. They need check numbers and other details: one was $500 and the other for $470. Vijay and Al can follow up and give the details to Kathy. Rahul was part of who helped get the grant for $10,000. The grant means that it must be a Cupertino event and we are allowed to keep any carry-over and use it for this year’s event. This can be marketed through the District to other Lions Clubs, it is on our website as an event as well. The list of the people who had already registered and our contact of them has not been resolved, because the list has not yet been found. Kathy is going to work on that. Kent pointed out that we should mention that the ride is scaled back so serious riders can make an informed decision. Vijay can see all the emails from the original list, and will forward to Sudha. When Andrea gets back they will make a trip to storage to use some of the signage. Ron Ahearn takes care of the storage, so he is a good resource. Lion Ray Lancon has set up the AJ Robinson Van for that day, but does he have the nurses. Committee will need help and will send out emails when they have a handle on what help is still needed.

Proposed Budget 2019-2020, Motion to Accept/Adopt: Vijay makes a motion to approve, Leslye seconds, no discussion, unanimously passed.

Crab Feed 2020 Date Decision: Sat., 8 February 2020: Lion Steve confirmed that the date is reserved with the church. Once we get the contract, we do give them a deposit. Charles makes the motion to proceed with that date, Jen seconds the motion. Unanimously approved.

Post-event Gratitude: Lions Charity Golf & Moffett Gift Cards. 16 $25 Golf Club Moffett Field gift cards. Proposal is to send them to various people who golfed or who are in our club. There is no restriction, but they do expire. It’s just a freeby, so it’s not part of our budget, etc. Vijay would like to regifting his to those people in the club who actually golf at Moffett, at the AM meeting. Lion Al’s motion is amended by Jeff and proposed to distribute the cards to worthy lions who will use them. Jen seconds, 5 yays, one abstention, passed.

Meeting Adjourned at 7:54.