Board Meeting Minutes for October 2016
Board Meeting Minutes: October 18, 2016
Fiscal Review: Club is in good financial shape; regarding income tax situation still waiting on their “45 days to think about it”. Al will take care of the taxes up to June 30, 2016. Vijay will be doing it for next year and has the red books for both accounts. The trends are that we are going up about $1,000.00. Portia Whiteted, donation from Foundation Account, Forward Edge through her church-$250.00 and Vijay will take care of that this week.
Omar’s Dream Run: less than a 50% turnout, but we haven’t heard what the net is and there is very little overhead for this event. Hopefully, they should do well. Lion Eli didn’t have enough help for the tables and truck. Next time, we need to make sure Eli has help and that the outpost could come after the tables and chairs in the pavilion. This is going national and they have even more hospitals and some in home systems, too.
Keeping track of volunteer hours: Dagi does the reporting and estimates from the events and what she reads in the minutes, we assume. The spreadsheets for each event could be improved. Dagi could send out an email about who worked events for how many hours.
Food Drive: Volunteer positions are filled for the food drive, many who are non-Lions, which we so appreciate. We can use this to recruit new members. He will get boxes from Uhaul at a price of $320.00. He will get those around Nov. 10th. Vijay got checks as donations at $185.00 for the drive. John thought another store could be added? But, transportation and the size of Oddfellows will make this difficult.
Board Only List Serve: Jill was the only one who got it from Al the day after so he will send it again. Look for it tomorrow.
Perpetual Fund: Bylaw history says that under article 4 directors, the board can put some of the perpetual funds into the endowment but can’t exceed 20% of each event for which it was raised. Article 5 says treasurer shall maintain a separate bank account for the endowment fund. Only the interest from this fund can be used. This is not currently set up. If we make a decision to put a significant amount of money in there, then we have to set up the bank account. We could use a CD instead. You can take the interest and we can rename it. We could earmark the CD with $10,000.00 as the perpetual fund. If we do this it will require a ratification from the membership. However, Bill feels that the Lions Club International would be better skilled to spend the money we would put in the endowment. But, if we had started this a long time ago, the build up eventually would really be able to help in a significant way. If we bank some, though, we have a fall back if we ever have a bleak year and we could still give where we usually do. The other benefit is that members can also leave money in their will. Vijay would say that we should look at the longevity of the club and this endowment does this. We should put a vote out to the members as an “advisory” vote-would they approve the board to allocate funds according to the bylaws. Motion was already made in 2010 to move money in this way. We have more than double the money that we had in 2010, so we need to adjust with the times. Vijay will find out what action needs to be taken to get this done. Take the existing CD and turn it in the endowment.
The Gant Chart: simplest is 49$ and others are more expensive. The idea is to come up with a visual for new members to show our time commitments and also how often they overlap. The circle chart that Charles brought uses inner and outer circles, with months, that would do this. This would be something to hand out. Can we do this ourselves or do we have to buy something? We can also put it on the website. Vijay will play around with it to see if it will work and bring an example to the next meeting.
Crab Feed Ticket Sales Policy-Al is motioning that the Crab feed tickets should remain reserved until January 3rd this year because we are cutting down 43 tickets per seating. 252 seats per seating. Motion Approved.
Silent Auction Team: Steve and Ellen want to step back from this responsibility after this crab feed and they would like someone who will shadow them, so that they can be done with it after this event. Jeff has pitched it to a few members, but no one is ready to take it on. It may be that eventually this part of our fundraising will not exist (depending on success of bike ride, sustainability of crab feed event, etc.). We have to report these to the IRS, and currently use a spreadsheet that Steve puts out. We need to put this out to the club to see if someone will begin to take it over this year from Steve and Ellen.
Bike Ride Funding: Al motions that we approve setting aside 2700 total for fundraiser, breaking down to 1400 for permits, 800 for website development, and 500 for insurance. These need to be paid in the here and now. Motion passed.
Bike Ride Collaboration: talking about the name of the event. “Gran Fondo Silicon Valley” another idea is to map the causes along the road “The Miracle Miles”. Maybe a combination of the two. Ask Sundar what he thinks of the branding. Ron is back, so we will see how the ADA meeting goes. “The Miracle Miles: Gran Fondo Silicon Valley” is another idea.
Meeting adjourned!