Board Meeting Minutes: December 2018

De Anza Lions Board Meeting: December 18, 2018

Meeting led by Lion Charles. Minutes by Lion Jill

Board Members Present: Jill, Charles, Andrea, Ray, Claire, Jen, Vijay, Jeff.
DAL Guests: Al, Kent

New Member Approval: Khyati Upadhyay and Venkatesan Ranganathan sponsored by Lion Liang. Motion made by Lion Jill to accept these members. Seconded by Lion Ray. Discussion is who are they and why do they want to be in the Lions. Unanimously approved. *If a new member would like approval between board meetings, an email discussion and vote can occur, once the application and check are received.

Crab Feed Update: Both seating is on track or ahead regarding numbers, but second seating the paid are fewer. Jan. 16th all ticket sales are first come, first serve. IF you have it reserved, you must get the money in or they will be put out for general purchase. Dishwasher deal is taken care of and the board really appreciates Lion Steve’s work on this-big BOARD thank you! There is no warranty, but we have a $3,000.00 dollar credit.

Fiscal Update: 6, 850 approx. in admin account, some of which was eaten by the Holiday Party, and we have 1,230 in dues owed by the club. The election volunteerism adds to that about 2,600. Charities Accounts: 115,000. It’s good to have three years of operating cash. Annual expenses are 35,000. Discussion of having an announcement when a check or a volunteer event has occurred. One way is to read the budget and to see the monthly report that Dagi submits about our club activity. Remember to let Vijay know when the charity that you are sponsoring, that is already in the budget, needs the check. 4,750.00 for Crab Feed submitted so far.

Election Donation: What to do with that money? This would normally go into the admin. account. Everyone should have a Lions club gear to wear at a volunteer event and we could use some of the money for that and put some in perpetual fund.

Motion made by Lion Ray to reserving $1,000 for Lions club gear. Claire seconded the motion. Discussion to maybe reduce the cost of the gear. Amendment to motion: during this fiscal year, a member can get $25.00 for a Lions club gear, as long as they are in good standing. Claire seconds the amendment. Motion Passed Unanimously.
Motion from Lion Ray made for the other $1,000 for the perpetual fund. Andrea seconded it. Discussion from Vijay is that he would rather see it moved at the end of the fiscal year. Charles agrees. Motion retracted.

*If you buy a Lions club gear item, submit the receipt to Lion Vijay, for a 25$ reimbursement.

5. Ride 4 Diabetes Update: Five new volunteers have joined the committee, two of them were approved as members for our club (see above). Kent reviewed each individual and what they are contributing to the ride. Some influential Cupertino people are maybe interested in joining which is great for connectivity. There are potential 13 people on the committee, but some will be co-chairs, rather than singly chairs. Simran is taking over permits, which is currently in progress. Kent is asking for a “walk” permit, which last year only had 4-5 people. He wanted to bring it to the Chamber of Commerce, so they can support that and bring in some major sponsors. Reasons are health, screening, reaching more of the population etc. but Kent is asking if they can just sign on with the registration fee and not the sponsorship side. No motion needed as this doesn’t require additional funding, but Kent has our support to bring it to the Chamber of Commerce. The board asks that the ride committee chair remind the subcommittee chairs of the budget, so they don’t go beyond what has already been approved and they know they won’t be reimbursed if it is out of the budget plan. Budget Update required by the Ride Committee at next meeting to show no new net costs for the walk and to show the treasurer that the ride is within budget.

6. Later Start Time: Andrea proposed it. Andrea makes a motion to have the board meeting at 7:00. Claire seconded the motion. After discussion, many members would find that time change difficult. Andrea withdraws the motion.

7. Lionism, Bylaws, and Politics:
Politics: to be clear that politics and Lionism are supposed to be separate. A number of people approached Jeff and said they were uncomfortable with some of the comments during the presentation at the Holiday Party. According to the bylaws this applies to meetings, but not social events. However, members and new members should be made aware by their sponsors of this bylaw.

Bylaws: trying to reduce the number of board members from 9. But in order to have a quorum we have to have 5. There is some clean up, but Al is working on it and Claire is happy to help. She has templates for the clubs corporation bylaws. LCIF puts out their own templates, too. Al and Claire will continue to work on this.

8. Good of the Order: Thank you to Lion Ray, and Barb, for hosting a great Holiday Party! Question of where to send donations: Checks can go to Vijay, and other De Anza Lions related business goes to Al’s house address. We discussed having a Cocktail or Brunch in January for new members and the board. This will take place on Sunday at 4:00 on January 13th at Andrea’s for cocktails and hors’ d’oeuvres for this event. We need someone who will step into Vijay’s shoes at the end of this year as the Treasurer. Al is going to cover him when the baby arrives for the remainder of this year. Charter Night is set at March 16th for the 50th Anniversary of our Club. We need to reemphasize the objectives of the AM/PM meetings. These are more for disseminating information, but the issues of an event or individual volunteerism, need to be communicated to the chair in charge of the event.