Board Meeting Minutes: August 2019
Regular Board Meeting: 6:30pm Tuesday, 20 August 2019
Meeting Called By: Lion Jeff Type of Meeting: Business Secretary: Lion Jill
Board Members: Leslye, Jeff, Jen, Al, Jill, Charles, Claire, Andrea Lions: Khyati
Minutes: Call to Order at 6:36
1. R4D Account vs General Charity Fund – all the revenue from last event went into the Ride for Diabetes account, all expenses came out of the charity fund. Al moves that we move $22, 548.11 from R4D to charity account to finalize reimbursement, Leslye seconds it. No discussions following the motion. Motion passed.
2. R4D 2.1 Update: discussion of where to advertise and emails to club and Leos for ride and volunteers. There are 25 riders signed up, we have 8 volunteers, and the Leos. The event is from 10-12, but 8:00 to 1:00 is when we have the area reserved. The signup for our club needs to come out ASAP sent to the whole club . Joan and Leslye are in charge of the AJ Robinson van and Ray has gotten the nurses. The insurance timing is still an issue.
3. Post-event Gratitude: Lions Charity Golf & Moffett Gift Cards – Lion Al. Al’s proposal from last time is approved. Andrea is on record for opposing. The vote was recorded in the July Board minutes.
4. Lion Sharleen Vigil – No dues paid, no initiation fee since 2017. Claire will contact her to see her status and that she owes $185.00 if she would like to continue.
Concern: new members should attend a meeting and some events before board approval, to see if the individual is really dedicated to the club.
5. Club Application for Sudha Kasamsetty –Tabled because of no application or check.
6. Omar’s Dream Run – October 20th. We will provide equipment, canopies, tables and chairs. Barb and Al will be the day of cash. The DG after the AM visit, he presented it as an example of how Lions support the fight against childhood cancer.
7. Date of 33rd Annual Golf classic: June 20th, unless there are any major obstacles that occur.
8. Wreaths Across America: 250$ Proposed Donation for Table at Golf Tournament – Discussion:The event is in 6 days. We have already given this organization $1,000. We have readily sponsored other organizations like that by buying a table. Jill makes the motion. Dies for lack of a second.
9. MV Leo Club Treasury Proposal; Events and IT: Al has communicated with Ted and they understand the process and the advisor understands this and has no problem with it.
10. Good of the Order:
Project Linus on October 17th at 6:30 at the Oddfellows Hall.
Leslye’s report from the cabinet meeting: membership shout outs and retention (focused and excited). “Boomerang” award for anyone who brings back old members. Online degrees for a PHD in Lionism, and there are seminars in Spokane, for example. District wants to confirm that all emails are correct.
Dr. Ann Lopez, who was at the PM meeting. She offered to do a farmworker reality tour for our club and families, which would be on a Sunday afternoon. Maybe even our Leos could be interested. There is no fee.
Andrea wants to know how the membership fees are broken down.
Al is wondering what Leslye and the Noone family would like to do with John’s Memorial Fund. Leslye and the family would like it donated to Canine Companions. A puppy graduation with any club members that would like to attend will be proposed.
Two new charities are in our budget: Home First (housing for the poor) the donation to the Milpitas, Service for Seniors and we don’t know who the sponsor is. We are checking with Dagi to see if she knows. Habitat for Humanity: who is distributing the check. Dandeli: the Secretary is in the area now, so we can issue a check to them now.
Lion Claire: My New Red Shoes, Dagi, Charles, passing out new shoes to these children. Claire will email her the check.