Entries by lionsatdeanzaclub

Regular AM Meeting Minutes, 3/25/2010

Version:1.0 StartHTML:0000000176 EndHTML:0000015243 StartFragment:0000003934 EndFragment:0000015207 SourceURL:file://localhost/Users/John/LionsDocuments/MM_032510(2).doc Cupertino DeAnza Lions Charities, Inc. Regular Meeting 3/25/2010 Lions Present: Lion Prez Ray, Phil, Bill, Al, Jim G, Eli, Ron, Kathy, Don, John N. John S. Herb, Steve, Kerry, Charlie, Ray G. and Kent Guests/Visitors: None Important dates –        PM Golf Meeting – April 7th – 5:30 Round Table […]

Meeting Minutes 10/29/2009

Cupertino DeAnza Lions Charities, Inc. Regular Meeting 10/29/2009 Lions Present: Lion Prez Ray, Phil, Bill, Ray G, Al, Jim G, Eli, John N., Herb, Kent, Steve, Charlie, Kathy, Mike, Cliff and Kerry Guests/Visitors: N/A Tail Twister: Lion Jim fined members who did not bring in their pull tabs. Dates to remember: – PM DeAnza Lions […]


Look who’s got new eyeglasses…

On January 15th, 2010, DeAnza Lions Kathy and Kerry took 2 middle school age students to LensCrafters® at the Westgate Shopping Center (San Jose) for an eye examination and prescription of eyeglasses, sponsored by DeAnza Lions Club. When the lion ladies arrived at the school to pick up the kids, they were warmly greeted by […]

DeAnza Lions get hearing aids for students

January 10, 2010 Esther Halwani, a counselor at DeAnza College Special Education Division, had a hearing-impaired student that needed new hearing aides. Abit Baral, a 19 year old exchange student from Nepal, had difficulties following his classes because his hearing was severely impaired. Esther Halwani located information on the Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) website […]

DeAnza Lions at the 2009 San Jose Christmas Holiday Parade

Members of the De Anza Lions joined forces with Lions clubs from around the area in the always fun annual “San Jose Holiday Parade”. This year we tethered a large helium balloon of the PBS cartoon character “Arthur” down the parade route. Arthur’s eye glasses, book and backpack symbolize programs supported by local and international […]