Entries by lionsatdeanzaclub

Board Meeting Minutes, 03/18/2015

CUPERTINO DEANZA LIONS CLUB, INC Board Meeting 7:30 pm, March 18, 2015 Knox Compound, 217 N Milton Ave, Campbell Members present: Lion Pres Jeff, Lions Steve, Bill, Al, Ron, Walt, and Ray. Financial Review: Crab Feed –       We are looking at ways to cut costs and still provide a high quality service next year. –       […]

AM Meeting Minutes, 03/12/2015

Lions Present: – Steve, Walt, Phil, Don, Bill, Al, Dagi, John S, Eli, Tom, Herb, John N, Ron, and Charlie. Guests: Sue Chen – District Executive, & Bobby Toda – District Community Chair, Silicon Valley Monterey Bay Council, Boy Scouts of America. Dates to Remember –  March 16th, 5:30 pm, Bingo, American Legion Hall, 2120 […]

Blanketeering Night 2015

About twenty of us turned out for the De Anza Lions’ 5th Annual Blanketeering night on March 5th. We had Lions, Leos, friends and family attend. Everyone pitched in, enjoyed an evening of warm and friendly companionship, and got some wonderful work done. There were fewer of us this year — a good number fewer, […]

AM Meeting Minutes, 03/05/2015

Lions Present: – Steve, Walt, Phil, Don, Bill, Al, Ann, Dagi, Mort, Eli, John N, Herb, Ron, and Charlie. Visitors: Sue Chen Dates to Remember –  March 5th, 6:30 pm, Project Linus, Odd Fellows Hall, 20589 West Homestead Rd, Cup. –  March 16th, 5:30 pm, Bingo, American Legion Hall, 2120 Walsh Ave, S.C., Lions Scott […]

AM Meeting Minutes, 02/26/2015

Lions Present: – Steve, Walt, Don, Bill, John S, Al, Dagi, Mort, Eli, John N, Herb, Ron, and Charlie. Dates to Remember –  March 5th, 6:30 pm, Project Linus, Odd Fellows Hall, 20589 West Homestead Rd, Cup. –  March 11th, 1:30 pm, Flag Day, Sutter School. –  March 16th, 5:30 pm, Bingo, American Legion Hall, […]

A.M. Meeting Minutes, 2/19/2015

Lions Present: – Ray, Walt, Phil, Don, Steve, Bill, Al, Tom, Herb, Kent, Ron, and Charlie. Visitors: Steve Hoy Dates to Remember –  March 5th, 6:30 pm, Project Linus, Odd Fellows Hall, 20589 West Homestead Rd, Cup. –  March 16th, 5:30 pm, Bingo, American Legion Hall, 2120 Walsh Ave, S.C., Lions Scott Ludlum and Pete […]

Board Meeting Minutes, 2/18/2015

Board Meeting 7:30 pm, February 18, 2015 Knox Compound, 217 N Milton Ave, Campbell Members present: Lion Pres Jeff, Lions Bernie, Vijay, Bill, Al, Ray, Walt, and Pete. NOTE: Next months meeting has been changed to Wednesday, Mar 18th. Financial Review: Crab Feed –       Bill for food from Fish Market was double that of last […]

AM Meeting Minutes, 2/12/2015

Lions Present: – Ray, Walt, Phil, Steve, Bill, Al, Eli, Herb, Kent, John N., Don, Ron, and Charlie. Visitors: None Dates to Remember –  Feb 16th, 5:30 pm, Bingo, American Legion Hall, 2120 Walsh Ave, S.C., Lions     Jenny Erickson and Bill Reed. –  Feb 17th, 7:30 pm, Board Meeting, Knox home, 217 N Milton Av, […]


Cupertino, February 6, 2015 – Grace Zhou, a student at Monta Vista High School, was awarded first place at DeAnza Lions’ Club 2015 Student Speaker Contest. Ms. Zhou was one of 5 high school students participating from the Fremont Union High School District who took part in the event held at the Jesuit Retreat Center […]

A.M. Meeting Minutes, 2/5/2015

Lions Present: – Ray, Walt, Phil, Steve, Bill, Don, Al, Herb, Kent, John N., and Ron. Visitors: None Dates to Remember –  Feb 16th, 5:30 pm, Bingo, American Legion Hall, 2120 Walsh Ave, S.C., Lions     Jenny Erickson and Bill Reed. –  Feb 17th, 7:30 pm, Board Meeting, Knox home, 217 N Milton Av, Campbell. –  […]