AM Meeting Minutes for 8/22/2019
Lions Present: Lion’s Ray, Ron, Phil, Steve, Al, Bill, Mort, Eli, Herb, Leslye, Joan, Kent, and Charlie.
Dates to Remember:
September 8th Ride4Diabetes 10 AM -1 PM.
November 23-25 Thanksgiving Food Drive
February 8th Crab Feed
Visitors – None
Guests – None
Tail Twister – Tail Twister Herb went around and collected Happy Dollar’s from various Lion’s. Lion Eli gave a Happy dollar for Stephen Curry funding the golf program at Howard University. Lion Eli also talked about the Perpetual Fund at S.F. State and how the club could also raise funds for our perpetual fund. He mentioned that Lion Bill and Lion Phil has donated funds equal to their age to the perpetual fund for the last couple years. Lion Eli also said that Lion Steve and Lion Joan have also donated to the perpetual fund.
Board Meeting Review – Lion Al said the Board discussed :
R4D Account vs General Charity Fund – all the revenue from last event went into the Ride for Diabetes account, all expenses came out of the charity fund. Al moves that we move $22, 548.11 from R4D to charity account to finalize reimbursement, Leslye seconds it. No discussions following the motion. Motion passed.
R4D 2.1 Update: discussion of where to advertise and emails to club and Leos for ride and volunteers. There are 25 riders signed up, we have 8 volunteers, and the Leos. The event is from 10-12, but 8:00 to 1:00 is when we have the area reserved. The signup for our club needs to come out ASAP sent to the whole club . Joan and Leslye are in charge of the AJ Robinson van and Ray has gotten the nurses. The insurance timing is still an issue.
Omar’s Dream Run – October 20th. We will provide equipment, canopies, tables and chairs. Barb and Al will take care of registration and cash donations for the day. The DG after the AM visit, he presented it as an example of how Lions support the fight against childhood cancer.
Date of 33rd Annual Golf classic: June 20th, unless there are any major obstacles that occur.
Monta Vista Leo Club Treasury Proposal; Events and IT: Al has communicated with Ted and they understand the process and the advisor understands this and has no problem with it.
Al asked what Lion Leslye and the Noone family would like to do with John’s Memorial Fund. Leslye and the family would like it donated to Canine Companions. A puppy graduation with any club members that would like to attend will be proposed.
Two new charities are in our budget: Home First (housing for the poor) the donation to the Milpitas Service for Seniors. Habitat for Humanity: who is distributing the check.
Lions Club of Dandeli: the Secretary is in the area now, so we can issue a check to them now.
Lion Claire: My New Red Shoes, Dagi, Charles helped pass out new shoes to these children. Claire will email her the check.
Cabinet Meeting – Lion Leslye and Lion Phil attended the District Cabinet meeting. Lion Leslye said the meeting was very informational and that everyone should attend at least one meeting. She said that the main focus was on retaining members and getting new members. Lion Leslye also talked about:
The district also has training classes on various topics on the third Saturday of every month.
She also mentioned that the next District Convention will be held on May 14 – 20, 2020 in Santa Maria, CA.
The Student Peace Poster contest must be in by October 1, 2019
It was also stated that the President of our Leo Club is also the new Leo District President.
Ride4Diabetes – Lion Al said the sign up sheet for volunteers will be out soon. Lion Don said members of the Odd Fellows tried to sign up for the ride and had difficulty signing up. Lion Ray talked about the AJ Robinson van and what kind of testing besides diabetes will be needed and that he would need three nurses to work the van from 8:30 to 12:30. Lion Kent said there was concern about the misinformation on the website that needs to be corrected. Lion Al said that if the flyer has misinformation and is a liability to the club so the flyer needs to have correct information. It was also mentioned that we need to get the District involved.
Good of the Order –
Lion Joan said she attended the “My Red Shoes” along with Lion’s Dagi, Claire, and Charles. She said it was a little chaotic. The program is to help needy children start school with new shoes helping them feel good.
Lion Eli asked what he should do with the BBQ Barrel left over from the golf auction. He said the barrel has been on eBay for a couple of weeks with no takers. It was suggested that we lower the price. Other options are to keep it for the crab feed auction. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Lion Leslye said the next Project Linus will be held on Oct. 17, 2019 at 6:30 PM at the Odd Fellows Hall in Cupertino.
Opportunity Drawing – Congratulations Lion Mort won.
Respectfully submitted by:
Lion Ron Ahearn