AM Meeting Minutes for 8/15/2019
Lions Present: Lion’s Ray, Ron, Phil, Don, Steve, Al, Bill, Dagi, Mort, Eli, Herb, Leslye, Joan, Kent, and Charlie.
Dates to Remember:
August 20th Board Meeting 6:30 PM Lion Al’s Home
September 8th Ride4Diabetes 10 AM -1 PM.
November 23-25 Thanksgiving Food Drive
February 8th Crab Feed
Visitors – None
Guests – Dennis Whitaker
Dennis talked about the upcoming Wreath’s Across America and that they will have two marines talking at the presentation. Dennis also talked about their golf tournament in support of the veterans memorial in Cupertino.
Tail Twister – Tail Twister Herb went around and collected Happy Dollar’s from various Lion’s. Lion Joan gave a happy dollar for getting her air conditioner fixed.
Lion Eli gave a happy dollar for the visit from Dennis Whitaker and the solar and A/C he has.
LCI – Lion Ray said that Lion Kent and Lion Liang both received Presidential awards from LCI for their participation in community events. Lion Ray also announced that there will be an event at the San Martin Lions Club to help clean up the meeting building and park in San Martin this Saturday August 17, 2019.
Cabinet Meeting – Lion Leslye and Lion Phil attended the District Cabinet meeting. Lion Leslye said the meeting was very informational and that everyone should attend at least one meeting. She said that the main focus was on retaining members and getting new members. Lion Leslye also talked about:
The district also has training classes on various topics on the third Saturday of every month.
She also mentioned that the next District Convention will be held on May 14 – 20, 2020 in Santa Maria, CA.
The Student Peace Poster contest must be in by October 1, 2019
It was also stated that the President of our Leo Club is also the new Leo District President.
Ride4Diabetes – Lion Al said the sign up sheet for volunteers will be out soon. Lion Don said members of the Odd Fellows tried to sign up for the ride and had difficulty signing up. Lion Ray talked about the AJ Robinson van and what kind of testing besides diabetes will be needed and that he would need three volunteers to work the van. Lion Kent said there was concern about the misinformation on the website that needs to be corrected. Lion Al said that if the flyer has misinformation and is a liability to the club so the flyer needs to have correct information. It was also mentioned that we need to get the District involved.
Good of the Order –
Lion Ray said that we need to advertise our club more like in the Cupertino Courier and associated news papers.
Lion Ray said he talked with Gregory Tappas at the Fish Market and thanked him for the continued support of the Crab Feed. Greg also said he would like to know about the Golf Tournament as he and others would like to participate.
Lion Joan asked about our clubs involvement in Lions in Sight. Lion Al said that we have $3,000 in the budget for that effort and that Lion Steve and Ellen are at the fore front of the vision project.
Lion Leslye said the next Project Linus will be held on Oct. 17, 2019 at 6:30 PM at the Odd Fellows Hall in Cupertino.
Opportunity Drawing – Congratulations Lion Don won.
Respectfully submitted by:
Lion Ron Ahearn