AM meeting minutes for 7/26/2018
Cupertino DeAnza Lions Charities, Inc.
Lions Club of DeAnza Corporation A.M. Meeting Minutes 7/26/2018
Lions Present: Lion’s Ray, Ron, Phil, Don, Steve, Bill, Al, Liang, Joan, Kent, and Charlie.
Dates to Remember –
– September 8, 2018 Ride4Diabetes
– Thanksgiving Food Drive November 17, 18, and 19th. – February 9, 2019 Crab Feed
Tail Twister – Lion Tail Twister Temp lion Kent received a Happy Dollar from Lion Steve for his new Tesla car. Lion Joan rolled the dice for her Birthday and rolled an eight for a $6.40 donation to the club.
Correction to Board Meeting – I stated in last weeks review of the Board Meeting minutes that the installation of the new Cupertino De Anza Lions Officers would be at the August PM meeting. I was informed that this was not the case and that the BOARD/OFFICERS INSTALLATION will not be this month (August). Working to confirm availability of our Special Guest Lion.
Lions in Sight – Lion Ray said the club has collected 655 pairs of glasses this last month, so far this year we have collected 6,576 pairs of glasses. Lion Phil said the cases we get with the glasses that the insight program does not use he gives to the Salvation Army. Lion Ray said the Insight program in Vallejo is still going strong.
Ride4Diabetes – Lion Joan said the Ride4Diabetes has rescheduled the date for May 5, 2019. This is partly due to the Diabetes Association moving their “Tour de Cure” ride to August which would conflict with ours. This will also give us more time for marketing and getting big name sponsors. Lion Ray said he would can- cel the AJ Robinson van for September 8, 2018 so that others clubs who might want to use it for that date can book it. He will reschedule it for May 5, 2019.
Good of the Order – Lion Ray said that Lion Mike Ringer needs a co-chair for our Lions Charity Golf Tournament. It was also brought up that we might want to move the date of the tournament but we need to talk with Lion Mike, Lion Eli, and Lion Pat Coppe to see if it conflicts with other things going on at that time. He also mentioned that Lion Carl needs a co-chair for the upcoming Crab Feed in February. These are very important fund raising events for the club and we need volunteers to help with these efforts.
Lion Ray talked about someone taking over the effort that Lion Steve and Ellen have been doing with the silent auction and raffle items for our crab feed and golf tournament. Lion Kent suggested that we spread out the effort to every club member by giving each member 2-4 company contacts and an instruction sheet so one person would not have to do it all.
Lion Don Lang talked about ordering the De Anza Lions Community Service magnetic signs for our vehicles, so that when we use our vehicles during our var- ious fund raising events it promotes the club to our community. Lion Ray said that he would bring it up to the board at the next meeting.
Lion Phil talked about the pull tabs that we collect and said the normal amount has decreased. So everyone we need to drink more sodas and beer for the pull tabs.
Opportunity Drawing – Congratulations to winner Lion Kent.
Respectfully submitted by, Lion Ron Ahearn