AM Meeting Minutes for 6/27/2019
Lions Present: Lion’s Ray, Ron, Phil, Steve, Al, Dagi, Bill, Mort, Eli, Kent, Linda, and Charlie.
Dates to Remember –
– After Golf Tournament Party July 13, 2019 Lion Leslie’s Home
– Ride 4 Diabetes September 8, 2019
Tail Twister – Lion Eli gave a Happy dollar for the City of Cupertino giving the Cupertino De Anza Lions a $10,000 grant for the upcoming Bike Ride. Lion Kent and others for a successful golf tournament. Lion Steve rolled the dice for his birthday and followed Lion Phil’s tradition of giving a dollar a year for his age so he gave $76, thank you Lion Steve. Lion Bill rolled the dice for his birthday and rolled a 3 and gave three dollars, he said if he gave a dollar for each year he is old 93 he would be broke.
Golf Tournament – Lion Ray wanted thank everyone who helped in making this years golf tournament a successful one. Lion Al said currently we made $12, 848.12. He is still waiting on counting the raffle money counted and asked if anyone has any outstanding receipts to please turn them into him so he can close out the books on the tournament. Lion Eli said there was no bids on the BBQ Barrel and Lion Scott put it on Craigs list and has not received any bids yet. Lion Ray sent out a request for comments on the golf tournament and asked everyone to do so if they have any. Comments were made that the raffle went too slow so that is something we will have to improve on. Lion Eli said a couple of the managers of the course said that it was the best run tournament that they had hosted.
There was an issue with the sound system in that we did bot have a speaker inside the bar so participants could not hear what was going on for the raffle and other announcements, Lion Steve said he could put one in there next year. It was suggested that we have a Golf committee chair person and chairs for the various items that need to be accomplished with several meeting thought out the year. Lion Al said he has 16 – $25 and 1 – $10 gift certificate from the golf course and several ideas were discussed on how to give them out. Lion Charlie said that maybe we could have Hot Dogs instead of or in combination with the Hamburgers next year since some individuals don’t care for hamburgers. Lion Al said he would talk with Lion Claire about the after party sign up sheet as some members say they cannot access it and they don’t want to sign up with google to get access.
Ride4Diabetes – Things are looking up for the ride in September but Lion Al said we need to look at the terms and conditions on the $10,000 grant from the city. Lion Ray said thank you to the new members who are running the bike ride for their support and guidance.
Good of the Order – Lion Al said Lion Phil wanted to bring up supporting Home 1st of Santa Clara County a non-prophet 501C3 that provides shelter year round for homeless in the north valley with the facility being in Sunnyvale. Lion Ray said he would talk with West Valley Services to see if they support the homeless facility.
Respectfully submitted by,
Lion Ron Ahearn